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Best Of 2002 (work In Progress)

1.Nightwish - Century Child
2.Soilwork - Natural Born Chaos
3.Dark Tranquillity - Damage Done
4.In Flames - Reroute To Remain
5.Meshuggah - Nothing

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Created by beyondtehdarksun on 15.03.2011

Thumbs up: +1
Favorite Albums Of All Time (Non-metal Included)

1.Metallica - Master Of Puppets
2.Testament - The Gathering
3.Tiamat - Wildhoney
4.E Nomine - Die Prophezeiung
5.Nevermore - This Godless Endeavor

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Created by reload3591 on 28.01.2011

Thumbs up: +6
Dark Tranquillity Albums - Best To Worst

1.Dark Tranquillity - Character
2.Dark Tranquillity - Fiction
3.Dark Tranquillity - Damage Done
4.Dark Tranquillity - We Are The Void
5.Dark Tranquillity - Haven

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Created by Cyroth on 09.01.2011

Thumbs up: +4
My 50 Favorite Album All The Time

1.Theatre Of Tragedy - Velvet Darkness They Fear
2.Cradle Of Filth - Midian
3.Old Man's Child - Ill-Natured Spiritual Invasion
4.Tristania - Beyond The Veil
5.Darzamat - In The Opium Of Black Veil

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Created by darkgalder on 21.11.2010

Thumbs up: +3
The 10 Albums That Got Me Into Different Metal Styles

The albums that got me into metal in chronological order (in which i first listened to them). These are the first album(s) of different styles that i listened to and made me like those styles. Not my first…

1.Judas Priest - Painkiller
2.Helloween - Treasure Chest
3.Iron Maiden - Dance Of Death
4.Metallica - Kill 'Em All
5.Paradise Lost - Icon

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Created by Deadmeat on 18.08.2010

Thumbs up: +54
Hall Of Fame: Top 80 Of All Time

- only studio albums
- only albums featured on MS…

1.After Forever - Decipher
2.Agalloch - Ashes Against The Grain
3.Ahab - The Call Of The Wretched Sea
4.Alcest - Souvenirs D'un Autre Monde
5.Amon Amarth - With Oden On Our Side

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Created by ~Starchild~ on 14.07.2010

Thumbs up: +2
Top 20 albums of 2002

A good year, no more, no less. Although the top 10 is pretty awesome and Norther's debut album will always be a favourite of mine.

1.Norther - Dreams Of Endless War
2.Nightwish - Century Child
3.Power Quest - Wings Of Forever
4.Dream Theater - Six Degrees Of Inner Turbulence
5.Shining - III - Angst, Självdestruktivitetens Emissarie

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Created by Warman on 11.05.2010

Thumbs up: +7
BEYOND THE DARK SUN - Melodeath For The Win!

A beginner's guide to genuine blasting. Call it Gothenburg, call it extreme power - whatever, it's always enjoyable.

Now ranked for even more win.

1.Wintersun - Wintersun
2.Children Of Bodom - Hate Crew Deathroll
3.Kalmah - Seventh Swamphony
4.Kalmah - 12 Gauge
5.Blood Stain Child - Idolator

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Created by beyondtehdarksun on 28.04.2010

Thumbs up: +20
My Favorite Albums: 2000s

I updated the list, so there are now 100 entries, and I consider 100 to be to little. These are albums I listen to regularly, and some I listened to frantically for a while.

1.Rapture - Songs For The Withering
2.System Of A Down - Toxicity
3.Warning - Watching From A Distance
4.Edge Of Sanity - Crimson II
5.Converge - Jane Doe

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Created by Mikyz on 11.04.2010

Thumbs up: +5
My Top 20 Favorite Albuns

Top metal albuns based on the influence they have in my personality and by the way they changed some ideas and theories I had.

1.Dream Theater - Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes From A Memory
2.Symphony X - The Odyssey
3.Therion - Secret Of The Runes
4.Dream Theater - Images And Words
5.Primordial - Spirit The Earth Aflame

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Created by Njord on 08.03.2010

Thumbs up: +7
My Favorite Albums

These are the ones I can always listen to, no specific order, just as I remembered the albums.

1.Metallica - Master Of Puppets
2.Iron Maiden - The Number Of The Beast
3.Iron Maiden - Powerslave
4.Judas Priest - Defenders Of The Faith
5.Judas Priest - Killing Machine [Hell Bent For Leather]

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Created by Aebsi on 08.03.2010

Thumbs up: +14
Top 25 Albums Of All Time

My Top 25 albums of all time!

This list could change a bit as I keep on listening to new music, but at least the first 10-15 albums will probably be on the list.

1.Death - Symbolic
2.Morbid Angel - Covenant
3.Deicide - The Stench Of Redemption
4.Death - Individual Thought Patterns
5.Bloodbath - Resurrection Through Carnage

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Created by Deadmeat on 05.03.2010