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For Ronnie James Dio...
The album, the name, and the last band Ronnie toured with. This album turned 30 years old last month, which is surely testament to the timeless quality of this true heavy metal classic. There's no better time than now to blast it out one more time.
For Ronnie James Dio...
Released exactly 27(!) years ago, this album is regarded as Dio's best work, and an undeniable classic in the heavy metal genre in general. Simple as that.
High-Density Sonic Textures
Pyramids' sound cannot be described with mere words, and especially not in this small textbox. Let the music do the talking. If you need an incentive though, let me give you one:

Pyramids is a massive wall of droning texture, mixing Black metal with Noise and Drone with Psychedelics. In one long entrancing stream, the mood switches from soothing to harrowing within moments, leaving you breathless, speechless and thoughtless all at the same time. Must-check.
Staff pick by: Lucas
Endorsed by: X-Ray Rod
Astral Black metal
Sun Of The Blind is a side-project by one of the three Darkspace members. While it shares a few traits with the Swiss three-headed Total Perspective Vortex, most importantly the endless obsession with space and the void. Sun Of The Blind, however, approaches space from a far more melodic angle, being both easier on the ears and having a lot more grandeur. Skullreader thrives on the constant intertwining of melodic leads and majestic synths, pushing each other to astral heights. Eerie, dreamy breathtaker of an album.
black metal
Maiestrit is a re-worked version of 2000's Maiastru Sfetnic and is a stunning and majestic affair, particularly the two "acoustic" tracks. Sadly, the is the last release from the original core of the band before Huppogramos and Sol Faur moved on. Maiestrit is a wonderful, yet bittersweet, album that fans of epic-length should definitely check out.
Staff pick by: BitterCOld
Endorsed by: Marcel Hubregtse, Ag Fox, Darkside Momo
Black metal
1349 return in spectacular form with their fifth album. "Demonoir" is back to blastbeats in the territory that 1349 executed so well with their first three albums. This album doesn't only enjoy the more extreme side of black metal, it makes the band's first three releases seem stiff and rigid in comparison. Dynamic and extreme, "Demonoir" will surely be one of the best of the year.
Staff pick by: Baz Anderson
Endorsed by: X-Ray Rod
Psychedelic Funeral Doom
The Maniacal Vale is, in my humble opinion, the single most devastating release ever.

It lures the listener in with "Circle", which has possibly the most emotive opening ever written. Within moments, the mood has shifted completely and you find yourself spiraling downwards a column of fire. There is no escape, there is no return. A hundred minutes later your soul has completely perished and your now lifeless body will crave salvation. Alas, those that have visited the abyss are condemned to dwell in hellfire forever.

It is hellfire.
Extreme Power 'Samurai' metal
So, you think Extreme Power metal (CoB, Norther and the likes) has been running out of steam and has nothing new to offer? Try this debut album of Whispered, a Finnish band who decided to bring samurai legends and traditional Japanese instruments to the tired genre. Sounds gimmicky, but the blend works perfectly and is surprisingly effective in its epic scale.
Staff pick by: Ivan
Endorsed by: Doc G., fade
Death metal
This is the band's completely new recording of their 2005 album "The White Crematorium", and the five years have shown a big difference in terms of pulling music like this off. Faster, harder, heaver - it is better than the original from one of the top Dutch death metal bands. This is crushingly heavy and highly enjoyable stuff.
Staff pick by: Baz Anderson
Ambient / Drone
This week we commemorate the passing of The Angelic Process mastermind K. Angylus, who died two years ago. As a tribute, this staff pick is dedicated to one of the most phenomenal albums ever recorded. Weighing Souls With Sand is nothing short of a masterpiece. Period.
Staff pick by: Thryce
Endorsed by: Lucas, Marcel Hubregtse, Deadsoulman, Troy Killjoy, X-Ray Rod, Ag Fox, !J.O.O.E.!, RaduP
Traditional Doom Metal
Warning's Watching From A Distance is a Traditional Doom metal album. Correction - Watching From A Distance is one of the best albums Traditional Doom has to offer. Five songs clocking in at nearly fifty minutes of emotionally draining, heartwrenching metal. Grey and bleak and with a devastating vocal performance to boot - a must-check.
There's a certain personal subgenre (or more like classification) I like to refer to as "Metal For Punk Rockers". Sitting in this little corner I've created is bands like Toxic Holocaust, Municipal Waste, new Darkthrone and old Motorhead. Crusty, aggressive, no frills or gimmicks with a real punky D.I.Y. feel to it. Top it off with a little Slayer influence and what you've got is a little less conversation, a little more action.
Staff pick by: Doc G.
Featuring seven tracks of guitar driven metal laden with double time blasting riffs, some positively S-L-O-W punishing riffs, lots of feed back and the fact these guys just RAWK makes this an enjoyable album worth checking out for those who like their metal with a nice coat of sludge.
Staff pick by: BitterCOld
Endorsed by: Thryce, Doc G., X-Ray Rod
Thrash! Thrash! Thrash!
Just in case you've been living in a cave or in complete denial for the past several weeks, here's a quick reminder there's a new Overkill album in stores. And it's something to be excited about since it's one of band's best efforts in many years. Get it while it's hot.
Black metal
Were you sad when Emperor split? Still craving for more black metal in that distinctive Emperor sound? Well here's something you might have missed. Released the same year as "IX Equilibrium", "The Red Jewel" is the album from Charmand Grimloch, Emperor's keyboard player at the time. Not only that, but Emperor's Trym is also sat behind the drum kit here. This Tartaros album sounds almost identical to "IX Equilibrium" with the addition of some crazy, spacey and psychedelic keyboards added for good measure. Top stuff. Get it.
Staff pick by: Baz Anderson
Endorsed by: Ag Fox