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Hellfest Open Air 2008 - Clisson, France, 22nd June 2008

Written by: Jeff, Baz Anderson, Lucas, FreakyMarge, Darkside Momo, Ivor, Deadsoulman, ylside
Published: July 28, 2008
Event: Hellfest Summer Open Air 2008 (Website)
Location: Complexe Du Val De Moine, Clisson, France


Hellfest Open Air - Clisson, France, 20th-22nd June 2008 by Baz Anderson (195)
Hellfest Open Air - Clisson, France, 20th-22nd June 2008 by FreakyMarge (179)
Hellfest Summer Open Air 2008 - Clisson, France, 20-22.06.2008 by Ivor (171)
Hellfest Open Air - Clisson, France, 20th-22nd June 2008 by Darkside Momo (157)
Hellfest Open Air - Clisson, France, 20th-22nd June 2008 by Jeff (233)

Hellfest Summer Open Air Festival, Clisson, France, 20/21/22 June 2008

Sunday 22th
Jeff: Unfortunately it was already the last day of the festival. When you live through a festival, the Sunday is always a special day, with the bigger bands but also with "the end". But when we had a look at the line up, it was quite impossible to be disappointed by this day and with sunny weather it was a perfect way to conclude Hellfest 2008.

Between The Buried And Me
Municipal Waste
Ghost Brigade
Rose Tattoo
The Dillinger Escape Plan
At The Gates
Dying Fetus
My Dying Bride
Morbid Angel
Sunday conclusion


Momo:Misanthrope is a love or hate affair (mostly hate in fact), so there weren't many people for their show which opened this last day. They directly started with l'Ecume des Chouans, an apt choice for sure (Clisson is really close to the Vendée, where the song's story took place more than 200 years ago). The setlist was well balanced between old and new stuff, from Visionnaire with Bâtisseurs de Cathédrales up to their latest album Irrémédiable with Les Retourneurs de Pierres.
The good aspect in seeing Misanthrope live is that the irritating, baroque aspects of their music are overall less important, so it's certainly better for almost everyone. And all could see that Jean-Jacques Moréac is an impressively good bass player.

Band Galleries:
Marge: Misanthrope gallery
Momo: Misanthrope gallery

Between The Buried And Me
Jupitreas: Considering how important a band BTBAM is right now and how popular they are in the States, it was surprising to me to see them being the very first band to play on the last day of Hellfest. The pure quality of their show confirmed my bafflement since they were incredibly enjoyable live. Whereas on the records the various more melodic, atmospheric and weird elements of the band's music often get lost amongst the overwhelming extremity and brutality of BTBAM's default style, in a live setting those passages gain much more prominence and reveal the the band's music as having much more in common with ambitious prog than with aggressive metalcore. Not sure what to expect, I approached the show expecting extremity, mosh pits and hardcore dancing; however, I was pleasantly surprised to witness a band that relies on finesse and dynamics to take the audience on a journey that is more intellectual than primal. This band deserved a show later in the day with a larger audience.

Municipal Waste
Jupitreas: Municipal Waste was a total disappointment to me. Overhyped as hell, the crossover revivalists were sloppy and uninspired live. The good times that their performances are supposed to be inciting on a regular basis were not apparent to me at all. Instead, the band excelled neither in the energetic aggressive catharsis of their hardcore side nor in the more controlled, methodical brutality of thrash metal. It seemed to me that the band tried to fill the void of their diluted focus with all kinds of motivating banter; however, it failed to impress me in any capacity. For those who have not experienced an Anthrax or Sick Of It All show in their lives, Municipal Waste might seem like a big deal, but in reality they aren't.

Barry: American party animals Municipal Waste woke up any remaining sleeping audience members with their crossover thrash metal. Again, having very recently seen the band they were unable to make such a good impression on me as I waited for them to finish. Party animals in the audience however seemed to have a brilliant time, but there is only so much one-tracked crossover thrash one person can take.

Band Galleries:
Marge: Municipal Waste gallery
Barry: Municipal Waste gallery

Marge: ETHS wasn't initially planned for the Hellfest, and replaced Soilwork which was cancelled for planning reasons. Far from being rejected or ignored, the band attracted some of their true fans, and the rest of the pit was full as well. I found their show very professional and much more powerful than I would have expected. I think that seeing ETHS live is a perfect way to discover them, they clearly are passionate about what they are doing, and put a lot of energy and feelings into their playing. The charismatic Candice is a great mix of aggressiveness and softness, coldness and passion. She plays a lot with her audience, and knows what to do to captivate them. The alchemy is working, and if you're interested in inspired hardcore with specific atmospheres, you should take a look at this French band. Like they mentioned on their website, they haven't said their last word?

