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Cynic - Focus

Jan 26, 2020
In memory of Sean Reinert and Marcel Hubregtse
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 19.01.2018 at 01:43

So superior to anything they did afterwards it isn't even funny anymore.

You're so right, Marcel. Happy to have enjoyed that Hellfest'07 with you!
Mar 26, 2018
Eryn Non Dae. continue their chaotic sonic journey, exploring some more ambient territories this time.
While the first contact will probably be disappointing after the beast that is Meliora, don't be fooled: this is another exceptional release. Mellower, but probably more difficult to tame (hint: use headphones )...

Dec 13, 2017
Rest In Peace, Warrel Dane. Thanks for everything!
Seems I was about to miss one of this year's greatest albums, but thanks to their tour with Igorrr that won't be the case.
So guess what? That's Pryapisme at their best: Cat-worshipping electro / zheul / jazz / avant-garde / metal, still as wacky as usual, but a bit more, er, progressive as far as song structures are concerned. Purrr-fect!

Dark Tranquillity - Atoma

Nov 10, 2016
Dark Tranquillity are on a forward momentum again. Their best since Character, no less.

A video link
Nov 03, 2016
While Cult Of Luna are busy doing five shows with Julie Christmas this week, let's listen once again to what's probably the best post-stuff album this year.

The travel begins HERE

Terra Tenebrosa - The Reverses

Unadulterated darkness
Jun 15, 2016
They did it again...

The Algorithm - Brute Force

Electro + metal = madness.exe
Mar 30, 2016
A refined polymorphic code of madness. Ten slabs of heavy hitting, guitar infused, abrasive electro shit.
Now with added Igorrr / Pryapisme value!

Listen here or there!
Mar 04, 2015
The gentlemen's club of A Forest Of Stars came again from the 1890's to bring us their fourth album of their unique take on atmospheric black metal.

If you prefer videos, then ckeck this and this!

Nero Di Marte - Derivae

meloproggy post-death (and stuff)
Oct 31, 2014
Ever wondered how Ulcerate would sound if they were less extreme and more progressive? That's Nero Di Marte for you: a melodic take on the post-death sound, less suffocating but maybe more disquieting.

Trepalium - Damballa's Voodoo Doll

Swing Death Metal
Oct 19, 2014
Supersexy Swingin' Sounds? Hell yeah!

Trepalium have been searching since XIII for the perfect mix between the aggression in death metal and the swing and catchiness in jazz. Well, they nailed it perfectly with that awesome EP!

Check Moonshine Limbo's video if you haven't already!

Yob - Clearing The Path To Ascend

Heaviness incarnate
Oct 12, 2014
Four songs, one hour of pure heavy and pounding doomy stuff. Dynamic, entrancing, atmospheric, all at the same time.

Beware, this beast is HUGE!

Skyclad - Prince Of The Poverty Line

Skyclad at their best!
Jul 21, 2014
You know what? This album's twenty years old and it's still as relevant as it was when it first came out. So do yourself a favor and check it out - or spin it a few times again!

The Great Old Ones - Tekeli-Li

At The Mountains Of Madness
Jun 04, 2014
Relive the story of that ill-fated Miskatonic University expedition in Antarctica with The Great Old Ones's second album.

If you haven't checked it already, find it HERE!

Vulture Industries - The Tower

Extreme Prog / Avantgarde Metal
Oct 02, 2013
Long gone are the Arcturus copycat days, now Vulture Industries just released their most personal album to date. Soaring, theatrical, twisted, deeply emotional, awesome.

Try here or there!