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Ayreon - The Human Equation review


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Band: Ayreon
Album: The Human Equation
Style: Progressive metal, Progressive rock
Release date: May 25, 2004
A review by: Jeff

Disc I
01. Day One: Vigil
02. Day Two: Isolation
03. Day Three: Pain
04. Day Four: Mystery
05. Day Five: Voices
06. Day Six: Childhood
07. Day Seven: Hope
08. Day Eight: School
09. Day Nine: Playground
10. Day Ten: Memories
11. Day Eleven: Love

Disc II
01. Day Twelve: Trauma
02. Day Thirteen: Sign
03. Day Fourteen: Pride
04. Day Fifteen: Betrayal
05. Day Sixteen: Loser
06. Day Seventeen: Accident?
07. Day Eighteen: Realization
08. Day Nineteen: Disclosure
09. Day Twenty: Confrontation

Disc III [special edition bonus DVD]
+ Inside - Behind The Sence
+ Concept - Concept Of The Human Equation
+ Drums - Interview With Ed Warby's Drums
+ Video - Day Eleven: Love [Video}
+ Teaser - Teaser Trailer

After 4 long years, one of the best musicians is back with again something? just magic? Thanks a lot for being back Arjen, thanks again for producing great stuff like you do each and every time.
My friends, the new fantastic album of Mr Lucassen through Ayreon is released now and I'm proud to say that we have here one of the most beautiful things that I've ever heard. "The Human Equation" with its fantastic guest singers combo, with its magic musicians, with its beautiful songs, is now in store and the only thing that I can say is that all the guys who pretend to be metal or music lovers must own it. Otherwise? Shame on you?

You have to know that "The Human Equation" is a concept album and therefore, I will try to explain the story of this magnificent production. The 20 tracks [on 2CDs] represent 20 days of the life of our heroes: "Me" [James Labrie: Dream Theater]. After a serious car accident "Me" lies on a bed at the hospital, in the coma. His "Best Friend" [Arjen Lucassen] and his "Wife" [Marcela Bovio: Elfonia] are waiting near him, wondering a lot of things? Can he hear them? Will he survive? Does he love her [them]??.
During all this time, "Me" is confronted in his mind to his father [Mike Baker: Shadow Gallery] and too all the feelings humans can have.
Some "bad" feelings: The "Agony" [Devon Graves: Dead Soul Tribe] who shows him the reality of his accident, the "Fear" [Mikael Akerfeldt: Opeth] who is always trying to make him doubt. Some feelings which are just synonymous with reality like the "Rage" [Devin Townsend] to survive or to be in that status? the "Pride" [Magnus Ekwall: The Quill] and the Reason [Eric Clayton: Saviour Machine] who can give him the desire to survive? or to die.
"Me" is also confronted to some nice feelings like the "Love" [Heather Findlay: Mostly Autumn] and the "Passion" [Irene Jansen], who give him the desire to live, the desire to see again his wife and his friend, who show him that he is someone and that he deserves to be alive?
It's really hard to explain all the story, because you'll see that in fact it's very well done and there are loads of surprises, you'll get that when you listen to the cd.

Musically this new Ayreon is in the vein of the music of Lucassen, a lot of beautiful melodies, sometime sad, sometime happy but always very well written. For the ones who know Lucassen's music there is again a lot of Keyboards, flute, violins etc? and it sound again very Atmospheric, very Progressive and also "Heavy" in the style. But the great stuff who shows that Arjen is certainly one of the best musical compositor on Earth is this easiness that the master has to write his music for us, for him, but also for his guest musicians. I mean that when Devin is singing, it sounds like Devin Townsend? When Mikael do his parts, that's same? Of course it's Ayreon but it's really easy to feel the music of Opeth [in Damnation mode] in it. Is it not great ? Personally I think it is, and It's hard for me to find any musicians who can do that like him.
All the songs are killers, the stories is superb so are the lyrics, and the singers line up can't be better. Give me someone better like Devin Townsend with his tortured vocals to do "Rage"? Give me someone better than Mikael Akerfeldt [who show again here that he is one of the best singer, even the best for me, in the Metal Scene], with his sad and dark voice, to do Fear or someone better than Eric Clayton with his powerful and low voice to do the "Reason"? The voices of the three girls are also magic? Do I need to continue ? I don't think so? It can't be better for sure?

