Launch New Single
Launch New Single
Mar 14
Drop 'Dynamite' Track
Drop 'Dynamite' Track
Mar 14
Touring Europe In August
Touring Europe In August
Mar 14
Reveal New Song
Reveal New Song
Mar 14
Page: 1
How about Windonesia?
16:52 - A Real Mönkey
I don’t want to take a holiday in British Cambodia.
16:29 - Bad English
Boxar whit car or dirt bike? So its like Yellow Knife then '
16:19 - Chidder
I laughed out loud when I've read "British Cambodia" xD
16:12 - Kosst Amojan
Cook island? Almost at the antipode, good 24 hours of flight, with stopovers at Singapore and Auckland... :)
16:12 - Boxcar Willy
This is a top tier K7 moment. I am about a 30 hour drive from British Columbia.
16:10 - K4$$33
Slay dem
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