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This band's profile is 'invisible', meaning that it's much less prominent on the site - either because it's incomplete, or maybe doesn't entirely fit MS format.


2008-  Kob - vocals, guitars, bass, orchestrations
2009-  Basher - drums
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2008-2011  Vortran - bass
2008-2011  Izrod - guitars
2009-2011  Ana Bučko - keyboards
2011-2013  Atheos - guitars
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Latest reviews

Prognan's background in Hollywood soundtrack composing have been brought up the previous time they were covered here, but with Sve Će To Narod Pozlatiti, the runtimes have also reached Hollywoodian proportions.
Review by RaduP ››
Prognan seem to be on a very productive streak as there’s already another hour of music available of captivating, cinematic black metal. Welcome back to Balkan, twenty years after the first world war. It’s still as grim and epic as ever.
Review by Netzach ››

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