Band Gallery:
Marge: ETHS gallery

Barry:: Reunited speed/thrash metallers Forbidden were the next interesting band and after a mediocre start gained speed and confidence and by the end of the set had the audience in their hands as they played their double bass laden, Judas Priest "Painkiller" style speed metal, with different style vocals of course. Most material from their first two albums, it was a pleasant and successful return to the live stage and I genuinely hope to see and hear more from this band as they finished having leaving nothing but good impressions on us all.

Momo: Another good thrash show with the reunion of Forbidden. As most forty years old thrashers, they weren't running everywhere on stage, but their show was energic nonetheless. They played songs only from their two best albums, the first two : Forbidden Evil (Off The Edge, Chalice of Blood?) and Twisted Into Form (Twisted Into Form?), all of which prompted good response from the crowd. Even if said crowd was not very big (another band quite unknown in France).

Band Galleries:
Barry: Forbidden gallery
Jeff: Forbidden gallery

Ghost Brigade
Momo: A new band from Finland, Ghost Brigade plays some pretty unique stuff, which can loosely be compared to a cross between Cult Of Luna and Anathema or Katatonia. So melancholic and atmospheric it was; pretty heavy at times too.
This show, their first in France, was a good one, during which they played their first (and so far only) album Guided By Fire nearly completely. However, their rock background shows in their attitude on stage, especially for Manne Ikonnen, the singer. It seems he didn't know how to react to an overactive audience, and so he was quite awkward. Or maybe he's just really shy?

Band Gallery:
Momo: Ghost Brigade

Rose Tattoo
Barry:: Angry and Rose Tattoo always have something to say live and this day was no different. The hard rocking Australians put on a long-feeling set of real rock 'n' roll class as they always do with both old and some new songs from the most recent album thrown in there as well for good measure. The audience reacted probably the best I have ever seen an audience for Rose Tattoo, and this being the last tour Rose Tattoo undertake for a good few years I am glad I got to see them so many times and I am sure a few people who saw them feel the same way also.

Band Gallery:
Jeff: Rose Tattoo gallery

Collin: I kind of feared they would have a crap sound which would make their set unbearable. First, the sound proved to be brilliant. Second, this concert was the musical equivalent of being hit by a big truck launched at full speed. This was undoubtedly the most brutal show of the fest, and probably the most brutal I've ever seen. It was funny to notice the few seconds of silence at the end of every song before the audience got their bearings again and started applauding and screaming. But beyond the brutal element, what was most amazing was the technical prowesses of the musicians. They spent forty-five minutes playing at the speed of light some of the most incredibly technical metal and did that with such an ease... Watching the bass player almost dislocate his wrists was something to remember. This was seriously exhausting to behold. In my top 5 of the festival.

Barry:: And now for something completely different. Origin have recently exploded with popularity and pulled quite a large crowd under the tent of the Discover stage. Whatever your opinion is of the band, they play extraordinarily fast on CD and they play just as fast live. The problem with Origin is that most songs sound exactly the same as each other, their albums are a little monotonous and the only thing that really sets them apart from other death metal bands is their drummer. That is pretty much how the live show went, I have never seen a show with so many bass drum hits per song as with this Origin show. They must have broken some kind of world record with this show or something - it is crazy. Just like their studio albums, they are highly impressive and even more so live, but a little samey; not so much live, but it is still there.

Band Gallery:
Barry: Origin gallery

The Dillinger Escape Plan
Jupitreas: Although playing relatively early during the day, Dillinger was easily one of the biggest bands playing in all of Hellfest. Their show was a mixed bag. The aggressive and chaotic parts were very successfully executed; however, mainly due to the vocalist's poor control of his clean voice, most of those alternative and melodic passages that are so memorable on a record were less than impressive in a live setting. Granted, so insanely frantic were the extreme passages that it was easy to overlook the band's shortcomings within their more subtle delivery; however, this does not change the fact that the show was flawed. Is Dillinger's spark slowly burning out? Lets hope this was just an off day for them.

Momo: I just went in the photographer's pit to take a few shot, and? Wow! They didn't move, it seems, as they used to be, but just seeing them made adrelin rush all throught my body ! Now that was something, for sure?

