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After The Burial - Guitarist Found Dead (Update)

Update on 28.07.2015: About a week after the loss of guitarist Justin Lowe, After The Burial have given their fans a message about the future of the band.

The band states: "In the wake of our loss, it comes with heavy hearts to inform everyone that we have decided not to perform on this year's Summer Slaughter tour. The recent events have been unimaginably heartbreaking, and Justin's passing is something that each of us needs time with our families and friends to recover from.

"Justin Lowe's story may have a sad ending, but the legacy he leaves us is one that should do nothing but inspire.

"From the bottom of our hearts, we'd like to thank everyone who has reached out in support and with kind words for him, his family, and us. It has been truly amazing to see all the people whose live's he impacted in a positive way."

Originally posted on 22.07.2015: With the recent meltdown of Justin Lowe, guitarist of the American deathcore band After The Burial, Lowe has been found dead by the Arcola High Bridge near Somerset, Wisconsin. Justin Lowe was 32 years.

Scott Knudson, chief deputy of St. Croix County, states: "Foul play was not suspected, Knudson said, adding that the cause of death was consistent with a fall. Lowe's vehicle was found at a parking lot on the Minnesota side of the bridge, which Knudson said was the focus of a search on July 18. He said authorities from St. Croix and Washington counties, along with members of the U.S. Coast Guard and National Parks services were all deployed in the search effort."

Band profile: After The Burial
Posted: 28.07.2015 by Unknown user


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Comments: 12   Visited by: 214 users
22.07.2015 - 21:52
I was about to post this news in...

I am lost for words, it must be terrible for everyone involved to go out like this. My condolences to his family and friends.
22.07.2015 - 21:59
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Uldreth on 22.07.2015 at 21:52

I was about to post this news in...

I am lost for words, it must be terrible for everyone involved to go out like this. My condolences to his family and friends.

There are many things I want to do, but Johan does it before me
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
23.07.2015 - 04:25
Such a tragic loss... R.I.P.
23.07.2015 - 05:51
Damn, this is awful news, RIP. Condolences to the rest of the band and his family.
23.07.2015 - 11:06
This is terrible, especially because he was so young. I feel bad for his bandmates and family/friends. RIP.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29

Like you could kiss my ass.

My Instagram
23.07.2015 - 12:21
Joe Zombie
Mental illness is oft disregarded in my country (USA). Many people still don't understand it or take it seriously.
24.07.2015 - 03:12
Not a big fan, but sorry to hear this.
This is a local news story for me, but none of the local news channels covered this story.
Now if it was some shit local rapper, hip hop or folk singer with dozens of fans the news would be all over it.
Minnesota sucks for metal!!!!!
Old enough to be your Daddy... speaking of which... you look familiar... do I know your mother???
24.07.2015 - 04:13
Written by Joe Zombie on 23.07.2015 at 12:21

Mental illness is oft disregarded in my country (USA). Many people still don't understand it or take it seriously.

it's the exact same in Canada dude; where healthcare is free... people place a taboo on it like it's contagious or something... It's like you either deal with it yourself or do what Justin did and be called weak. I believe being pushed to the limit like that is bullshit, and admitting you need help then not getting it is completely unacceptable to the health industry. I commend him for getting as far as he did in seeking help, and going out in a way where it affected the least amount of people. Not like some people who jump off a building giving dozens of people ptsd or suicide by cop...
Gerald Massey: "They must find it difficult ... those who have taken authority as the truth, rather than truth as the authority."
24.07.2015 - 04:14
Written by Joe Zombie on 23.07.2015 at 12:21

Mental illness is oft disregarded in my country (USA). Many people still don't understand it or take it seriously.

it's the exact same in Canada dude; where healthcare is free... people place a taboo on it like it's contagious or something... It's like you either deal with it yourself or do what Justin did and be called weak. I believe being pushed to the limit like that is bullshit, and admitting you need help then not getting it is completely unacceptable to the health industry. I commend him for getting as far as he did in seeking help, and going out in a way where it affected the least amount of people. Not like some people who jump off a building giving dozens of people ptsd or suicide by cop...
Gerald Massey: "They must find it difficult ... those who have taken authority as the truth, rather than truth as the authority."
24.07.2015 - 12:31
Written by btbamfan20 on 24.07.2015 at 04:14

I commend him for getting as far as he did in seeking help, and going out in a way where it affected the least amount of people. Not like some people who jump off a building giving dozens of people ptsd or suicide by cop...

Remember, though, we don't know if he had depression or bipolar, and nothing points there. I am not a psychologist, but from his episode, paranoid schizophrenia is the most likely, and those people don't just off themselves. They are not in control of themselves during "episodes" however, and they believe everyone's out to get them, so if not received proper care these people will often run off, while being unable to take care of themselves, which is usually the cause of death.

I obviously don't know what happened but I find it more likely he just ran away, then either got an accident or offed himself on impulse-decision, but I doubt he planned to commit suicide.

Couple of months ago we had a similiar case here in my hometown, some guy on medication, with similiar symptoms, ran away from home, and the entire town was looking for him for days/weeks until a jogger found him dead in some forested areas nearby, I think cause of death was malnutrition.
25.07.2015 - 22:31
Very sad news. RIP brother!
27.07.2015 - 21:26
Stamp Tramp
Awful thing. Such a talented, young dude. One of the few in the "djent" category that was worth a damn.
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