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Thumbs up: +8
The Best Metal Albums* From A to # (A)

This list is meant to be an extensive, but by no means exhaustive, collection of the greatest (modern) metal albums and eps. Running the gamut from avant-garde to trve norweigan black metal. *As someone…

1.Aara - En Ergô Einai
2.Aarni - Bathos
3.Aaskereia - Dort, Wo Das Alte Böse Ruht
4.Aastraal - Tuba mirum spargens sonum per sepulcra regionum, coget omnes ante thronum
5.AATHMA - Avesta

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Created by Uxküll on 06.10.2020

Thumbs up: +18
MS Meta(l) List Of The 2010's - Top 200

10 years
20 decade lists
749 bands
973 albums

200 top albums from 2010-2019


How are the points calculated?
Simple math.

Ranked top lists:
1st place = 150 pts.

1.Enslaved - Axioma Ethica Odini
2.Esoteric - Paragon Of Dissonance
3.Emptiness - Nothing But The Whole
4.Esoteric - A Pyrrhic Existence
5.Tribulation - The Formulas Of Death

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Created by Starvynth on 24.05.2020

Thumbs up: +19
Neachy's Select: Top 100 Albums Of The 10s

100 full length albums that I favor in approximate order of preference plus 10 non-LP releases at the end. Limited to metal albums and albums featured on the site.

1.Indesinence - Vessels Of Light And Decay
2.Mitochondrion - Parasignosis
3.Murmuüre - Murmuüre
4.Deathspell Omega - Paracletus
5.Ustalost - The Spoor Of Vipers

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Created by Neachy on 29.12.2019

Thumbs up: +34
My Favourite Black Metal Albums

- My TOP 75 from 90s (and 80s), 00s and 10s.
- Each TOP 75 ordered from my most favourite down.
- One album for every band in one TOP 75.
- Only full-lengths or EPs/demos with more than half an hour.

2.Windir - Arntor
3.Paysage d'Hiver - Paysage D'Hiver
4.Blut Aus Nord - Ultima Thulée
5.Dissection - Storm Of The Light's Bane

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Created by Alien1988 on 14.05.2014

Thumbs up: +13
The Sounds And Images I Would Wear

These are the artworks of the albums which I would love to hear them several times and at the same time I think they have awesome artworks to wear as t shirts.
This list is more of a reminder to myself…

1.Agalloch - Ashes Against The Grain
2.Opeth - Orchid
3.Emptiness - Nothing But The Whole
4.Saturnus - Veronika Decides To Die
5.Katatonia - Brave Murder Day

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Created by angel. on 16.11.2013

Thumbs up: +10
My Top 100 Albums

My top 100 Albums, sorted in descending order of favorites. Pretty rough list, I may update if I become un-lazy sometime. One album per band only. Some explanation and description provided for those who…

1.Lykathea Aflame - Elvenefris
2.Moonsorrow - Kivenkantaja
3.Nevermore - This Godless Endeavor
4.Opeth - Still Life
5.!T.O.O.H.! - Order And Punishment (Řád A Trest)

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Created by MetalDoomMaster on 09.11.2013

Thumbs up: +79
Dark, Harrowing, And Ravaging Albums To Ruin Your Day

These obviously won't ruin your day. Chances are if you are into these styles you'll love this selection. No stylistic borders, but I'm limiting myself to one album per band. These aren't…

1.Ævangelist - De Masticatione Mortuorum In Tumulis
2.Abruptum - Potestates Apocalypsis
3.Absolutus - Pugnare In Iis Quae Obtinere Non Possis
4.Abyssal - Novit Enim Dominus Qui Sunt Eius
5.Aderlating - Spear Of Gold And Seraphim Bone Pt. 1

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Created by Alex F on 11.09.2013

BurbotsRevenge's 2012

my favourites of 2012 from an extreme metal point of view…

1.Abyssal - Denouement
2.Anhedonist - Netherwards
3.Ignivomous - Contragenesis
4.Dodecahedron - Dodecahedron
5.Azoic - Gateways

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Created by BurbotsRevenge on 07.12.2012

Thumbs up: +17
Top 30 of 2012 (+5)


1.Saturnus - Saturn In Ascension
2.Blut Aus Nord - 777 - Cosmosophy
3.Dordeduh - Dar De Duh
4.Indesinence - Vessels Of Light And Decay
5.Enslaved - RIITIIR

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Created by InnerSelf on 21.09.2012

Thumbs up: +15

My tastes seem to have changed quite a bit since I originally made this list. I have since updated it to better reflect my opinions of 2012 in retrospect. A well rounded and impressive year for metal.

1.Indesinence - Vessels Of Light And Decay
2.Faal - The Clouds Are Burning
3.Agruss - Morok
4.Lord Mantis - Pervertor
5.Elysian Blaze - Blood Geometry

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Created by Neachy on 28.05.2012

Thumbs up: +6

Once again I have put together a top list of albums released during the year from best to worst. However, this time around I have also written a short personal opinion/mini review for most of the albums…

1.Agruss - Morok
2.Monarch - Omens
3.Menace Ruine - Alight In Ashes
4.Summer Fades Away - We Meet The Last Time, Then Departure
5.Sigh - In Somniphobia

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Created by Draugen on 25.05.2012

Thumbs up: +65
The Best Shit On MS

My top 100 metal albums of all time (featured on MS).

- one album per band.
- in alphabetical order.

1.!T.O.O.H.! - Order And Punishment (Řád A Trest)
2.Ævangelist - De Masticatione Mortuorum In Tumulis
3.Acid Bath - When The Kite String Pops
4.Agruss - Morok
5.Ahab - The Call Of The Wretched Sea

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Created by Paz on 21.12.2011

Thumbs up: +51
The @gents Old School Death Metal / Not So Old School Grindcore List

Bands listed alphabetically, One album per band (With the exception of Carcass and Napalm Death who appear in the Grind and Death Metal sections). Some bands may not be pure old school (Death / Thrash,…

2.Abhorrence - Abhorrence [EP]
3.Acrostichon - Engraved In Black
4.Adramelech - PsychoStasia
5.Afflicted - Prodigal Sun

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Created by @gent_-_orange on 18.09.2011