Metal Storm logo
Haven (GER)

This band's profile is 'invisible', meaning that it's much less prominent on the site - either because it's incomplete, or maybe doesn't entirely fit MS format.


2014-  Luc Lacroix - drums
2014-  Norman Siegel - vocals
2014-  Robert Kurth - guitars
2014-  Arne Teubel - guitars
2024-  Peer Cyriacks - bass
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NA-2019  Fernanda Czarnobai - bass
2019-2024  Sabrina Klewitz - bass
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2024  Peer Cyriacks - guitars
2024  Fernanda Czarnobai - bass

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It’s not uncommon for bands to try and defy the categorizations foisted upon them, even in cases where said labels are fully applicable; one only has to look at all the deathcore bands that tried to not be called deathcore bands. Conversely, it can be...
Review by musclassia ››

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