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Lion's Share


1987-1991  Lars "Chriss" Christmansson - guitars
› 1993-  -//-
2005-  Nils Patrik Johansson - vocals
2021-  Nils Fredrik Johansson - drums
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1987-1989  Jouni Niemi - drums
1987-1989  Mark Norton - vocals
1987-1989  Mikael Hansson - bass
1987-1991  Kay Backlund - keyboards
› 1993-2000  -//-
1993-1995  Andreas Loos - bass
1993-2000  Anders Engberg - vocals
1993-2002  Johan Peter Kullberg - drums
1995-2002  Pontus Egberg - bass
2000-2004  Tony Niva - vocals
2005-2010  Sampo Axelsson - bass
2021  Anders "Andy" Loos - bass
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2007  Richard Evensand - drums
2008  Conny Pettersson - drums
1992  Marcel Jacob - bass
1994  Thomas Vikström - backing vocals
› 1996  -//-
› 1999  -//-
› 2001  -//-
1994  Mats Levén - backing vocals
› 1996  -//-
› 2007  -//- vocals
2001  Mats Johan Olausson - keyboards
2007  Bruce Kulick - guitars
2007  Glen Drover - guitars
2009  Stefan Norgren - narration
2009  Richard Evensand - drums
2009  Conny Pettersson - drums
2009  Michael James Romeo - guitars
2020-2023  Kay Backlund - keyboards

Latest reviews

Lion's Share is well-known in Sweden, their home country, but they didn't find the way yet to conquer the other Europeans countries (except maybe Germany). It should change however with their new release "Emotional Coma", a nice album...
Review by Jeff ››

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