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Trap Them

This band's profile is 'invisible', meaning that it's much less prominent on the site - either because it's incomplete, or maybe doesn't entirely fit MS format.


2001-2017  Ryan McKenney - vocals
2001-2017  Brian Izzi - guitars
2013-2017  Galen Baudhuin - bass
2014-2017  Brad Fickeisen - drums
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2008-2009  Mike Justian - drums
2008-2011  Steve LaCour - bass
2009-2014  Chris Maggio - drums
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Mons Lvnae or Mons Lunae is a Latin expression which, in English, means "mount of the moon". Mons Lvnae was the name given to Sintra's Forest by the Roman Army during their occupation in the Iberian Peninsula. According to the legend, when...
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