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A Rant About The Irrelevance Of Arguing Over Music

Written by: Thryce
Published: June 09, 2010

The funniest social critic of all time once argued that "thou shall keep thy religion to thyself" should be one of the Ten Commandments. If you change "religion" with the more general "beliefs", you have one of the most elementary wisdoms ever spoken. Why do people have to prove their right on what they like to absurd extents? Here are a few of my thoughts on the subject.

Just last weekend one of my longtime friends, who clearly has an open-minded taste in music, announced in his Facebook status he was studying for his exams "Limp Bizkit-style". This struck me as odd. No one of the sane people I know likes Limp Bizkit, let alone listens to them while studying. And even if they would, they sure as hell wouldn't let the whole world know on Facebook.

To put this into perspective a bit, at the time Limp Bizkit released those two infamous albums (they're absolute shit, but still everybody knows about them, weird huh?) me and my friends were young teenagers that were still easily influenced by popular, commercial, mainstream music. We didn't know any better, and we certainly didn't have any internet yet so we didn't quite know what else was there.

Confession: we were only thirteen, but we did it all for the nookie.

Back then, Limp Bizkit were totally hot, so of course we bought those now crappy releases. But soon we found out about the mistake we made, gradually discovered other and better stuff, moved away from those childhood sins and forgot about the band altogether. Then the internet became available for every single nutcase out there and suddenly everyone's hatred towards this atrocity was available for everyone. The result: nobody would even admit he used to have/still has these abominations in their CD collection.

(Pretty sure my friend only has a limited idea of the massive amount of internet flame wars, trash talk and endless arguing Limp Bizkit has generated over the years - probably because he doesn't give a shit about those things, which is exactly why he's one of my friends.)

Oh and by the way. To all the people still living in 2002, expressing your dislike of Limp Bizkit was already old years ago. "Limp Bizkit suck!" Yeah, we got that. Fascinating opinion. What else is new?

Moving on. You can like every piece of shit classified as music you want, but why can nobody else? Every band you like is the best band on the whole planet, on that we'll all agree. But why is it that everyone who thinks otherwise or likes other bands that are nowhere close to your favorite bands is plain wrong? Why do you have to call them out on a subjective taste that is different than your own? Is it because of some sort of superiority feeling? Either way, brutal truth: it's totally pointless.

Opeth?? Really?? Yeah, well, you know, that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.

And why is it that you immediately have to insult people with another opinion? Why is it that people waste so much of their valuable time on flame wars? "Metallica is tha best, shithead", says monkey 1. "No Megadeth is tha best, fucknoodle", says monkey 2. "Fuck 'em both, they're long past their prime, and you're a doucheosaurus for even listening to them", says monkey 3. Seriously, who has time for this? I mean, I got better stuff to do; like checking out good bands. Silly monkeys.

There's this kid in my neighborhood who wears All Shall Perish shirts and listens to St. Anger. The guy has a horrible taste in music - obviously. Big deal, that's no reason to spit on him and beat him up. You just have to accept the fact people have other opinions, tastes and preferences, and live with it (an idea a lot of us are very uncomfortable with).

Live with this?? Yeah, that ain't gonna happen any time soon.

Seriously, at the end of the day, the only thing that really matters is what you like, right? Leave other people alone with what you think they should think. People can have any opinion about your favorite band, just as much as you can have any opinion on the next guy's favorite band. At the end of the day, it all comes down to your CD collection/hard drive stored with tons of downloaded music you want to be buried with. Obviously, my friend didn't give a shit about what you think. As long as he could enjoy his study afternoon in complete "Limp Bizkit-style".

Moral of the story: whatever, let the haters hate and get over it already.

Whatever happened to the whatever spirit?

But then - and here's a very interesting twist - why is it that as soon as everyone else picks up on your favorite band and agrees with you, you start liking them less and even call them "sell-outs"? Hating a band just because they've become popular is purely a matter of snobbism. Just like giving up on what used to be one of your favorite bands because they're "known by the general public now" is a desperate attempt at maintaining an elite status. Congratulations, you can play with the kvlt kids now. But kvlt kids can't play with each other because they alone can score the points.

The answer to all these questions? It's typically human, I guess. And nobody can blame you for being human. But somewhere it's also downright disgusting. Again, the main problem I have with humanity in general is the enforcement of one's own right; whether it's musical preferences, political views or religion in general. It all comes down to a matter of controlling others by feeding them your own point of view (just like Carlin said). My solution? Be even more egocentric than you already are on this point. I mean, fuck what everyone else thinks, as long as *I* like it, it's good enough, right? Right? Unfortunately, "each to his own" is a lesson humanity will never learn...

So yeah, bottom line, your favorite band still sucks big time. What are you gonna do about it, bitch?

