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1981-1982  Ed Aborn - drums
› 1984-1986  -//-
› 2016-  -//-
1981-1983  Hal Dunn - guitars
› 2016-  -//-
1982-  Doug Lee - vocals
1985-1987  Gregg Culbertson - bass
› 2018-  -//-
2016-  Todd Grubbs - guitars
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1981  Andy Flowers - drums
1981-1982  Frank Marsh - vocals
1981-1982  Mike Martinez - bass
› 1983  -//-
1981-1985  Rob Phillips - guitars
› 1986-1987  -//-
1982-1983  Del Weber - bass
1982-1983  Brian Law - drums
› 1986-1987  -//-
1983  Mike Furney - drums
1984  Ben Parrish - bass
1985  Ed Hauser - bass
› 2017-2018  -//-
1985  Scott Wallace (I) - guitars
1985-1986  Faxon Kotz - guitars
1987  Brian C. Hendrickson - bass
› 1987-1989  -//- guitars
1987-1989  David Smith (II) - drums
1988-1989  Les Talent - bass
1990  Jörg Michael - drums
1990  Johan "Wannes" Susant - bass
1990  Frank Fricke - guitars
1990  Georg Syrmbos - guitars
View timeline ››
1990  Frank Ullrich - drums
2020  Rich Ward - guitars