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Pain Of Salvation - Bassist Leaves The Band

As posted on the official website:

Kristoffer leaves Pain of Salvation!

We are sad to announce that Kristoffer is of now no longer a member of Pain of Salvation. After having been the band's bass player since 1994, he has now kindly been asked by the other members to leave the band. The separation derives from growing difficulties to function together as a band since Kristoffer moved to Holland a few years back.

The band's own statement:
"We are a band who loves to play music together, and who values being a real band rather than a project that functions on distance. Being a tight unit welded together musically and personally is an important part of the band's soul; and constantly being decimated while composing, rehearsing, and even recording, simply proved impossible in the long run.
Kristoffer has grown to become a tremendous bass player during the years with Pain of Salvation and it is with sadness that we now see him go, but since this logistic situation will not change within the coming years, we unfortunately see no other choice."

Band profile: Pain Of Salvation
Posted: 21.02.2006 by wrathchild | Comments (0)

Sun Caged - Bassist Leave The Band

After almost 7 years bassist Rob Van Der Loo decided to leave the band due to musical differences, the departure was in a friendly way. Rob posted the following message to explain the situation:

"I've been a member of Sun Caged for almost seven years which is quite a while.
Playing in Sun Caged convinced me that I wanted to be a full-time professional musician.
But seven years is quite a long time and in this period a lot of things like personal interests and musical taste can change. As a musician I need to be challenged and through the last 18 months I started to realize that Sun Caged wasn't longer the challenge for which I was looking.
When I'm a member of a band I need to support the music for 200% and not for 100% or less.
Making decisions like this can be very hard but I took a lot of time to think about it and I'm sure that this is the right choice for as well me as the band. The fact that I'm leaving the band doesn't mean that it's the end of my musical career. In fact I think it will give me much more new fresh ideas and possibilities to work on. And there's always a big chance that we will work together again in the near future.
I would like to thank all the (ex-)Sun Caged members for the awesome years we've played together and for their friendship. Of course I'd also like to thank all the Sun Caged fans all over the world for their great support: you guys rule! And last but not least I wish the band good luck with the upcoming line-up and the new album.

All the best,


The band is currently looking for a replacement, people who "are interested to join Sun Caged as the new bass player, (and) then send an email with a sound file of your playing to ".

The band point out that this won't change their plans to enter in the studio in April 2006.

Last live appearance by Rob will be "at Thursday April 27th in 013 in Tilburg, The Netherlands. Sun Caged drummer Roel Van Helden will play his Conservatorium graduation concert this day and afterwards we will play a set with Sun Caged."

Band profile: Sun Caged
Posted: 20.02.2006 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)

Benediction - To Release New Album

British extreme metallers Benediction have set "Killing Music" as the title of their new album, tentatively due in June/July. "Killing Music" will mark the recording debut with the group of new drummer Nick Barker (Dimmu Borgir) as well as the return to Nuclear Blast! Following the album's release, the band will be appearing at festivals worldwide over the summer, followed by a full-blown world tour starting in September. With regards to the musical style on "Killing music", the band said, "The new album has a few new styles on it, along with the punk/death riffs that we like so much. You´ll love it".

- Nuclear Blast Newsletter -

Band profile: Benediction
Posted: 17.02.2006 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)

Beyond Twilight - Finish Work On New Album

After lots of hassle with the former singer Kelly Sundown Carpenter, Danish progressive metal band Beyond Twilight has finally finished the works on the new album "For The Love Of Art And The Making." It consists of one ongoing composition containing 43 sections, which are to be considered pieces of a puzzle. According to the label Massacre Records "the album a meaning from start to end but if you set your cd player on shuffle new doors to the meaning of the album will open for you." The album will be released on April 21, 2006.