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Comments: 58   [ 2 ignored ]   Visited by: 314 users
10.06.2010 - 21:33
Written by albatros on 10.06.2010 at 12:33

Written by Derwood on 10.06.2010 at 08:01

"Believes" is the third person plural present conjugation of the verb "believe."

They don't believes that.

Ha ha ha

Freaking hilarious that my grammar nazi post is even worse than the original error. Should be third person singular... "He believes..."

I love it when being pretentious backfires.

I notice that Thryce corrected it, though...
You can't fight evil with a macaroni duck!
10.06.2010 - 22:07
LeChron James
I turned on limp bizkit immediately after reading this. soooooo metal!!1
Kick Ass, Die Young

Less is More
Stay Pure
Stay Poor

Music was my life, music brought me to life and music is how I will be remembered long after I leave this life. When I die there will be a final waltz in my head that only I can hear.
10.06.2010 - 22:24
I've got nothing to add, I agree fully with the article. Imo nothing should be imposed only shared, the rest is all up to the power of music. The only sure thing is that, if you don't enjoy what I do then you my humble friend have bad taste in music, then again most of my friends have horrible taste of music. So I don't judge people based on their musical repertoire, but I do hate the obnoxious annoying wannabe kvlt metalheads whose unfounded comments are on the level of a teenage girl going through puberty, those guys are definitely not my friends.
Laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone.
11.06.2010 - 00:01
Written by Derwood on 10.06.2010 at 21:33

Written by albatros on 10.06.2010 at 12:33

Written by Derwood on 10.06.2010 at 08:01

"Believes" is the third person plural present conjugation of the verb "believe."

They don't believes that.

Ha ha ha

Freaking hilarious that my grammar nazi post is even worse than the original error. Should be third person singular... "He believes..."

I love it when being pretentious backfires.

I notice that Thryce corrected it, though...

oh man

I'm totally happy, that you liked my daft joke
11.06.2010 - 09:24
The metalheads can be both the most narrow minded as well as they can be as open minded as they come.
Music is subjective, let's leave it at that.
11.06.2010 - 10:37
It was about time, that someone wrote a reference article to this fundamental problem. Great work.
11.06.2010 - 21:51
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 09.06.2010 at 15:02

The Irrelevance Of Writing A Rant About The Irrelevance Of Arguing Over Music


Your article won't change anyone's way of thinking, you know... The ones that argued over music before will still keep doing so, no matter what anyone tells them or what they read. Specailly over "teh Internetz", where they can say whatever they want and not feel the consequences. So, like Marcel said, this article itself is rather irrelevant.
11.06.2010 - 21:56
Account deleted
Big Lebowski quote FTW. And yeah. You're right. I got into metal with Killswitch Engage, Bullet for my Valentine and new In Flames and now I listen to all kinds of obscure black, death, doom, all kinds of fusion genres like The Amesoeurs/Alcest movement, post-rock, neofolk, DSBM, Sludge, blablabla,...
12.06.2010 - 11:24
Doit Like Bernie
Your friend must have been studying like he was rocking the set like Russian roulette, you place and you bet.

Sounds pretty grim to me.
12.06.2010 - 13:21
Written by Panterica on 09.06.2010 at 19:09

I agree with you man, no one should tell others what's good music and what's not, just like no one should listen to Limp Bizkit .

screw you man, i always liked Limp Bizkit

*watches remaining cool points plunge into the negative hundreds*

really, the more people started to hate them the more proud it made me feel that i wasn't like them
14.06.2010 - 03:45
Written by Slayer666 on 11.06.2010 at 21:51

Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 09.06.2010 at 15:02

The Irrelevance Of Writing A Rant About The Irrelevance Of Arguing Over Music


Your article won't change anyone's way of thinking, you know... The ones that argued over music before will still keep doing so, no matter what anyone tells them or what they read. Specailly over "teh Internetz", where they can say whatever they want and not feel the consequences. So, like Marcel said, this article itself is rather irrelevant.

Such a doomy outlook.

If nothing else, thryce got some frustration out of his system and made himself feel a little better. I found the article worthwhile purely for thryce's entertaining writing style.
Despair is death, and I'm not interested in dying.

Member of the True Crusade against True Crusades
14.06.2010 - 05:13
Kap'N Korrupt
Account deleted
The Irrelevance Of Arguing About The Irrelevance Of Writing A Rant About The Irrelevance Of Arguing Over Music

Snap! Aww, no he didn'!
14.06.2010 - 05:27
Written by [user id=2084] on 14.06.2010 at 05:13

The Irrelevance Of Arguing About The Irrelevance Of Writing A Rant About The Irrelevance Of Arguing Over Music

Snap! Aww, no he didn'!

My name is Hrothdane, and I approve this message!
Despair is death, and I'm not interested in dying.

