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Megadeth - Endgame

8.2 | 1459 votes |
Release date: 9 September 2009
Style: Heavy metal, Thrash metal


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01. Dialectic Chaos
02. This Day We Fight!
03. 44 Minutes
04. 1,320'
05. Bite The Hand
06. Bodies
07. Endgame
08. The Hardest Part Of Letting Go... Sealed With A Kiss
09. Head Crusher
10. How The Story Ends
11. The Right To Go Insane
12. Washington Is Next! [live] [Japanese bonus]

The Best Thrash Metal Album And The Biggest Surprise Of 2009

Additional info
Release dates:
09 Sep: Japan
11 Sep: Germany
15 Sep: USA

Track # 11 is called Nothing Left To Lose on the version available to the press.

Produced by Andy Sneap and Dave Mustaine
Engineered, mixed, and mastered by Andy Sneap
Additional recording by Dave Mustaine

Staff review by
omne metallum
The best thrash record in years.

published 17.11.2020 | Comments (5)

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Comments: 76   Visited by: 1913 users
05.08.2013 - 01:24
Rating: 10
This album is amazing. one of megadeths best for sure. i just wish 13 and super collider were like this....
16.01.2015 - 18:37
Rating: 10
No review??, it seems like its more important to blame on weak albums than praise good albums.
16.01.2015 - 18:41
Giant robot
Written by ScnD361 on 16.01.2015 at 18:37

No review??, it seems like its more important to blame on weak albums than praise good albums.

Write one yourself, warrior.
16.01.2015 - 19:37
Account deleted
He's got a point, though. Beyond my knowledge as to why crap like The System Has Failed and United Abominations got reviews and this didn't.

I actually tried writing a review a long-ass time ago that would've totaled to a 8.3, but it got rejected because that was back when I couldn't write reviews worth shit.
16.01.2015 - 19:49
Giant robot
Written by [user id=101272] on 16.01.2015 at 19:37

He's got a point, though. Beyond my knowledge as to why crap like The System Has Failed and United Abominations got reviews and this didn't.

I actually tried writing a review a long-ass time ago that would've totaled to a 8.3, but it got rejected because that was back when I couldn't write reviews worth shit.

He was saying it as if it were a policy we were secretly following. Like many albums this year, it didn't get reviewed most probably because people don't have time or the will to review everything that comes out, it's not as if there were a team of 50 reviewers at the time - or now.

Rewrite it and submit it .
17.01.2015 - 04:05
Rating: 10
Written by Ilham on 16.01.2015 at 19:49

Written by [user id=101272] on 16.01.2015 at 19:37

He's got a point, though. Beyond my knowledge as to why crap like The System Has Failed and United Abominations got reviews and this didn't.

I actually tried writing a review a long-ass time ago that would've totaled to a 8.3, but it got rejected because that was back when I couldn't write reviews worth shit.

He was saying it as if it were a policy we were secretly following. Like many albums this year, it didn't get reviewed most probably because people don't have time or the will to review everything that comes out, it's not as if there were a team of 50 reviewers at the time - or now.

Rewrite it and submit it .

A policy secretly followed? nono, I mean, today I was reading reviews from megadeth, from super collider backwards, and it seemed strange that the two albums following Endgame had reviews (albums that I find inferior to this). I don't do reviews because english isn't my first language, and I don't know why to express all that I think about an "X" album.

@Lit. submit you review please, I enjoy to read what someone else think about an album.
17.01.2015 - 04:55
Account deleted
Review's long gone and my tastes for this album have also differed slightly. If I'm gonna write a review, it's gonna be completely different. We'll see...
28.10.2016 - 10:22
Rating: 7
It's thrash again that's for sure, but is it good thrash? Barely I say. The songs are decent, not really anything special though, and it's very easy not to remember anything about them after you've heard them. There are a couple of good, fast tracks, but the rest of them are those typical mid paced modern-not-really-thrash-MegaDave tracks. This is not the best headbanging material available and it's only good/average at best on MegaDave standards. Personally I rather go for some new thrash bands than this album (and 2000s MegaDave in general), as they tend to do this better and have more energy in it.
My vision is augmented
24.02.2019 - 11:24
Rating: 6
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
I was a metalstormer when this came out and then I though its good, now I agree. 44 minutes are awesome song, Metallica and big 4 hasn't put decent killer song , strong MTv video song, megadeth after came back in every album does. Here we have 44 minutes and basically whole album is awesome, strong and heavy.
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
11.10.2020 - 18:07
Rating: 6
Roman Doez
This one's pretty good, a bit overrated but it does have absolutely killer tracks and riffs, maybe too many solos but it's not that bad. Like it a lot !
25.12.2020 - 22:04
Rating: 9
Excellent album, the solos of the song "44 minutes" are killer
13.12.2021 - 20:18
Rating: 9
Lol, that guy, like this album a lot and rate it 6!! I wonder what he rates the album he only does like a bit!!!
Beware the Shadows of Dusk
07.04.2022 - 00:32
Rating: 7
Nocturnal Bro
Killer album! This album marked the return of Megadeth-Magic!
25.03.2023 - 00:00
Rating: 10
Definitely still the best 'post-Countdown' album... tons of riffs, killer solos and Mustaine singing very well
10.03.2024 - 13:54
Rating: 8
Grew on me on a later stage. It took some time for me as a big fan.
In the beginning I was made of clay. Then I bit the apple and they changed me to metal 🤘
23.04.2024 - 05:53
Rating: 7
44 Minutes is one of their best songs IMO and Broderick does some great solos here.
Everything's twice as bright with money in your hands

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