Deathspell Omega - New Album Coming Out Next Week
Stand witness to The Long Defeat! Hearken to the first emanation of the third era of Deathspell Omega. 44 minutes of black metal enacted through five instalments. Recorded live by the French power trio in July 2021.
The Long Defeat unfolds over three parallel storylines told via three different mediums. Two in writing: the lyrics, as well as a fable. The third speaks through the artwork - two metres’ worth of maniacally detailed visions depicting the same premise its written content draws from. All three are fundamentally entwined but diverging in narrative, each complementing or contradicting the others.
The Long Defeat unfolds over three parallel storylines told via three different mediums. Two in writing: the lyrics, as well as a fable. The third speaks through the artwork - two metres’ worth of maniacally detailed visions depicting the same premise its written content draws from. All three are fundamentally entwined but diverging in narrative, each complementing or contradicting the others.
The Long Defeat tracklist:
01. Enantiodromia
02. Eadem, Sed Aliter
03. The Long Defeat
04. Sie Sind Gerichtet!
05. Our Life Is Your Death
01. Enantiodromia
02. Eadem, Sed Aliter
03. The Long Defeat
04. Sie Sind Gerichtet!
05. Our Life Is Your Death
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Bad English Tage Westerlund |
15.03.2022 - 22:35
French power trio hehe, Macry, Holy and Sarky. Nuclear power trio are better
---- I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens. Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die" I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
Summit Posts: 10 |
Rupert |
TheShadow |
16.03.2022 - 05:22
March 23rd
TheShadow |
16.03.2022 - 05:23
Pre-order options available:
megaprotestandme |
16.03.2022 - 06:09 Written by Summit on 16.03.2022 at 00:25 Totally. Also reminds me of Insomnium - Winter's Gate.
DimitrisKupris Posts: 53 |
16.03.2022 - 10:15
Wow.. that was out of a sudden! Very pleasant surprise!
mz Account deleted |
16.03.2022 - 15:42 mz
Account deleted
I expect more backlash given that they have not done much to prove that they are not Nazi scumbags.
Karlabos |
16.03.2022 - 15:45 Written by [user id=110592] on 16.03.2022 at 15:42 Also because dissonant black is currently overused and it's gonna feel like a deathspell omega clone
---- "Aah! The cat turned into a cat!" - Reimu Hakurei
mz Account deleted |
Account deleted Written by Karlabos on 16.03.2022 at 15:45 Yeah I think it is fair to assume that it will not be musically revolutionary. I highly doubt that they can ever live up to the legacy of their mid-2000s again. However, people would not hate a band and refuse to review them just because they are generic and past their prime.
TheBigRossowski |
16.03.2022 - 22:06 Written by [user id=110592] on 16.03.2022 at 15:42 Well, I for one am not privy to any of this ugh, ugh, complex, ugh, stuff, man. Apparently, new "stuff" has come to light. I'm looking forward to the release but now you've peaked my curiosity.
---- That rug really tied the room together, did it not?
TheShadow |
17.03.2022 - 00:57 Written by [user id=110592] on 16.03.2022 at 15:42 may want to do more research on this, as the band members responsible for the songwriting (2 out of 3) were interviewed back in 2019 and offered clarification on lyrical inspiration as well as political ideologies. Hence, if you're one to only assume to have believed some ignorant source like the Banger TV album review channel (making a quick assumption there), then yes, there's more reliable information from the sources themselves. Long story short, only the vocalist has ties to NSBM, not the songwriters.
TheShadow |
17.03.2022 - 00:59 Written by TheBigRossowski on 16.03.2022 at 22:06 Also, the below is taken from the band's wikipedia page, which is also from the 2019 interview link I shared. Without naming any of their members directly, the band also confirmed suspicions of an ideological rift within the band, noting, "A minority of the collective’s contributors – shall we say, parts of the second circle – who’ve been invited to partake because of their incredible talents as musicians are involved with earthly politics, but stand on completely opposite ends of the political spectrum and are therefore irreconcilable political foes." However, they noted that the music and lyrics were authored by the "French core of the collective". This clarification was made in the wake of backlash against Deathspell Omega due to their long time collaboration with Mikko Aspa who has long been accused of having connections and links with various NSBM acts from a myriad of European metal scenes.
Starvynth i c deaf people Staff |
17.03.2022 - 01:27 Written by TheShadow on 17.03.2022 at 00:57 Quote: Source: Mikko Aspa interviewing the French section of DsO long before he became a member Still confident that your research was thorough and without bias?