Band profile: Beyond Twilight
Posted: 17.02.2006 by Promonex | Comments (0)

Count Raven - New Lineup

Dan Fondelius, frontman of the Swedish doom metal legend Count Raven, has parted ways with bassist Tommy 'Wilbur' Eriksson and drummer Christer 'Renfield' Petersson after reuniting with them after a five year hiatus in 2003. The replacements are Fredrik Jansson and Jens Bock respectively. The official statement of Fondelius:

"Count Raven has after two and a half years decided to go through some changes. There are a number of reasons for this: The main one's due to problems working in one direction, due to lack of interest and bad communication. Another one is simply that the old magic wasn't there anymore. This is not a new thing, it happens to a lot of bands that reunite, and for some reason they can't find that old mojo working.

In order to keep the old Raven-magic, we have some new people in the band who have the ability to keep that very magic. And that's the main thing. You got to stay true to your music, your fans and to your dream! The guys that will help out to make this dream work and who are replacing Wilbur and Renfield are: Fredrik Jansson (ex-Abramis Brama) on bass, and Jens Bock (ex-Doomsday Gouvernment) on drums. We have already finished the set-list for the Bang Your Head-Festival, and it will include a few surprises.
Also we are rehearsing on new material for a possible new album, and so far it sounds extremely promising. We want to thank everybody that believed in us in the past, as well those that do now. We won't let you down!
The Raven flies on..."

Band profile: Count Raven
Posted: 17.02.2006 by Promonex | Comments (0)

DragonForce - Announce New Bassist

Current touring bassist Frederic Leclercq (former Heavenly guitarist, and current live guitarist for French act Carnival In Coal) was announced through a press release at Roadrunner records UK as the new bassist to DragonForce.

According to Roadrunner: "Fred is a longtime friend of Dragonforce guitarist, Herman Li. Whilst out on the road with Dragonforce, the band realised that Fred fitted into the band perfectly and invited him to join on a permanent basis.

Fred is a bit of a super-talented 'multi-man'. As well as being fluent in the English, French and German languages (and swear words in most others!), Fred is actually multi-instrumental (he plays guitar, bass, keyboards and sings) in multiple metal genres.

Fred's accession to full-time status adds even more international colour to Dragonforce's ranks. The London-based outfit can now boast a South African frontman (ZP Theart), guitarists from Hong Kong and New Zealand (Herman Li and Sam Totman, respectively), a Ukrainian keyboard player (Vadim Pruzhanov) to add to their British drummer (Dave Mackintosh) and now, French bassist."

The band is currently on tour which should finish in March, after this DragonForce have a couple of new dates in Ireland:

Sat 18th March - Dublin Ambassador Theatre
Sun 19th March - Belfast Spring & Airbrake

Band profile: DragonForce
Posted: 15.02.2006 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)

Aeternus - Drummer Leaves Band

Statement 07.02.2006

Greetings to you all!

Erik, the drummer of Aeternus decided to quit the band a while after the Production of "HeXaeon" was completed. He was with Aeternus from the same year as I started the band which was 1993.

His reasons were honest and understandable as we all respect his ways and opinions regarding his musical path and so forth. Erik said he simply had no more to give the style of extreme metal-music, he felt he had done enough and his passion and fire towards this type of metal style were no longer with him to the extent where it would give him something as a musician and a drummer to proceed.

Erik meant a lot to Aeternus' music and his drumming was always a part of what makes Aeternus what it is today. I will personally always be glad and honored for the time he spent in Aeternus. His skills and dedication were at 100% at all times. The way it should be. He will be missed and remembered as one of the greatest musicians I have personally ever worked with. I am glad to know that his drumming on ALL of Aeternus' released material will always be there, reminding me of a tremendously great musical Era, but first and foremost an Era that has given me SO much inspiration as a composer of extreme music. Growing as a musician with him over a period of 13 years was something very, very special that I wouldn't trade for anything.

To Erik: We'll miss you brother, as a highly skilled and dedicated drummer.

The future of Aeternus is a bit on stand-by due to his departure, but Aeternus will continue and we are looking for a replacement. This leads to the fact that gigs and whatnot are not really "around the corner" anywhere to put it that way. Replacing Erik will take time and preparing a new drummer can take time as well. Be patient. We WILL get the wheels rolling again regarding live shows.