Band Galleries:
Ivor: The Dillinger Escape Plan gallery
Jeff: The Dillinger Escape Plan gallery
Momo: The Dillinger Escape Plan gallery

Barry:: Extremely popular these days, the idea of seeing Meshuggah live is quite an interesting one regarding how they would translate the technical math metal of the albums to the live environment. Well, they play the material well enough as you would expect, but the crushing force of the album versions such as of the song "Bleed" from the new album do not sound as bludgeoning live as we may like. This kind of drew part the of appeal of seeing Meshggah away from their set and after a while it all got rather repetitive.

Momo: Just WOW. Straight, precise to the point of perfection, but how the hell can they play a song live exactly as they recorded it? Of course, their stage show was quite static (except for some good headbanging, of course), but Jens Kidman made up for it, with his hallucinated looks, stage presence and spasmodic movements.
However, I didn't see the whole show, because I couldn't miss Primordial either, who started they set under the discover stage before the end of Meshuggah's one.

Band Galleries:
Marge: Meshuggah gallery
Momo: Meshuggah gallery

Lucas: Their latest two albums, "The Gathering Wilderness" and "To The Nameless Dead", have surely done nothing but good things for this band. The discover tent was completely packed and there were a lot of flags from various countries flying high. The sound was good, the band was energetic and especially vocalist Naihmass Nemtheanga had a very charismatic stage presence. The sound was loud but well balanced and of course the songs, mainly from the last two albums, got the crowd going like mad. Especially the parts where the crowd could sing along, and those were plenty, were great to hear sung by a massive crowd and a passionate vocalist with a great throat. "I'm a heathen, searching for his soul."

Momo: An excellent show with great response from the packed crowd. The Irish were awaited for by many people, and it's sure that their last album To The Nameless Dead is really good. They even started to get some recognition here in France, and so they played four songs out of it (see setlist).
The band's visual show rests solely on Alan Nemtheanga's shoulders, and he is up to the task, stirring emotions and making the crowd yell at his pleasure. Around him, the musicians just concentrated on playing, to let the music speak for themselves. And while the albums are emotionnaly quite intense, this is magnified in a live setting?

Setlist :
Empires Fall
As Rome Burns
Traitor's Gate
The Coffin Ships
Heathen Tribes
Gods To The Godless

Band Gallery:
Momo: Primordial gallery

Ylside: All the way from Tampa,Florida, the mighty Xecutioners ! Obituary was among my "MUST SEE IF NOT DIE MISERABLY IN SHAME" list. From the DVD I've seen and the clips available on the net, I was expecting a great show from these groovy mid-paced death metal masters. As a matter of fact, the show was indeed excellent, and I got a hard slap on the face, seeing one of my favourite death metal acts. As most of you might know, the new Obituary album features Ralph Santolla on guitars with his fast shredding solos, the good thing is, Mr. Santolla blessed even old songs with his shredding ! The result was great, solos brought some fresh air to the whole set played... which included classics like Find The Arise, Chopped in Half up to new songs like Drop Dead.

Band Galleries:
Barry: Obituary gallery
Jeff: Obituary gallery

The Ocean
Momo: Theirs was a good show too, mostly centered on their more hardcore stuff, but they of course played songs from the 'Proterozoic' part of their last album Precambrian. (the most progressive, post-hardcore and original one).
And having two singers sure is a plus to make dynamic shows.

Band Gallery:
Momo: The Ocean gallery

Marge: Considering the number of Opeth T-shirts in the crowd during the day, I think that the band was one of the most awaited at Hellfest. Lots of people were gathered in front of the main stage to welcome them: New line up, new record, a perfect moment to perform live. And, well, if you've discovered the band there, you may have been a little disappointed. Several reasons to explain that: 45 minutes are clearly not enough for a band like Opeth to convince you if you're not accustomed to their long and progressive songs. This band is complex, and you have to take your time to enjoy it like they deserve. Second, the sound was quite bad, like often in festival: too much bass and drums, voice and guitars too low ? Third, the band were maybe not at the top of themselves. However, they put on an excellent performance, but I found them less impressive than usual, and I have to say that the awful joke preceding the only watershed songs didn't help?Hey, I'm a sensitive person!
I'm sure that many people were touched by the emotional vocals and impressed by the aggressive and powerful parts which make Opeth so original. But I could understand that some others were left hungry for more. As for me, had there been some dessert, I would have taken it. Twice.