Even the musicians are great, with Arjen of course who do all the guitars, bass, and some parts of Keyboards, Ed Warby magic drummer on the cd and a ton of great guest musicians like Joost van den Broek for example. Does I need to talk about the production? No really, because again it's a pure professional work.. A perfect sound [really nothing to say on it?], a great cover and beautiful lay out?

This is "The Human Equation"?a fantastic album by a great guy from Holland... Thx again Mr Lucassen to do such music. It deserves the maximum rating from me... My friends you need to have this CD because I'm sure that like me you'll listen to it again and again and again? We are lucky this year, again we have a new masterpiece, and this time for sure we could never forget this album. In one word magic?

Written by Jeff | 27.05.2004

Staff review by
After having busied himself with Ambeon and Star One the mastermind Arjen Anthony Lucassen is back with Ayreon - a project that can be equalized with the meaning of rock operas and concept albums. And this time he is back with the 6th ambitious album and as always with lots of guest singers and musicians.

Unlike previous releases this one has been accompanied with a lot of promotion that has tickled the nerves of fans for almost a year. But the wait was worth it. The album features eleven singers and great musicians of whom only drummer Ed Warby and Arjen himself have appeared on previous Ayreon albums before, a small rule Arjen introduced to keep things fresh.

published 11.06.2004 | Comments (13)


Comments: 24   Visited by: 264 users
25.07.2006 - 16:39
Rating: 10
Retired Staff
amazing album, one of the best i have ever heard
BAS - Beautifully Accented Sexiness
27.07.2006 - 16:50
Rating: 10
Arjen Lucassen is overrated, but this album is absolutely amazing!
All life begins with Nu and ends with Nu... This is the truth! This is my belief! ...At least for now.
- The Mystery of Life, Vol. 841 Ch. 26
19.08.2006 - 07:08
Dr Ikari
Account deleted
I never get tired of this great album!
20.08.2006 - 00:04
Mr. Noise
I found it boring. Don't kill me.

Bas2, good review! Good luck with further ones, though you wont need it!
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?

"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
20.08.2006 - 00:36
mortal enemy
Account deleted
One of the best albums ever. I love it.
22.10.2006 - 07:40
It's one hell of a masterpiece, an authentic artistical production, magical in my opinion... Mr. Lucassen, you're a fuckin' genius, i'll never get tired of a such a magnificent one hundred and two minutes minutes of music...
Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea
03.11.2006 - 15:31
Rating: 10
Angel of Lust
This is an incredible opus... It's magic, emotional, theatrical, powerful... and the guest musicians speak by theirselves... Very great work, Arjen!
And good review, I totally agree

"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear,
and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown."
Howard Phillips Lovecraft
05.03.2007 - 22:48
Account deleted
I'm Totaly into THRASH metal (i'm tollerant to other music too;)), and i realy don't like Ayreon's previus works that much. But this album is my #1! It's absolutley unbelivable. And to think i did not like it at first:erm:. I only wish that Devin would sing more than in 3 songs; He's a kickass singer and you can get his aura trough the music. Respect to all the musicians and i hope that the next album is gonna be at least as half as good.
16.09.2007 - 03:28
Rating: 3
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
Written by Lucas on 20.08.2006 at 00:04

I found it boring. Don't kill me.

Ill join you on that one....I doubt ill ever understand the hype behind this album, and it stands as MS' most overrated album to date IMO.
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
16.09.2007 - 11:58
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by Doc G. on 16.09.2007 at 03:28

Written by Lucas on 20.08.2006 at 00:04

I found it boring. Don't kill me.

Ill join you on that one....I doubt ill ever understand the hype behind this album, and it stands as MS' most overrated album to date IMO.

And I'll join you guys too.

And Dr. Rock, it's not only this album by Ayreon that is overrated, I find ll of mr. Lucaassen's work overrated (not only here on MS but everywhere I look)
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

16.09.2007 - 12:10
Lone wanderer
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 16.09.2007 at 11:58

Written by Doc G. on 16.09.2007 at 03:28

Written by Lucas on 20.08.2006 at 00:04

I found it boring. Don't kill me.

Ill join you on that one....I doubt ill ever understand the hype behind this album, and it stands as MS' most overrated album to date IMO.

