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This band's profile is 'invisible', meaning that it's much less prominent on the site - either because it's incomplete, or maybe doesn't entirely fit MS format.


2005-  Patrice Hamel - vocals, percussion
2008-  Mathieu "Matoleos" Pettigrew - drums
2011-  Dörv - guitars
2011-  Rémi "Froidure" Plamondon - guitars
2012-  Siger - bass
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NA-2010  Iain McCrea - bass
NA  Vanhelian - guitars
NA  WarAxe - guitars
NA  Benfok - bass
2008-2011  Nicolas "Dark Dreamer" Crépeault - keyboards
2008-2013  Cynthia Charette - flutes, vocals
2009  Bors - bass
2009-2011  David Verret - guitars
2010-2012  Reif - bass
2011-2013  Maxime "Blodørn" J. - keyboards
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Pagan black metal can tend to be pretty hit or miss with me. You have your bands that excel at the craft and make fantastic releases (hi there Drudkh and Kawir), and then ones that only offer up your typical "hail Odin/I love trees" redundancy,...
Review by Auntie Sahar ››

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