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2010-2014  Alex Cozaciuc - guitars, keyboards, drums
› 2014-2016  -//- guitars, keyboards
› 2016-2023  -//- guitars, vocals
2013-2014  Florentin Popa - keyboards
› 2014  -//- guitars, bass
› 2014-2023  -//- guitars
2013-2023  Cosmin Farcău - guitars
2014-2023  Alex Costin - bass
2014-2023  Luca Breaz - drums
2016-2023  Flaviu Roșca - keyboards
2019-2023  Liviu-Vasile Pop - guitars
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2010-2012  Colin - keyboards
2010-2013  Dxeel - vocals, bass
› 2013-2016  -//- vocals
2011  Otto - drums
2011  Sandu - guitars
2011  Sasha (I) - bass
2013  Florea Marius-Bogdan - guitars
2013-2014  Orza Radu - drums
2013-2014  Iulia Bulancea - bass
2014  Andrei Negrea - keyboards
2016-2019  Dragoș C. - guitars
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2014  Daniel Neagoe - vocals
2014  Déhà - vocals

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Radu foisted this album upon me with the suggestion that I am Metal Storm's "non-Romanian with the best expertise in reviewing Romanian music." Well, mulţumesc; I can never ignore a good buttering-up.
Review by ScreamingSteelUS ››
Funeral doom really seems to have two main denominations, the dark, evil, and abysmal kind, and a "lighter," more melodic brand that focuses on conjuring the melancholic vibes from a different angle. In recent years there's been more of...
Review by Auntie Sahar ››

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