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1.Fifth Quadrant - Vision
2.Orphaned Land - Unsung Prophets & Dead Messiahs
3.Sylvaine - Atoms Aligned, Coming Undone
4.Powerwolf - The Sacrament Of Sin
5.Bury Tomorrow - Black Flame

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Created by DoomSayer on 24.02.2018

Thumbs up: +8
2018: Let's Get It On! (Jan-Jun)

Actually getting onto this year relatively early, let's see what it's got in store for us all.

1.Weedpecker - III
2.Amorphis - Queen Of Time
3.Slugdge - Esoteric Malacology
4.Rolo Tomassi - Time Will Die And Love Will Bury It
5.Aviations - The Light Years

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Created by musclassia on 12.01.2018

Thumbs up: +1
2018 Album Ranking

1.Amorphis - Queen Of Time
2.Vermilia - Kätkyt
3.Sulphur Aeon - The Scythe Of Cosmic Chaos
4.Zeal & Ardor - Stranger Fruit
5.Tribulation - Down Below

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Created by Anghellic67 on 02.01.2018

Thumbs up: +13
Karlabos' 2018 Finds

Everything I find worthy found of (but not necessarily in) 2018.
I'm not an eclectic person. I listen to extreme metal, underground pop, electronic music and weird stuff. Even better if it's…

1.Lemmings Suicide Myth - St
2.Death Fortress - Reign Of The Unending
3.Zebulon Kosted & Stormhammer - The Murderous Kleptocrat Francisco Macias Nguema
4.Urbangarde - Ai To Gensou No Urbangarde
5.Tentenko - All You Need Is cat

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Created by Karlabos on 01.01.2018

Thumbs up: +4
Yet Another Useless Folking List

This is a list of all the folk metal albums I have listened to that I found to be of at least marginal quality. It is purely for my own organizational purposes and is not meant to be a definitive statement…

1.Elvenking - Secrets Of The Magick Grimoire
2.Forefather - Ours Is The Kingdom
3.Forefather - Steadfast
4.Forefather - Last Of The Line
5.Dalriada - Áldás

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Created by ScreamingSteelUS on 17.05.2016