Band Galleries:
Marge: Opeth gallery
Barry: Opeth gallery
Ivor: Opeth gallery
Momo: Opeth gallery

At The Gates
Ylside: Yet another reunited legend at Hellfest, but who am I to complain ? Lots of people were waiting and becoming impatient waiting for At The Gates to begin. I am still amazed at how the sound was exactly like what you can hear on CD, a great job was done. The set focused mainly on the Slaughter of The Soul album, it is understandable as it is the album that really brought them to fame, still many fans of their older releases (including me) wanted to hear titles from them, we got Kingdom Gone but it wasn't enough for me! All in all an excellent show that must have satisfied most fans.

Barry: On their last tour ever, At The Gates proved to be one of the real unexpected highlights of the festival. Scuttling across the arena from Dying Fetus in the tent I could hear the melodic death metal pioneers putting on an impressive show of highly driven music. Personally, At The Gates were not originally a priority but they soon became one as they blistered through a set of songs mainly from the "Slaughter Of The Soul" album, but not missing the others out. They sounded as if there had never been a gap of inactivity, they sounded as fresh as they always have done and the audience heard this and responded with so much energy and passion. If you get chance to catch this swansong tour, I urge you to do so.

Momo: The last re-formed band to play this week-end, At The Gates got a massive audience, sure sign of the great event to come.
And it was one; with all bandmembers giving themselves 110%, this was a show packed with energy and aggression. Tomas Lindberg especially was hyper-active, shouting, and always asking the fans for a better response, which they gave of course !
The setlist, as can be guessed, featured songs from all their albums, but the hero of the evening was without doubt Slaughter Of The Soul, with seven songs played out of eleven !
They left the stage a bit earlier, just to be able to play an encore (with Blinded By Fear and Kingdom Come). And after that, we're left with the feeling that we lived a great moment, one of the lasts with them, as this tour is At The Gates' final end.

Band Gallery:
Jeff: At The Gates gallery

Momo: I missed their show, but I heard their banter and fun humor anyway, with their 'dark black accordeon' or their anti-american rants (remember, they are from California) when people showed an american flag : 'Put this down! We're not proud to be americans! Proud to be alcoholics, yes!'.

Band Gallery:
Ivor: NOFX gallery

Dying Fetus
Barry:: This is more like it! This is death metal. Dying Fetus were here to destroy France from the Discover stage tent. Now, there is brutal death metal, and there is brutal death metal!!! If you know what I mean, and Dying Fetus are in the latter category. Again, a large audience had gathered for the masters of the brutal art as the trio blistered through a set delving into many albums and leaving no one disappointed. Dying Fetus operate as a trio now, the drummer, Trey, and each side is John and Sean both multitasking with vocals as well as their separate guitar and bass duties. This meant there was no movement on stage, but that didn't mean there was no movement in the audience. Waves and waves of crowdsurfing people wrecked havoc for the security as people kept getting lifted up for the journey. Whatever you think of the band's newer, cleaner sound - it all sounded fantastic live and overall a highly worthwhile experience.

Band Gallery:
Barry: Dying Fetus gallery

My Dying Bride
Collin: During his interview earlier in the day, guitarist Hamish Glencross told us that My Dying Bride had prepared a special show for the day. And indeed it was special. For the first time in 11 years, the band had a violin player with them on stage. The setlist was modified accordingly, in order to include a lot of old songs from "Turn Loose The Swans" and "The Angel And The Dark River". Needless to say, the addition of the violin quite changed the perception one could have of these songs... What would "From Darkest Skies" be without it? Anyway, the band didn't suffer as much as I expected from playing quite early in the day and thus not having their usual lightshow. The theatrical antics of Aaron Stainthorpe were quite hypnotising and, most important, the music was great. It's all that matters, right? Another great experience for me.

Momo: It was the first time I saw them, and I must say it was great! Sure, My Dying Bride's music and live performance are a 'take it or leave it' affair, with their emphasis on tragedy and romanticism, but they are clearly a band to see live. While all musicians don't move very much (they headbang, sure, but that's about it), Aaron Sainthorpe (vocals) has a very theatrical (and tragical of course) attitude, suffering all the tragedies he is singing, sometimes even looking a bit Christ-like (The Cry Of Mankind). And he's also quite charismatic.
Their Hellfest show was special for another reason, too: it was their first with their new keyboardist and violonist; she made a one or two mistakes but otherwise she was good. And this enabled the band to play a show mostly centered on old stuff from The Angel and the Dark River and Like Gods Of The Sun. Just for example, they started with Here In The Throat! A really good surprise indeed.
Later this evening, during the At The gates and Motörhead shows, most of the bandmembers went on the festival grounds to meet their fans, chatting, drinking beers and taking photos. This was a really nice moment!

