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Coditany Of Timeness - New Black Metal Album Created By Artificial Intelligence

Creativity has reached new levels. Artificial intelligence was used to create a black metal album! Coditany Of Timeness is the product of a project undertaken by CJ Carr and Zack Zukowski. It's a five-track black metal album that features songs algorithmically generated. The music was produced by feeding the album called Diotima by black metallers Krallice into a neural network. Songs were broken down into short chunks, and the system was asked to project how the next section of the track would sound. The result is "atmospheric interludes, tremolo guitar, frantic blast beats and screeching vocals." You don't believe it? Hear it below.

This album is part of a submission to NIPS 2017 Workshop for Machine Learning, Creativity and Design: "Generating Black Metal and Math Rock". The album cover was created with neural style transfer.

"Early in its training, the kinds of sounds it produces are very noisy and grotesque and textural," said CJ Carr, one of the creators of the algorithm. But as it moved through guesses ? as many as five million over the course of three days ? the network started to sound a lot like Krallice. As it improves its training, you start hearing elements of the original music it was trained on come through more and more."

Coditany Of Timeness was the first of three programmatic albums Dadabots has released using this technique. A math album they trained on tracks by New Jersey metalcore band The Dillinger Escape Plan and the record called "Deep the Beatles!", which they trained on the Fab Four compilation album "1" are all available on the Bandcamp page. They plan to drop a new album every week but Carr isn't yet sure what next week will bring, but he said it could be trained by another metal act like Converge or Meshuggah, or even the experimental jazz artist John Zorn.

Could this be the future? What do you think?

[Also thanks to Ivor for the tip!]

Band profile: Krallice
Posted: 07.12.2017 by BloodTears


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Comments: 4   Visited by: 79 users
07.12.2017 - 13:39
Aww c'mon. Is this even true?
That's awesome
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei
07.12.2017 - 17:39
Why so low audio quality?? It's barely audible!
08.12.2017 - 00:19
08.12.2017 - 10:08
Seeker of Truth
I will listen to this later, but I think we will see more and more stuff like that in the future.
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Things that may not seem important now
But may be tomorrow

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