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Dragonforce, Sabaton - Lincoln, England, 10th December 2009

Written by: Baz Anderson
Published: December 17, 2009
Event: DragonForce: Hearts N' Minds Tour (Website)
Location: Engine Shed, Lincoln, United Kingdom


Dragonforce, Sabaton - Lincoln, England, 10th December 2009 by Baz Anderson (42)

Lincoln is one of the most historic cities in England, one of the cheapest places to live in the country, has a massive towering cathedral next to the castle on top of the hill - yet no one seems to have heard of it in or outside of the metal world. Tonight was a night of destroying ill-deserved preconceptions and putting Lincoln on the map.

DragonForce have gained a lot of popularity from having one of their songs included on a popular guitar game, and this has lead them to a large UK tour hitting many towns that rarely hear the sound of live metal music, let alone DragonForce playing in their area. The city of Lincoln is one of these locations no bands ever play, and thus it was obvious the band expected a small stage, a small crowd and a generally rubbish show. The Engine Shed in Lincoln, however, has a wonderful, modern venue inside with a large stage easily as big as any other city's main rock stage. It then came as a surprise when not just the bands met the ample stage, but the ample audience a starved Lincoln had thrown out for this heavy metal show.

Glamour Of The Kill

York metalcore band Glamour Of The Kill kicked off the show to the smallest audience and provided to be although forgettable, a whole new exciting experience for a number of people in the audience. The set wasn't long, but the band enjoyed the time on stage sharing the bill with the bands to come.

Glamour Of The Kill


Nuclear Blast thrashing metalcore-ing youngsters Sylosis were on next to a growing audience. These guys have also been enjoying being on tour with two power metal bands, meaning that this more extreme form of metal is exposed to all kinds of young ears. Again, this perfect venue and bright lighting was the scene for a surprisingly great set of headbanging and thrashing. The band have a very contemporary sound which connected with them with the bulk of the audience, but under this roof the band appealed to all with their high energy, aggressive set.



Also recently signed to Nuclear Blast are this band that also found themselves supporting DragonForce back in 2005 as a relatively unknown band. How this band has grown. A few albums and a bucket load of confidence later, Sabaton owned the stage and also to the band's surprise completely owned the audience. It was clear the band were not expecting such an enthusiastic and warm welcome for their first time in Lincoln. The audience participated loudly when prompted by the multi-pose frontman Joakim, and also in between songs chants of "Sabaton!... Sabaton!... Sabaton!..." could not be repressed. Treated to such new songs as "Ghost Division", "40-1" and "Cliffs Of Gallipoli", as well as the classic "Primo Victoria" and obligatory ending of the "Metal Machine" and "Metal Crüe" mix, Sabaton have just released the albums of their lives so far and will be on top of the world within a few years. Sabaton have the ability to win unsure people over with their self-proclaimed slightly gay music, and then make a show of it. They have the ability to write catchy songs and become instantly liked, and they also have the ability to make the hairs stand up on the back of your neck. There's only one other band out there that can do all these things. Sabaton are the Iron Maiden of the future.



With such a tough act to follow, how would DragonForce fair? These guys weren't headliners of the tour for nothing though, and inevitably the room erupted with the insane guitar solos and facial expressions. Like with Sabaton, the band were genuinely taken back by the response from the unknown Lincoln audience. Excitable singer ZP commented that he couldn't believe with such an audience it was the band's first time here. The band therefore pulled out all the stops for a night to remember of crushing power metal. The band's setlist was heavily weighed in favour of the latest album, but a good number from the older ones also made their appearance. "Starfire" to remind a proverbial teary-eyed you of when you first heard the name of DragonForce, and then the title track of the album "Valley Of The Damned" to blow you away once more. Strangely the bonus track "Where Dragons Rule" from the same album made an appearance. The band had been recording each date on this tour for an upcoming live album, and with such a loud audience Lincoln were promised a place on that album. It can all become quite same-y after a while, but you have just take a step back and realise once more that you are hearing a power metal with blastbeats. Blastbeats, insane. No one else can do this insane mixture quite like DragonForce, and it is for that reason that tonight was again such a huge success for not just DragonForce, but all bands on the bill.