Band Galleries:
Marge: My Dying Bride gallery
Momo: My Dying Bride gallery

Barry:: "We are Motörhead... and we play rock 'n' roll!" Here we go again, Lemmy, Phil and Mikkey, one of England's greatest exports returning to Hellfest once more with the main spot of the day to show the Frenchies what it is all about. Many times in this article I have moaned about seeing bands the previous week, I saw Motörhead the week before also but that did not mean a single thing as they put on another great show of heavy music from rock 'n' roll to speed metal. Motörhead always have delivered the goods and always will, they know how to please a crowd. There is no special effort involved, Lemmy is cool and calm on the stage exactly as he is off stage with his witty humour appearing in between songs. New and old songs once more, such as "Killers" and "In The Name Of Tragedy" stretching back to the obligatory "Ace Of Spades" and finishing with the crushing "Overkill". Couple this with some half naked females dancing on stage through one song and you have yourself a formula for a very happy audience. Motörhead are the kings, no doubt, they just know what they are doing every time.

Momo: Well, they are Motörhead and they play rock'n roll. It's, as always, as simple as that ! The setlist was no real surprise : Stay Clean, Killers, In The Name Of Tragedy, Just Cos' You've Got The Power, Ace Of Spades? among others.
However, there was a surprise tonight : sexy girls, dressed very lightly , came on stage, dancing and even spitting fire. At the same time, a strange phenomenon occured: the male members of the audience seemed attracted to the stage! Any link between the two events is surely fortuitous?

Band Galleries:
Barry: Motörhead gallery
Ivor: Motörhead gallery
Jeff: Motörhead gallery

Morbid Angel
Barry:: It has been a long time coming but Morbid Angel are back! The gods of death metal made a fantastic return to form on stage as a strong unit performing mostly older songs, but also gave us a little gift of a free hearing of new song "Nevermore" from the up coming new album. It sounded similar to the material from the last album but with much more of a drive behind it. Old songs sounded just painfully divine as they thundered through classics such as "Lord Of All Fevers And Plague" and "Dawn Of The Angry" - amazingly "Bil Ur-Sag" found its way to the audience also and proved to be just face-melting. All the best songs came out apart from "Dominate", but you can't have everything can you. Finishing the set with a combination of "God Of Emptiness" and "World Of Shit (The Promised Land)" the band put on one of the best sets of the festival as so many people were glad to see the band either for their first time or not. Hail the return of Morbid Angel.

Momo: Another war machine came to Clisson this year, a monstruous juggernaut of death metal called Morbid Angel. And just as Meshuggah before, it's impressive to see them play their technical stuff with such an ease. And David Vincent is so charismatic too, he has a kind of mesmerizing dark aura, enhanced by his deep voice.
The good news of the evening were, of course, that the new album is on the way. And to prove it, David Vincent announced a new song, called Nevermore, with the public cheering and shouting to no end. It's interesting to note that before actually playing the song, David Vincent and Trey Azagtoth exchanged a few terse words; I think that it wasn't planned, or at least not this way?
And so the set was great, all the classics were here, from Chapels of Ghouls to God of Emptiness. An truly agressive show, and the last great one of the festival. Now we just have to wait for the new album and the ensuing tour?

Band Galleries:
Barry: Morbid Angel gallery
Jeff: Morbid Angel gallery
Momo: Morbid Angel gallery

Barry:: Hellfest 2007 was the first time I ever saw the mighty Slayer live and they blew myself and many others away with their set of older songs. Not one song of my favourites was missed. For some reason Slayer were back in France at the Hellfest 2008 to close the festival, and I expected to be blown away once more as devastating the set was last year. Unfortunately this was not the case at all. The band seemed unanimated on stage, Tom doesn't usually say much during songs these days as he doesn't think he needs to, but pretty much literally nothing was said the entire set, no connection was made with the audience. On top of this, nothing was to be seen of the amazing setlist of last year, this year they focused mainly on the new songs which although are good, are not quite the classics we craved to hear. Alas, towards the end of the set we did get "South Of Heaven", "Angel Of Death" and "Raining Blood" to put a smile on our faces, but unfortunately nothing was to be seen of the amazing power they possessed last year. Unfortunate, but we already had enough happy memories to go away with without one more. Still worth watching, but for the ones who were there last year this was somewhat of a disappointing end to an utterly wonderful and practically perfect festival.