Band profile: Aeternus
Posted: 14.02.2006 by Jason W. | Comments (0)

Madder Mortem - Desiderata Release Date

Desiderata release date set:

We're very happy to tell you that Desiderata is set for release on Peaceville records on the 27th of March 2006.
It'll be accompanied by a video for the opening track of the album, "My name is silence".

The release party for Desiderata will be held at John Dee on Friday 31st March 2006.

The main event will naturally be the concert and the very first public perfomance of most of the songs from Desiderata, but we're hoping to give you some other fun experiences too:

-As a support act, we're proud to offer you Dr Feedback, who, amongst other things, will be performing acoustic versions of Madder Mortem classics.
-We'll be setting up some competitions and giveaways...stay tuned for news!

19/01/06 : Madder Mortem

Band profile: Madder Mortem
Posted: 14.02.2006 by Jason W. | Comments (0)

W.A.S.P. - Drummer Stet Howland Departs

Drummer Stet Howland has announced his departure from W.A.S.P. on the band's official forum:

"I appreciate the kind words and I am sorry if some of you are sad about my departure. Out of respect to the band and the upcoming tour, I didn't send out a press release about this, as I didn't want to cause possible worry to you good people.
I just got in from a long weekend and my ass is kicked, so I'll keep this short and to the point.
Without going into detail that would most likely get turned into something negative, let me give a Reader's Digest version of what's up.
In mid-January, Blackie and I had a phone conversation that resulted in our parting. It wasn't shitty, ugly, or disrespectful in any way. It was two old and dear friends being honest with each other. After 16 years as friends and bandmates, one thing you learn is how to be honest with each other.
So the bottom line is, I will not be part of the upcoming tour, and I'm not sure who the drummer will be as its really none of my business. If it's the guy that they were going to use before I came back, he is excellent. I don't know him but I have heard his work on Darrell's solo stuff and I think he's great. Keep in mind Im just guessing from the other side of the country. lol
I will be posting more details about this and my upcoming plans on my site this week."

The entire statement can be read at this location.


Band profile: W.A.S.P.
Posted: 14.02.2006 by Promonex | Comments (0)

Megadeth - James LoMenzo (ex-BLS) Joins On Bass

As previously reported bassist Jimmy MacDonough has left Megadeth and was in the meanwhile substituted by James LoMenzo on February 10, 2006.

Dave Mustaine posted the following on the official website:
"I want to thank Jimmy for everything and wish him the best in his future endeavors. He is knowledgable, and a good enough bassist to run his own outfit and I look forward to what he does musically."

Mustaine also mentions, "It was recommeded I check out James LoMenzo by a friend, because I was uncertain which direction I wanted to take with the bassist, prior to starting the next record and everything just clicked."

LoMenzo (formerly with Black Label Society, David Lee Roth, etc.) will play the Dubai Desert Rock Festival with Megadeth on March 16th, 2006.

Band profile: Megadeth
Posted: 13.02.2006 by Promonex | Comments (0)

Decapitated - Confirmed For Fuck The Commerce Fest

Currently on the final lap of a month long US tour, Poland's Decapitated have just been confirmed to appear at this years Fuck The Commerce festival.

Fuck The Commerce takes place between May 25-27 2006 at MZA (Mehrzweckhalle) in Luckau, Germany. Decapitated will play on May 26th.

Already confirmed are Vital Remains, Prostitute Disfigurement, Driller Killer, Extreme Noise Terror, among many others, with more to be announced

Decapitated's long-awaited new metal masterpiece ORGANIC HALLUCINOSIS is released on both CD and Dual Disc formats on Earache on February 13th 2006.

Source: Earache Publicist
Band profile: Decapitated
Posted: 12.02.2006 by Herzebeth | Comments (0)

Mortiis - Begins Work On Follow Up To 'The Grudge'

Notodden,Norway - Mortiis has begun writing for a planned 2006 follow -up to 'The Grudge'

Mortiis has been collaborating with well-known producer Rhys Fulber (Fear Factory, Delerium, Frontline Assembly, Paradise Lost) and is currently demoing material.

