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Dead Head


1989-  Robbie Woning - guitars
1989-  Ronnie Van Der Weij - guitars
1989-1992  Hans Spijker - drums
› 1995-  -//-
2008-2021  Ralph De Boer - vocals, bass
› 2021-  -//- bass, vocals
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1989-2000  Tom Van Dijk - vocals, bass
› 2003-2008  -//-
1992-1995  Marco Kleinnibbelink - drums
2000  Michiel Dekker - vocals, bass
2000-2003  Johan Wesdijk - vocals
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A marriage of bludgeoning death metal and blistering thrash metal at its finest.
Review by F3ynman ››
Slayer are sissies. Dark Angel? Hah. Nothing but a glam metal band compared to Dead Head. Haatland, the fourth album of these crazy Dutchmen makes all your extreme thrash metal bands sound no more violent than, say, Avril Lavigne. When I listen to Haatland...
Review by Deadsoulman ››
Here we have a new and huge compilation from the Dutch Hammerheart Records.
Huge indeed, because the songs, divided into 2 CDs are a total of 32 for 32 different bands.

The Label, founded in 1995, have interests in the Black, Death, Doom sections mainly,...
Review by Sephiroth ››

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