Momo: The headliners of the festival? With these legends, we're in for a good show, no? Well, not really.
Why? Well, imagine a coughing war machine, attacking then stopping brutally, again and again. Not really impressive or dangerous, eh? Well, that's what Slayer looked like: they played two songs, they stopped a few minutes, with all lights out. Two more songs, then stop again. This during the whole show. And Tom Araya clearly had difficulties some times. It disappointed many, so a lot of metalheads left early (and finished themselves at the Metal Corner of the campsite with Pastor of Muppets). That said, I think Slayer is still impressive even in such conditions, but it only makes one wonder what the real Slayer would look like (like last year for example, and even that wasn't their best according to some fans).

Band Galleries:
Barry: Slayer gallery
Jeff: Slayer gallery

Sunday conclusion
Jeff: The Sunday was once more a great sunny day but it was also full of surprises (At The Gates was just amazing) and some deceptions with firstly Slayer (who were not bad but also really average and who were certainly better last year). But can we really complain about anything after these three wonderful days? I don't think so and our team was a bit nostalgic listening to Pastor Of Muppets (a Metal brass band) drinking some final beers after the last show of the week end.

Jeff: A lot of words can be used to describe Hellfest 2008 but I will just use "fantastic". If last year the festival was less than average due to the terrible rain, this year it was fantastic. Everything was perfect really and I can already tell you that Metal Storm will again be one of the first supporters and sponsors of the festival next year. If you don't know what to do next year in June, have a look on the Hellfest site. First you'll probably find one of the best line-up of the summer (be sure of it) but if you come you'll also discover fantastic people and friendly festival.

Right now the organizers still don't know if they'll be able to do Hellfest at the same place but it was so successful and the metalheads were so cool once more that there's a 99% chance that the city of Clisson will finally accept for now, and a lot of years to come, the Hellfest festival in ithis area. Let's cross our fingers, Hellfest is great and must take place in Clisson.

To finish just don't forget to check all our photo galleries. We were more proactive this year and we've done 23 band videos interviews which should be online soon. And since you're cool, I can tell you (but it's a secret of course ) that this report is just the begining... Who knows, maybe you'll be able to see a video later this Winter on what Hellfest was like... Just keep an eye on Metal Storm to get some news!

We finally have a real festival in France let's be proud of it and hail to the Hellfest team for all your work. You just rock! Bravo, vive le Hellfest et à l'an prochain!

Many thanks to the bosses of Hellfest, Yoann and Ben.
Thanks to Mr "tonton" Roger Wessier, Fabienne, Trauma and Olivier Garnier for their help and great attitude at the press area.
Thanks to all the Hellfest team, you rock!
Thanks to the labels: Replica (Roger and Olivier), Roadrunner Records France (Annabelle & Karine), Nuclear Blast France (Anthony and Jean-Marc), Season Of Mist (Guillaume), Listenable (Jess), Anne-Claire (Active), K Prod (Julien), Osmose (Nicolas) and Relapse (Jeroen).
Thanks to the bands for their cooperation during the whole week end.
Thanks to the Metalstormers who were there with us.
Thanks to Abrarr for your precious help and generosity.
And finally thanks to all the people that we met during the weekend, we really hope that we will see you again there next year!

Marge, Collin, Barry, Jeff, Momo, Otto, Lucas, Jupitreas, Amine and Ivor

Friday 20th
Venom, In Flames, Dimmu Borgir, Sick Of It All, Paradise Lost, Danko Jones, Eluveitie, Ultra Vomit, Carcass, Testament, Katatonia, Mayhem, Madball, Death Angel, Born From Pain, Bleeding Through, Throwdown, Marduk, Krisiun, Baroness, Kruger, Rotting Christ, Job For A Cowboy, Septic Flesh, Alchemist, Ava Inferi, Raintime, Red Mourning
Saturday 21th
Cavalera Conspiracy, Helloween, Apocalyptica, Porcupine Tree, Iced Earth, Sonata Arctica, Airbourne, The Old Dead Tree, Ministry, Gamma Ray, Candlemass, Anathema, Satyricon, Sodom, Legion Of The Damned, Belphegor, Impaled Nazarene, Punish Yourself, Watain, Shining, Anaal Nathrakh, Treponem Pal, Haemorrhage, Today Is The Day, Nightmare, Disfear, Benighted, Black Tide, Blazing War Machine

Photos by Marge, Barry, DarksideMomo, Ivor and Jeff. All right reserved, do not use without permission.