And I'll join you guys too.

And Dr. Rock, it's not only this album by Ayreon that is overrated, I find ll of mr. Lucaassen's work overrated (not only here on MS but everywhere I look)

I dont know, but it must be really overrated, since I expected something much better... I dont know, maybe its one of those that you like after 10th listen I dont know what are other Ayreons albums like, but there is too much singing and much less music for my taste...:-|
17.09.2007 - 06:03
Rating: 3
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 16.09.2007 at 11:58

Written by Doc G. on 16.09.2007 at 03:28

Written by Lucas on 20.08.2006 at 00:04

I found it boring. Don't kill me.

Ill join you on that one....I doubt ill ever understand the hype behind this album, and it stands as MS' most overrated album to date IMO.

And I'll join you guys too.

And Dr. Rock, it's not only this album by Ayreon that is overrated, I find ll of mr. Lucaassen's work overrated (not only here on MS but everywhere I look)

I havnt given Lucaassen a second chance since he robbed me of 1 hour 41 minutes and 19 seconds of my life I want back again, but Ill take your word for it.
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
27.11.2008 - 16:28
Rating: 8
A piece of art! the lyrics are breathtaking
20.03.2009 - 21:14
Rating: 9
Unasuming Madnes
At first I didnt like this album and then I actually listened to it rather than expecting it to be like anything (and comparing it to anything else) and after that, this album killed. Days 2,3, Love, Loser and confrontation are the cream of the crop of this piece of work, each really setting their respective moods for theior songs. Admiteddly their is a large gap of songs on disc 1 which are bland and forgetable, but these things where necessary to continue the story, even if it was forced. I must say too that no other album really made my jaw drop with its ending and then it made me realize. To rate this album like a typicle album might be unfair, as its certainly not the most technical (althoigh ayreon was never really about blowing out technicality). Instead it should be listened to like a book or movie, each song continuing and contributing to the next. This is what every concept album should aim to be like.
20.03.2009 - 22:01
Baz Anderson
Indeed, this album almost goes beyond music as a form of entertainment.
You get those 3D films in the cinema, this is almost like a 3D album.
22.03.2009 - 14:43
Account deleted
Yeah, ayreon kicks ass!
their best album.
31.10.2009 - 05:20
Liver Failure
Again, I found lots of good and bad songs. ''Isolation'', ''Voices'', ''Love'' and ''Loser'' are very good. This makes the Disc 1 a lot better than Disc 2 in my opinion. Even thou the last day ''Confrontation'', is my favorite song.

I really liked the variated use of instruments, enriched the music, making the album much more interesting.

member of the true crusade against old school heavy metal, early 80s thrash, NWOBHM, traditional doom, first and second wave black metal, old school death metal, US power metal, 70s prog rock and atmospheric doomsludgestoner. o/
23.02.2010 - 08:33
Rating: 7
Underpaid M.D.
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 16.09.2007 at 11:58

Written by Doc G. on 16.09.2007 at 03:28

Written by Lucas on 20.08.2006 at 00:04

I found it boring. Don't kill me.

Ill join you on that one....I doubt ill ever understand the hype behind this album, and it stands as MS' most overrated album to date IMO.

And I'll join you guys too.

And Dr. Rock, it's not only this album by Ayreon that is overrated, I find ll of mr. Lucaassen's work overrated (not only here on MS but everywhere I look)

And I'll join you guys too.

I found the album kinda boring, it has it's nice parts but sometimes it loses my attention very easily, the voices are really nice, well, Townsend, Akerfeldt, LaBrie are each well known voices in the scene, but its the only highlight about the album, at least IMO, yes, yes, the musicianship is cool, but, there is something missing, I think it's something called... METAL! I know, this is prog metal, but even with that tag behind the album, it lacks of some power. On the other side in some parts the synths are... well, simply vomitive.

Maybe I'm not explaining myself very well, a part of me thinks that this is not a bad album, it's very well done indeed, but because it's length, it didn't had the force to gain my attention (the length doesn't matter, the music does).

I can't see myself giving it a chance for a loooong time (c'mon 1 hour and 40 minutes of... voices? and... voices?).