"On the new songs, we are focusing more on what I think got a bit lost last time, which is songwriting and continuity," said Mortiis. "Last time I was trying to make a really angry and abusive record, and I wanted to do everything at the same time because I wanted all this noisy stuff to happen. The distorted noise, electronics, and samples are still there, but these songs are more focused and have a more coherent interaction between the programmed and the organic. They are definitely a lot more organic, and I am putting a lot of weight on guitars this time."

Some of the working song titles include: "The Ugly Truth", "Doppelganger", "Hard to Believe", "Zeitgeist", "Scolding the Burnt" and "Great Deceiver".

In other news, guitarist Åge Troite has replaced Åsmund Sveinunggard for live duties with Mortiis. European and North American dates are being worked on at this time.

Source: Earache Publicist
Band profile: Mortiis
Posted: 12.02.2006 by Herzebeth | Comments (0)

Cephalic Carnage - Bassist Jawsh Mullen Quits

Bassist Jawsh Mullen has announced his departure from Denver, Colorado's Cephalic Carnage. Mullen's official statement on the matter reads as follows:

"I got some bad news for you, especially the ladies, I'm out again! That's right, I have decided to retire from the road. This has not been an easy decision to make, trust me, however, where I want to be in 10 years requires sacrifice. I'm gonna go back to school! But right now I have to work and save to get there. I will miss ALL of you out there, especially the friends that put us up, and put up with us over the years. I love all of you. To all of the friends in all the bands we've toured with, Thank you!! Thank you for the drunken, smoked out stories I have to tell for the rest of my humble like!! The memories! I've had a great time, but now I have to go and do some other shit, I have no attention span.

"I am staying active in music, however. I work at a rock club called the Hi-Dive, play in Munimula, Stuntcok, and Carniceria, so that's keeping me busy. Eventually I want to work for Dave Otero, (If you don't know who he is, you will very soon.) but I gotta work for it.

"For those looking for juicy gossip regarding this lifestyle change, sorry, there is none. We are all grownups. It sucks for all of us, but it's unavoidable, so we accept it. We are all friends, and they understand what I have to do. Those guys took me around the world, I could never have hate for them. I love them. I loved this band for years before I joined, if they don't sell out, I will love them for all time!

"If you live in Denver, or find yourself visiting Denver, come into the Hi-Dive, I will buy you a shot of whiskey and we will go over stories and laugh!"

Jawsh will be playing his final show with Cephalic Carnage on February 24 in Denver at the 3 Kings Tavern. In the meantime, the band are currently looking for a new bass player. Interested parties can contact the group at .

Band profile: Cephalic Carnage
Posted: 11.02.2006 by Promonex | Comments (0)

Megadeth - Part Ways With Bassist James MacDonough

Megadeth have parted ways with bassist James MacDonough. In a posting on the band's official forum, James wrote, "I just wanted to say thank you all so much for making me feel so welcome and thank you for all the awesome memories along the road. I will not be playing with Megadeth any longer. I'm sure Dave will post about it soon. Thanks again my metal brothers and sisters."

It was only five days ago (Feb. 5) that MacDonough posted a message on the Megadeth message board indicating that he was very much "looking forward" to playing at the Desert Rock 2006 festival in Dubai, United Arab Emirates on March 16, adding that he would "document the trip" for the fans.
Megadeth's scheduled appearance at the Desert Rock 2006 festival in Dubai, United Arab Emirates on March 16 is not expected to be affected by MacDonough's departure.


Band profile: Megadeth
Posted: 11.02.2006 by Promonex | Comments (0)

Skyclad - Sign To Black Lotus

The band posted the following on the official website:

"We are very pleased to announce that we have just signed a new recording deal with Black Lotus records who are based in Athens, Greece. The band is keen to build upon the success of 'A Semblance Of Normality' and feel that the partnership with Black Lotus will help us progress both here in Europe and further afield."

The band has also an EP entitled 'Jig-A-Jig' scheduled for release in April.

Band profile: Skyclad
Posted: 11.02.2006 by Promonex | Comments (0)