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This band's profile is 'invisible', meaning that it's much less prominent on the site - either because it's incomplete, or maybe doesn't entirely fit MS format.


1997-  Ilkka Laitala - vocals, guitar
1997-  Ville Sahakangas - drums
1998-  Olli Ketola - guitars
2012-  Jonne Soidinaho - bass
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1997-1998  Jorma Korhonen - guitars
1997-2002  Iiro Rantanen - bass
2000-2005  Otto Seppelin - samples
2002-2005  Jussi Jokipii - bass
2005-2012  Sami Katajamäki - bass
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2002  Keijo Niinimaa - vocals


1999 Kun Päivästä Tulee Yö [EP]
2000 Lahja [EP]
2001 Harmonia [EP]
1997 Demo [Demo]
2002 Ikuista [Single]
2003 Valve [Single]
2004 120 Minuuttia [DVD]
2007 Tasavalta [DVD]
2009 X [DVD]
2013 Horros [Single]

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