Comments: 34   Visited by: 175 users
28.07.2008 - 22:49
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
@Barry, Forbidden plaing "Painkiller" style speed metal?
They play Bay Area Thrash on their first couple of albbums (which constitued most of the setlist) plus the fact that both their first two albums were released BEFORE Painkiller.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

28.07.2008 - 22:51
Looks like Marcel doesn't like what Barry writes

Anyway, this all brings back memories of probably the best festival I've been to. If I can attend one fest like this every year I'll be a happy man
28.07.2008 - 22:52
Freaky Admin
Collin, we call that frustration! Marcel is just jealous because he wasn't there with us

PS: Kudos to Momo for the "flying Britney" picture haha
Come with us to Hellfest 2011!
28.07.2008 - 22:55
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by Jeff on 28.07.2008 at 22:52

Collin, we call that frustration! Marcel is just jealous because he wasn't there with us

PS: Kudos to Momo for the "flying Britney" picture haha

But I made laods of money instead which I can spend next year
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

28.07.2008 - 23:04
It really makes me regret not having been there Oh well, I'll see what the future holds. And can't wait to see the video report and all the other cool stuff!

Btw. How many MS photographers were there in front of the stage during Motörhead?

The picks rock as well. Jeff looks insane
About me:

"The best out of all the people ever" - Washington Post

"We abandoned Christ for Destroyah's love!" - The Watchtower

"Simply amazing!" - Rolling Stone
28.07.2008 - 23:09
As far as Municipal Waste goes - love the band, but yeah, there's only so much crossover one man can take. Ain't seen 'em yet but gotta admit I don't feel like I've missed out on anything. Other than an awesome moshpit perhaps.
About me:

"The best out of all the people ever" - Washington Post

"We abandoned Christ for Destroyah's love!" - The Watchtower

"Simply amazing!" - Rolling Stone
28.07.2008 - 23:09
Written by destroyah on 28.07.2008 at 23:04

Jeff looks insane

He is. He tried to out-nekro Kvarforth all along the weekend
28.07.2008 - 23:12
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by Deadsoulman on 28.07.2008 at 23:09

Written by destroyah on 28.07.2008 at 23:04

Jeff looks insane

He is. He tried to out-nekro Kvarforth all along the weekend

Says the one who has that same insane look over him
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

28.07.2008 - 23:35
Freaky Admin
@Marcel: Good that you have a lot of money. You'll be able to pay a lot of things to join again our perfect team. Good places deserve lot of money you know

@Destroyah: Of course I am, especially after three days with people like Collin (and Kvarforth of course)
Come with us to Hellfest 2011!
28.07.2008 - 23:38
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by Jeff on 28.07.2008 at 23:35

@Marcel: Good that you have a lot of money. You'll be able to pay a lot of things to join again our perfect team. Good places deserve lot of money you know

I could be your dad and anyone else's on the team, so... don't say anything bad to daddy
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

28.07.2008 - 23:54
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 28.07.2008 at 23:12

Written by Deadsoulman on 28.07.2008 at 23:09

Written by destroyah on 28.07.2008 at 23:04

Jeff looks insane

He is. He tried to out-nekro Kvarforth all along the weekend

Says the one who has that same insane look over him

Don't touch him, he's holy!

28.07.2008 - 23:59
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by Ivor on 28.07.2008 at 23:54

Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 28.07.2008 at 23:12

Written by Deadsoulman on 28.07.2008 at 23:09

Written by destroyah on 28.07.2008 at 23:04

Jeff looks insane

He is. He tried to out-nekro Kvarforth all along the weekend

Says the one who has that same insane look over him

Don't touch him, he's holy!


I am certainly not touching him, not even with a ten-foot-pole And I'd better keep him good natured or else he might kill me when he is over at my place for Dutch Doom Days in October
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

29.07.2008 - 00:05
Hey, don't talk about me behind my back
I'm not that bad, it's just that my frenchness sometimes gets in the way of reason!

EDIT: It's funny that the whole MS staff is spamming this thread lol
29.07.2008 - 00:07
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by Deadsoulman on 29.07.2008 at 00:05

Hey, don't talk about me behind my back
I'm not that bad, it's just that my frenchness sometimes gets in the way of reason!

EDIT: It's funny that the whole MS staff is spamming this thread lol

Maybe because it is an MS staff thread?

