Chaos Inception
Rank: 4970 5 fans |
2008- | Gary White - drums |
2008- | Matthew "Matt" Barnes - guitars |
2008-2010 | Cameron "Cam" Pinkerton - bass |
› 2011-2015 | -//- |
2008-2015 | Chris White (I) - vocals |
2010 | Matt Odom - bass |
Latest reviews
The Abrogation
Everyone and their dog knows revivalist death metal (that's modernized old school sounding death metal for the cat owners out there) isn't known for its innovation or originality. The band members and the label executives know this just as well,...
Review by Troy Killjoy ›› |
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Forum topics
20.06.2012 | Chaos Inception - The Abrogation in Reviews | 5 |
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