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mz Account deleted |
Account deleted Written by TheShadow on 17.03.2022 at 00:57 I think you need to do more research and read the interview that the core members had with Mikko, where they supported the genocidal actions of Nazi Germany. Oh Starvynth has already quoted you on this, and you can check the interview easily. Now I don't think it is impossible for once-nazi ppl to get partial redemption if 1- they confess they were a bunch of angry misfits and losers when they supported killing millions of innocent ppl and 2- they stablish that they have grown out of that phase. With DsO offering pretentious psedu- intellectualism instead of proper answer regarding their ideology, I am not willing to consider them as anything but garbage human beings.
mz Account deleted |
17.03.2022 - 03:25 mz
Account deleted Written by Starvynth on 17.03.2022 at 01:27 Thanks. It would have been very difficult for me to post this using my phone ![]()
koob Posts: 370 |
17.03.2022 - 09:19 Written by Starvynth on 17.03.2022 at 01:27 I believe it's Shaxul answering the interview, not Hasjarl And anyway, let's not forget it's a 22 years old interview of angsty teenage edgelord as well, talking about this is like people saying Neige is nazi Seeing their recent interviews, I believe the "new" DsO is the opposite of this, but they enjoy the ambiguity
RaduP CertifiedHipster Staff |
Written by koob on 17.03.2022 at 09:19 Neige specifically came out against nazi ideology in response to his time in Peste Noire, nor is he still working with any of them. DsO never did any of that and they're still making music with Aspa.
---- Do you think if the heart keeps on shrinking One day there will be no heart at all?
Starvynth i c deaf people Staff |
Written by koob on 17.03.2022 at 09:19 Maybe. But maybe it's the case that the band has united individuals who ideologically fit together very well right from the start? And I think that's much more likely than grandiloquent and pseudo-intellectual stories about converted ex-fascists who just happen to have to work with a still-Nazi out of their mutual love for art. The members of DsO are many things (musicians, businessmen, scumbags...), but they are not stupid. They know very well that by glorifying Nazi ideology you can reach the very fanbase you feel connected to and want to reach. But they know just as well that the zeitgeist is different than it was 20 years ago and that you can sell a lot more albums now if you sweep your old beliefs under the rug and trust in the naivety of your new fanbase. The fact that there are still people who fully defend this band despite their more than dubious statements and connections to the NS scene only shows that the math works. If they at least had the guts to apologize for what they said 20 years ago, I might still buy their alleged purification and ideological U-turn, but in my view their current approach is nothing but outrageous hypocrisy.
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koob Posts: 370 |
17.03.2022 - 10:55 Written by RaduP on 17.03.2022 at 10:12 Fair enough about them still making music with Aspa They have came out about nazi accusations in their interview though
koob Posts: 370 |
17.03.2022 - 10:58 Written by Starvynth on 17.03.2022 at 10:55 I don't agree at all but I understand your point
TheBigRossowski |
18.03.2022 - 08:10 Written by TheShadow on 17.03.2022 at 00:59 Thanks, man. I don't often spend enough time reading this stuff. It's nice just being back on metalstorm so often. Though now you mention it, the guitarist from Horna did tell me years back at Kings of Black Metal in Germany about the oddities of Mikko Aspa. I mean... very odd, like collecting jars of his own ejaculation... ![]()
---- That rug really tied the room together, did it not?
Vombatus Potorro |
Starvynth i c deaf people Staff |
Written by koob on 17.03.2022 at 10:58 Thanks, I appreciate that. However, the above excerpt from the interview is more than just a youthful folly for me, especially because there has never really been a clear distancing from what was said. Instead, 20 years later Aspa is still there and they are still flirting with NS imagery and the idea of a social palingenesis through (racial) cleansing. That's why I can't really see a radical shift in ideology from DsO then to DsO now. But it's perfectly okay to have a different view, because the formation of opinion depends on many factors. For example, you're a fan of DsO, but I'm not, and my personal interest in the band's music is next to none. I don't have to defend the band, I don't need to challenge my conscience, and I don't feel the urge to justify my musical taste, and that's a very comfortable position. On the other hand, I believe that die-hard fans don't always have this neutral starting point and the default stance can then only be a defensive position, excluding any other opinion by default. I always find it very regrettable when musical taste has the power to affect personal perceptions to such an extent, but I guess that's just the way it is. Also, I'll never understand why people who loudly propagate the separation of the art from the artist are more often than not the first ones to take personal offense when their favourite artists are rightfully being criticised for their condemnable statements. Or maybe it's just that I never really understood the basic concept of being a fan, who knows? But what I am really trying to say is that while I am convinced that DsO are still fascists, that says nothing about you or anyone else who is a fan of their music. And just to make it clear, your level-headed responses indicate that you do not belong to the described group of fans who take any criticism of their favourite band as a personal insult. Thank you for that.
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Zap |
23.03.2022 - 15:45 Written by TheBigRossowski on 16.03.2022 at 22:06 They were Nazis, Dude?
TheBigRossowski |
28.03.2022 - 18:57 Written by Zap on 23.03.2022 at 15:45 Niiiice lol
---- That rug really tied the room together, did it not?
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