EDIT: we're not talkign behind your back since you can read this hahaha
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

29.07.2008 - 00:11
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Before zoom in I thought I saw Tonny Carerra in one pic
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
29.07.2008 - 00:16
The Ancient One
Written by destroyah on 28.07.2008 at 23:04

Jeff looks insane

no kidding. i figured the guy with the cow as icon would look the most civilized of the lot - instead he looks absolutely psychotic.

shame i could not make it out.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
29.07.2008 - 00:22
Freaky Admin
"When the staff is spamming, the K7 is passing..."

@Bitter: LOL, well as you can see, the only one who looks true... is me...
Come with us to Hellfest 2011!
29.07.2008 - 01:01
Well well well, maybe it's just because I'm a newbie here but...what the hell are you talking about?? I almost feel like I was in front of a drunk guy of Anathema: Confusing but entertaining...
Stay freaky!
29.07.2008 - 01:05
Freaky Admin
And you're lucky, K7 has only posted a one line message
Come with us to Hellfest 2011!
29.07.2008 - 01:09
Stay freaky!
29.07.2008 - 01:15
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Jeff on 29.07.2008 at 01:05

And you're lucky, K7 has only posted a one line message

Thats because I gonna read all tommrow and trhen I start spam :p

Now exuse me but red wine are wating me
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
29.07.2008 - 12:19
Oh by the way, my highlights of the day:
Between The Buried And Me, Origin, At The Gates, My Dying Bride, Morbid Angel
29.07.2008 - 13:50
Freaky Admin
My higlights of the day: At The Gates (ARG!!!), Meshuggah, Rose Tattoo, The Dillinger Escape Plan. (Motörhead and Obituary weren't so bad too.)

The list of the interviews that we've done this day (if all is ok, you'll be able to watch them on MS soon).

At The Gates, Opeth, Meshuggah, Rose Tattoo, My Dying Bride, Rotten Sound, Between The Buried And Me.
Come with us to Hellfest 2011!
30.07.2008 - 00:22
Account deleted
Jeff, thanks for putting the pic of me, michelle (she is impressed you remembered her name!) and Aaron in your review. I was having some drinks with friends this evening tallking about meeting you and the My dying bride guys. Good times!!

Maybe we'll see you next year - it was an awesome festival!
30.07.2008 - 05:11
Wicked Mung
great review boys, Cheers!
31.07.2008 - 18:29
Retired Staff
Looks like I really was about the only one who actually watched (more or less) the whole NOFX show. Guess there always has to be one.

The thing that was absolutely the best about Hellfest was the fact there was always some fellow MetalStormer around to hang out with and/or to catch shows with. It was pretty hard to not bump into someone who had connections with this site. You were more or less all the time in the company of someone you more or less knew and who had more or less the same taste in music. And that was really awesome, no doubt about it!

My conclusion: Hellfest stands for a solid line up with good, perhaps more extreme bands (I actually appreciated the "lesser known" bands more than the really big bands) and, most of all, a great festival atmosphere everywhere on the festival site - yes, even in the store. If you ever have a chance going to Hellfest, don't hesitate, do it (but bring your own beer)!
01.08.2008 - 20:44
Darkside Momo
Written by Thryce on 31.07.2008 at 18:29

(but bring your own beer)!

Except for the fact that you'll have to drink them at the camping, that's right.
I even drank only pepsi on the festival grounds on sunday... Is that proof enough?
My Author's Blog (in French)

"You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you"

"I've lost too many years now
I'm stealing back my soul
I am awake"
01.08.2008 - 21:08
Retired Staff
Written by Darkside Momo on 01.08.2008 at 20:44

Written by Thryce on 31.07.2008 at 18:29

(but bring your own beer)!

Except for the fact that you'll have to drink them at the camping.

Not if you consider sneaking in beers as a sport/lucrative activity (I'm such a bad boy)
Anyway, I guess you were better off drinking wine than beer.
01.08.2008 - 21:19
Written by Thryce on 31.07.2008 at 18:29

Looks like I really was about the only one who actually watched (more or less) the whole NOFX show. Guess there always has to be one.

Nope, I watched and enjoyed it very much. I enjoyed it because of being more than different from most of the HF lineup. I'm no fan of punk-rock but I do enjoy it when it's executed well, and NOFX definitely had the fun factor in them to put on a good show.

02.08.2008 - 02:42
I cannot stop watching this :

Hits total: 11611 | This month: 11