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Rose Funeral

This band's profile is 'invisible', meaning that it's much less prominent on the site - either because it's incomplete, or maybe doesn't entirely fit MS format.


2005-2008  Ryan Gardner - drums
› 2008-2011  -//- guitars
› 2011-  -//- vocals
2008-  Timmy Russel - vocals
2011-  Kevin Snook - guitars
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NA-2011  Dusty Boles - drums
2011-2013  Julian Kersey - bass
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2011  Steve Tucker - additional vocals

Latest reviews

It's all boring now, it really is. Drown any genre in enough forgettable bands and it loses it's impact. Rose Funeral play that clean, sharp-edged death metal. From what I've gathered, this band used to lean closer to the deathcore side...
Review by Doc G. ››


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