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Vermiform - Biography





Vermiform is a three member project band composed of members of the []Masters Of Metal Forum[/url]. Bryan Edwards (ex-Seven Kingdoms) and Tony C. (Judicator, Project: Roenwolfe, Sedulity) put their creative heads together in late 2010 and started Vermiform with the intention of making a death metal band that sounded straight out of the early '90s. Vermiform have already announced that they have started work on a second album which will mark a change in their musical direction, citing influences such as Dissection, Necrophobic and Unanimated. Aaron Sluss (Seven Kingdoms) joined the band on bass and additional vocals in early 2012.

Everlasting Horror is the culmination of nearly a year of development over the internet between band members separated across almost the entire continental United States. With 11 tracks of uncomfortably old-school death metal, summoning the sounds of the glory days of bands like Obituary and Autopsy, Vermiform have crafted a debut worthy of all fans of the genre's beginnings. Everlasting Horror will remind you where death metal came from and show you that those roots are still just as strong as they were back in 1989.

Vermiform's second album, Of Chaos And The Void, is scheduled for release on December 21, 2012, via Masters Of Metal Productions. Vermiform have returned with a new style, evolving from their old-school death metal roots into a blackened death metal juggernaut bent on world destruction. Of Chaos And The Void features 10 tracks of dark melody and infectious brutality. The album will be available for free download on Masters Of Metal Productions, with physical copies available soon afterward in limited quantity for a donation to their blackened cause.