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90 fans
Also known as Incorrect Personality (1999-2003), Blindead 23 (2022-)

Country: Poland
Label: Mystic Production

Links: Bandcamp
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Formed in: 1999
Hiatus: 2019-2022
Disbanded in: 2022

2010-2022Progressive metal
Bandcamp music player


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2003-2004  Michał Zimorski - bass
2003-2015  Patrick Zwolinski - vocals
2003-2018  Marek "Deadman" Zielinski - guitars
2003-2019  Konrad Ciesielski - drums
2003-2019  Havoc - guitars
2004-2008  Rafał Brauer - bass
2006-2012  Peter "The Animal" Kawalerowski - bass
2007-2019  Bartosz Hervy - sampling, electronic instruments
2012-2016  Matteo Bassoli - bass, vocals
2015  Jan Galbas - vocals, guitars
2016-2018  Piotr Pieza - vocals
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2013  Dorota Górawska - violin
2013  Rafał Wawszkiewicz - saxophone
2013  Jerzy Mazzoll - bass clarinet
2013  Daniel Sobiesiak - cello
2009  Rafał Kwaśny - vocals
2013  Piotr Grudzinski - guitars
2008  Vogg - accordion
2019  Nihil - vocals

Latest reviews

This year I've been convinced that some Polish metal musicians and their associates must also be wizards. The latest major releases from Riverside and, in this case, Blindead display excellence of production values which I can only describe as something magical or seemingly impossible, as both these bands recordings have come to us in an impeccable packaging of sound. The quality here is superb.
Review by R'Vannith ››

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