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Battle Dagorath

This band's profile is 'invisible', meaning that it's much less prominent on the site - either because it's incomplete, or maybe doesn't entirely fit MS format.


2002-2005  Black Sorcerer BattleAxe - all instruments, vocals
› 2005-2008  -//- guitars, bass
› 2008-2014  -//- vocals, guitars, bass
› 2014-2018  -//- vocals, guitars, bass, drums
› 2018-  -//- all instruments, vocals
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2005-2008  Wulfskrieger - vocals
2005-2008  Witch Hammer - drums
2008-2012  ShadowVoid - guitars, drums
› 2012-2014  -//- guitars
2009-2018  Vinterriket: - keyboards
2013-2014  Radok - drums
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The US Black Metal scene has never been the most famous one but always provided good bands, especially lately with combos like Wolves In The Throne Room or Nachtmystium (to give some few names). It seems however that the genre is growing oversea and more...
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