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1988-  Infernal - guitars
1992-  Odin - bass
2002-  Sataniac - vocals
2018-  Hont - drums
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1988-1990  Alexander Arz - drums
1988-1990  Creator Cassie - vocals, bass
1992-1995  Luggi - drums
1992-2001  Okkulto - vocals
1995-1996  Tobias "Thorim" Mölich - drums
1997-2018  Tormentor - drums
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1995  Tormentor - drums
2002  Mille Petrozza - vocals
2002  Blumi - guitars
2005  Paul Martin Missy - vocals
2007  Proscriptor McGovern - vocals
2007  Ashmedi - guitars
2007  Nemtheanga - vocals
2010  Chris Reifert - vocals
2012  Marc Grewe - additional vocals

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Bands like Desaster are always pretty funny to think about. Judging by the sound, it almost comes at a surprise to see them on a label as relatively popular as Metal Blade, yet it comes as an even bigger surprise that it isn't a sound that sees much...
Review by Doc G. ››

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