Heroes Of Our Time
Operation Ground And Pound
Reasons To Live
Revolution Deathsquad
My Spirit Will Go On
Where Dragons Rule
The Last Journey Home
Valley Of The Damned
Strike Of The Ninja
Through The Fire And Flames

Thanks once more to Adam Sagir for the accreditation.
Written by Barry Anderson.
Photos by Barry Anderson.

Written on 17.12.2009 by Member of Staff since 2006


Comments: 9   [ 2 ignored ]   Visited by: 152 users
17.12.2009 - 23:30
Heaven Knight
Wow...that seems it was very nice evening

and Sabaton being "Iron Maiden of the future"? nice imagination i have to say
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

17.12.2009 - 23:59
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Wishful thinking about Sabaton being the Iron Maiden of the future. They will never be as big cause Sabaton are trend followers not setters. No matter how proficient one is at its metal game one needs to be original as well to make it truly big like Iron Maiden, Metallica, Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Scorpions etc.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

18.12.2009 - 15:22
Great review. I went to see this show when they played at Sheffield 02 Academy a few weeks back, and it was pretty much as you described this one. Dragonforce setlist was the same as well except that we got Fury of the Storm instead of Revolution Deathsquad.

As for Sabaton, I definitely agree that they have massive potential and they were great that night as well and got an amazing crowd reception.
18.12.2009 - 17:34
Heaven Knight
I think Sabaton are "unique enough"...they just have to follow the line and not waste their potential in sellouts...the next album, first under Nuclear Blast, will show a lot imo...
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

18.12.2009 - 21:28
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by Irritable Ted on 18.12.2009 at 21:22

Have Dragonforce improved live then? When I saw them about 4 years ago you couldn't tell one solo from the last, even Edguy played them off the stage.

OKay I might be biased towards power metal but... I saw them last summer at Hellfest and they were once again quite terrible (and them I am being nice) Just as bad as the years before. I have somehow seen them 5 times now and every single time they were totally terrible live. I prefer listening to them at home on my stereo, and that is quite telling.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

20.12.2009 - 20:23
A nice report Barry as always. Wouldn't mind seeing Sabaton again, but have no desire to see DragonForce again.

Don't know if can agree on Sabaton being the IM of the future, but I do agree that they're really good and can really own an audience

Dreams are made so we don't get bored when we sleep
29.12.2009 - 01:03
Valentin B
Wow, Dragonforce AND Sabaton? the two cheesiest bands in the whole power metal universe? this would be the perfect gig for me to go drunk to.

EDIT lol @ you calling Sabaton the next Iron Maiden, if that's the state of metal these days then the future of metal looks pretty somber
02.01.2010 - 12:16
LeChron James
So i take it dragonforce wasnt a sloppy, drunken mess like they were the last time i saw them earlier in 09?
Kick Ass, Die Young

Less is More
Stay Pure
Stay Poor

Music was my life, music brought me to life and music is how I will be remembered long after I leave this life. When I die there will be a final waltz in my head that only I can hear.
05.01.2010 - 22:26
Written by Irritable Ted on 18.12.2009 at 21:35

Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 18.12.2009 at 21:28

Written by Irritable Ted on 18.12.2009 at 21:22

Have Dragonforce improved live then? When I saw them about 4 years ago you couldn't tell one solo from the last, even Edguy played them off the stage.

OKay I might be biased towards power metal but... I saw them last summer at Hellfest and they were once again quite terrible (and them I am being nice) Just as bad as the years before. I have somehow seen them 5 times now and every single time they were totally terrible live. I prefer listening to them at home on my stereo, and that is quite telling.

For someone who is not a big power metal fan, you have seen Dragonforce 5 times, even I would be ashamed of that and my love of power metal is legendary.
I just wish they would show some variety, get a bit heavier or just anything different. I have the first three albums but you could put any of them on and I couldn't tell them apart.

Yes, I have their first and third album and i both like them, but after a while it's get boring, because there is no variation. If you watch every album seperatly, they're all good, but if you buy them all, you probably won't make it till the last when you're listening them. And I saw them live this year at graspop, and they were very good, played their solo's well, ZP sung perfect in all songs but one.

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