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2006-  Mike Paparo - vocals
2006-  Steven "Dirt" Russell - guitars
2006-  T.J. Childers - drums
2009-  Trey Dalton - guitars
2022-  Joel Moore - bass
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2006-2009  Joe Mueller - guitars
2008-2011  Tommy Brewer - bass
2012-2018  Joe Kerkes - bass
2018-2020  Andrew LaCour - bass
2021-2022  Brently Hilliard - bass
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2013-  Jon Liedtke - keyboards, theremin
2017  Mikey Allred - keyboards, organ, theremin, trombone
2012  Asechiah Bogdan - choir, chorus
2012  Ryan Wolfe - choir, chorus
2012  Drew Goldy - backing vocals, choir, chorus
2013  Mikey Allred - theremin, organ
› 2014  -//- bowed bass, organ, synthesizers
› 2016  -//- organ, trombone, violin
› 2019  -//- synthesizers, organ, theremin
› 2020  -//- keyboards, piano
› 2024  -//- synthesizers, organ, upright bass
2014  Jon Liedtke - synthesizers, theremin
› 2016  -//- theremin
› 2020  -//- guitars
› 2024  -//- theremin
2014  Shibby Poole - synthesizers
2014  Meg Mulhearn - violins
› 2024  -//-
2014  Dorthia Cottrell - vocals
2019  Edmond Villa III - percussion
2019  Tyler Coburn - percussion
2019  Jason Hodges - noise

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When you get your hands on a new Inter Arma release, two things are certain: a) you don’t know what to expect, and b) you know it’s going to be good.
Review by nikarg ››
Every time you think you've had Inter Arma all figured out, they come out with more tricks up their sleeves.
Review by RaduP ››

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