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Deathcore For People Who Hate Deathcore

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To give you a sense of how much I hate Deathcore, the only Suicide Silence album I find to be passable is their self-titled. Even with better bands I still don't like their albums. For example, I like some songs by like Veil of Maya, but I only really liked entire albums after they changed style away from deathcore to something more like Periphery. That being said, there is a few deathcore albums I legitimately liked. Overall these bands are going to be on the lighter end of the genre, because the more extreme deathcore-ish bands that I like tend to actually be deathgrind, such as Benighted. I do find the oldschool deathcore bands like Despised Icon and The Red Chord to be okay, but I haven't really listened to them enough to see if they have albums I like as a whole. The bands who stood out enough to get me to listen to album tend to have experimental aspects that drew me in, these aspects typically make them less extreme by conventional standards as there is more to them than just shear brutality. Here they are are.

Created by: Ganondox | 28.08.2018

1. All Shall Perish - Awaken The Dreamers
Melodic Deathcore at it's finest, SS fans who blame Eddie Hernandez have no clue what they are talking about as he's an incredible vocalist.
2. Bring Me The Horizon - Count Your Blessings
This one surprised me, it's oddly more melodic than Suicide Season. It's also by far the most metalcore deathcore album I know.
3. Whitechapel - Mark Of The Blade
I've always found Whitechapel to be one of the few good deathcore bands, but the addition of clean vocals is what really makes this album standout.
4. Betraying The Martyrs - Breathe In Life
While they are sometimes mistaken for metalcore due to how they use clean vocals, their roots are deathcore. Their symphonics are also nice.
5. Slice The Cake - Odyssey To The West
Usually "progressive deathcore" is just technical wank, but this album is legitimately progressive, and stands out as progressive metal album.
6. The Browning - Burn This World
People say deathcore is pop death metal, but this is the only case where I've actually found it to be true, and it's amazing.
7. Heaven Shall Burn - Deaf To Our Prayers
They really aren't deathcore at all, just melodeath at it's heaviest by taking from metalcore, but I see some label them as such so why not?
8. Dir En Grey - Dum Spiro Spero
Along with like ten other genres, I've seen this album labeled as deathcore. It's an avant-garde masterpiece, with deathcore one of many influences.
9. Infant Annihilator - The Palpable Leprosy Of Pollution
Some songs by this band I love, others I can't stand, but as far as heavier deathcore goes this is about it.
10. The Agonist - Prisoners
I was desperate for a 10th album, they popped up when I googled "list of deathcore", and this album is listed as deathcore on wikipedia for reasons unknown.

Disclaimer: All top lists are unofficial and do not represent the point of view of the MS Staff.
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