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Dawn Of Tears


1999-  Jesús Alonso - vocals
1999-  J.L. Trebol - guitars
2008-  Israel Pérez - drums
2011-  P. Dimas - bass
2013-  Johnny Wakamole - guitars
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1999-2006  J. Nieva - guitars
› 2011-NA  -//-
1999-2008  Jesús Sierra - drums
1999-2008  J. Alvarez - bass
2007-2008  J.M. "Astur" - guitars
2008-2011  Andrés Pérez - guitars
2008-2011  Konrad - bass
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Latest reviews

Dark Chamber Litanies is the third release of Dawn Of Tears a Spanish combo which plays in the Extreme Power Metal category. Professional as hell, the five new songs featured on the EP are good but absolutely not original for someone like me, being too...
Review by Jeff ››
Melodic Death Metal, and especially the Gothenburg variety, has been relentless since Dark Tranquillity and In Flames impressed younger musicians all around the world with their mid-90s masterworks. The sound apparently impressed a lot in Spain and that...
Review by Dream Taster ››

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