It's not a bad album but... meh.
"Les vers savent qu'ils n'ont pas d'ailes, c'est pour cela qu'ils se cachent sous terre"
10.01.2011 - 21:55
Written by Daggon on 23.02.2010 at 08:33

Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 16.09.2007 at 11:58

Written by Doc G. on 16.09.2007 at 03:28

Written by Lucas on 20.08.2006 at 00:04

I found it boring. Don't kill me.

Ill join you on that one....I doubt ill ever understand the hype behind this album, and it stands as MS' most overrated album to date IMO.

And I'll join you guys too.

And Dr. Rock, it's not only this album by Ayreon that is overrated, I find ll of mr. Lucaassen's work overrated (not only here on MS but everywhere I look)

And I'll join you guys too.

Count me in. This album is just cheesy as fuck and quite inconsistent. Although not THE most overrated one on MS, it's one of the top 3.
12.01.2011 - 04:43
Account deleted
Written by Slayer666 on 10.01.2011 at 21:55

Count me in. This album is just cheesy as fuck and quite inconsistent. Although not THE most overrated one on MS, it's one of the top 3.

What do you mean by inconsistent? Seems pretty consistent to me.
12.01.2011 - 16:58
Written by [user id=105293] on 12.01.2011 at 04:43

Written by Slayer666 on 10.01.2011 at 21:55

Count me in. This album is just cheesy as fuck and quite inconsistent. Although not THE most overrated one on MS, it's one of the top 3.

What do you mean by inconsistent? Seems pretty consistent to me.

Maybe that was a wrong word, but I meant some songs are good and some utter garbage.
All in all, I see this album mostly as a gimmick because of all those singers, and it all goes... nowhere. Just a lot of cheese.
24.05.2011 - 22:11
Rating: 5
Written by Daggon on 23.02.2010 at 08:33

Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 16.09.2007 at 11:58

Written by Doc G. on 16.09.2007 at 03:28

Written by Lucas on 20.08.2006 at 00:04

I found it boring. Don't kill me.

Ill join you on that one....I doubt ill ever understand the hype behind this album, and it stands as MS' most overrated album to date IMO.

And I'll join you guys too.

And Dr. Rock, it's not only this album by Ayreon that is overrated, I find ll of mr. Lucaassen's work overrated (not only here on MS but everywhere I look)

And I'll join you guys too.

I found the album kinda boring, it has it's nice parts but sometimes it loses my attention very easily, the voices are really nice, well, Townsend, Akerfeldt, LaBrie are each well known voices in the scene, but its the only highlight about the album, at least IMO, yes, yes, the musicianship is cool, but, there is something missing, I think it's something called... METAL! I know, this is prog metal, but even with that tag behind the album, it lacks of some power. On the other side in some parts the synths are... well, simply vomitive.

Maybe I'm not explaining myself very well, a part of me thinks that this is not a bad album, it's very well done indeed, but because it's length, it didn't had the force to gain my attention (the length doesn't matter, the music does).

I can't see myself giving it a chance for a loooong time (c'mon 1 hour and 40 minutes of... voices? and... voices?).

It's not a bad album but... meh.

One more for the group, I really don't get how they classify this waste of time, cheesy pop synth music, with a little story to tell, as a master piece. I really don't get this Lucas arjensomething hype. It just don't work for me at all.

But still, listening to his other crap (yup CRAP) this is ayreon's best album imo.
Beware the Shadows of Dusk
03.03.2012 - 19:04
I agree with you guys, I don't like The Human Equation due to the reasons you stated. I might suggest an analogy, The Human Equation seems to have been made on this principle: let's bring together a large number of talents, meld them together, apply grandiose methods, keep the process as long as possible to make it proggy, soften everything up whilst trying not to get's like taking the spicy chicken from chicken pad thai, the chocolate mousse from the dessert, the mozzarella from a margherita pizza, the smoked salmon from a panini, the burger from a BigMac, and the couscous from a mutton dish, and trying to combine them in a very complicated process to try and get one perfect dish. Arjen Lucassen has tried too much to be grandiose on a superior level. Ultimately, the final product has proved to be boring at a non-negligible degree, as suggested by the people above.
26.08.2016 - 05:40
Rating: 10
It´s a magnificent opus. It tells a beautiful story in such a magnificent way... amazing indeed.

Fabulous work.

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