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1992-  Steve Austin - guitars, vocals
2015-  Trevor Thomas - bass
2015-  Douglas Andrae - drums
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1992-1996  Mike Herrell - bass
1992-1996  Brad Elrod - drums
› 1998-1999  -//-
1996  Scott Wexton - keyboards
1996  Cody McCall - bass
1996-1998  Chris Reeser - bass, keyboards
1997-1998  Mike Hyde - drums
1999  Brann Dailor - drums
1999  Bill Kelliher - bass
2000-2002  Michael Kilpatric - drums
2000-2008  Chris Debari - bass
2002  John Gillis - drums
2004  Mike Rosswog - drums
› 2008  -//-
2005  Aaron Kotilainen - keyboards
2005  Jeffery "Jeff" Lohrber - drums
› 2013-2014  -//-
2006  Graham Leduc - drums
2007-2008  Derek Roddy - drums
2008-2010  John Judkins - bass
2009-2010  Julien Granger - drums
2010-2013  Ryan Jones - bass
2010-2013  Curran Reynolds - drums
2013-2014  Sean Conkling - bass
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1998  Andrew Gormley - drums
2002  Kris Force - violin
2002  Jackie Perez Gratz - cello
2002  Mark Morton - guitars
2002  Wrest - programming
2002  Seth Putnam - vocals

Latest reviews

To crawl out of a hellish hole with love in your heart is not easy to endure. But then again, Today Is The Day have never been easy to listen to.
Review by X-Ray Rod ››
For me, the main point of extreme art is to shock a person’s very core and make them question their surroundings. To distort someone's senses and make reality clash with their wildest dreams and nightmares from their deep subconsciousness....
Review by X-Ray Rod ››

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