New Song Premieres
New Song Premieres
Feb 15
Drop 'Grýla' Single
Drop 'Grýla' Single
Feb 15
Page: 1
Most of the musicians are cool. I ran into Bleed from Within musicians when they were buying some beers, I got wet with former Ingested vocalist, needed to explain my t-shirt to Destroyer 666... They're all cool.
12:00 - Cynic Metalhead
Most musicians are cordial. If you keep it civil, they come across a fine individual like everyone else.
10:43 - corrupt
So far people have always responded positively. And it's a good conversation starter. There are several musicians I ended up having a few beers with and just talking for a few hours.
10:41 - corrupt
And I usually just tell them exactly that. "Hey, can I just shake your hand and tell you I appreciate your work? You've had a lot of influence on my life and I want you to know that". Stuff like that.
10:40 - corrupt
I have a list of people in life whose hand I want to shake at least once. Dan was on that list. I don't go out of my way to make that happen, but if an opportunity presents itself, I will try.
05:51 - no one
I'd be too nervous to meet any musicians I worship. How the hell do people go to meet and greets? Just be awkward
05:39 - Opethian
-- shout deleted --
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