Member of the True Crusade against True Crusades
15.06.2010 - 02:43
Great blog

(i'm surprised its not full of trolls going 'no, no, no! you're wrong, it HAS to be iron maiden, dio, tarja and slayer or you're not metal!')
I'd rather like what I like because I like it, despite if everyone hates me for it, then like what I hate just to be accepted by you.
15.06.2010 - 21:41
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
Written by spiritofvengence on 15.06.2010 at 02:43

(i'm surprised its not full of trolls going 'no, no, no! you're wrong, it HAS to be iron maiden, dio, tarja and slayer or you're not metal!')

Are you seriously still going on about this shit? Let it go man.
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
21.06.2010 - 19:21
I listen to a lot of non-metal, even though I loves me sum metal. I'm too old to play the "I'm more metal than you" game. I'm just as likely to listen to P-Funk as Sabbath, RHCP as Slayer, or The Flaming Lips as Tool. If anyone thinks my choices in music suck, big deal. People need to grow a pair.
22.06.2010 - 04:35
Rocker of Worlds
Well yeah, I don't care if people wanna listen to Limp Bizkit and Linkin Park, just as long as they know they aren't fucking metal!
22.06.2010 - 05:58
The Ancient One
Written by spiritofvengence on 15.06.2010 at 02:43

Great blog

(i'm surprised its not full of trolls going 'no, no, no! you're wrong, it HAS to be iron maiden, dio, tarja and slayer or you're not metal!')

jesus tapdancing christ you're dense.

the entire blog bit is about the stupidity of denigrating the musical tastes of others... and every pathetic rant you deliver is nothing more than bashing people because their tastes don't match yours.

get over yourself.

actually, don't. keep submitting hilarity. we just can't get enough.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
01.07.2010 - 09:28
The ironic part is that, by writing a rant that speaks against close-mindedness and pushing your views on others, you're still pushing your own opinion and being close-minded towards close-minded people. Isn't it funny how that works?
For Metal!!!
11.07.2010 - 19:41
a MasT
Good article, I've alienated friends because of their (in my opinion) poor music tastes and thats just plain wrong. Let 'em have their "three days grace" and "killswitch engage" its not worth arguing over.
09.09.2010 - 07:19
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
Written by Thunderdrake on 01.07.2010 at 09:28

The ironic part is that, by writing a rant that speaks against close-mindedness and pushing your views on others, you're still pushing your own opinion and being close-minded towards close-minded people. Isn't it funny how that works?

Thryce created a paradox. Fuck him, my brain hurts.
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
09.09.2010 - 07:44
Totemic Lust
Written by Thunderdrake on 01.07.2010 at 09:28

The ironic part is that, by writing a rant that speaks against close-mindedness and pushing your views on others, you're still pushing your own opinion and being close-minded towards close-minded people. Isn't it funny how that works?

Stop pushing your ironic views on me!
09.09.2010 - 18:30
Angelic Storm
Written by Fat & Sassy! on 10.06.2010 at 19:01

Honestly, I like arguing about subjective matter to sort of get a different perspective on things. It can be fun and interesting. I mean sure, you can never really FULLY understand one's perspective on anything, but you can try. That being said, I love listening to others opinion when they differ from mine as long as they aren't completely retarded. Someone who throws out shit like, "Your fav band sucks!" is probably an immature moron that needs to get knocked off their high horse.

Totally agree. It can be good hearing different points of view, and having constructive debate. But the type of people who say things like "your fave band sucks", or similar childish comments should be treated with the disdain they deserve. There's a difference between arguing/debate, and mindless bashing of others' tastes and opinions. People that indulge in the latter are just total morons as far as Im concerened lol
21.09.2016 - 20:51
Exactly my thoughts.
21.09.2016 - 21:15
Meat and Potatos
Oh, so is this where BitterCold got his profile pic?
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei
21.09.2016 - 22:20
China was a neat
Indeed, it could be. In fact earlier, BitterCold had the bit "Not a big asshole as Thryce" on his personal text section in his Profile page, not sure if it was because he truly hated him. And Thryce truly was the true badass of the site, his reviews and articles are really really interesting to read.
22.09.2016 - 20:33
The Ancient One
Written by 3rdWorld on 21.09.2016 at 22:20

Indeed, it could be. In fact earlier, BitterCold had the bit "Not a big asshole as Thryce" on his personal text section in his Profile page, not sure if it was because he truly hated him. And Thryce truly was the true badass of the site, his reviews and articles are really really interesting to read.

No, Thryce is awesome. Miss him and his input/rants. Dealing with him on site stuff behind the curtain was even more fun.

The tag "not as big an asshole as Thryce" is because someone once called him (or he adopted) the biggest asshole on the site or something to that effect. after someone started calling me an asshole, I just wanted to make it clear I was only second best and tipped my hat to The King.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
22.09.2016 - 20:34
The Ancient One
Written by Karlabos on 21.09.2016 at 21:15

Oh, so is this where BitterCold got his profile pic?

no, i had it long before, going back to maybe 2008. i nicked it from TheOnion, which had that available as a t-shirt.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!

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