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Spain, Madrid - Madrid Is The Dark Fest II


DAY 1 (30.10)

DAY 2 (31.10)

Who was there?

Perihellion (France) 100%
Sweet Leaf 100%
troker () 50%


Comments: 2   Visited by: 35 users
28.07.2010 - 23:03
proofread free
What a line-up ... Esoteric and Mourning Beloveth are going to be groundbreaking "as always I think"
about Alcest I have just recently started listening to their music and just recently became a fan but I don't know about their live performances
He who is not bold enough
to be stared at from across the abyss
is not bold enough
to stare into it himself.
18.08.2010 - 17:50
Account deleted
Such a good line-up for me. Really, really want to go to this. I hope I can save enough dosh!

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