Forum Rankings
Posts: 41
Visited by: 4 users
Raiden Down Under Staff Elite |
08.06.2006 - 18:22
Well, after our transfer to MSv3, we've all lost our forum rankings. I was just wondering, if there is a chance that they will ever be back? I know that Ivan briefly said that the forum rankings were a bit useless, and I'll admit that they were, being non-staff titles and everything, but I think that the forum rankings added some character to the forums. All the skulls were cool and you could see just at a glance the 'rank' of each member. They were just generally an interesting feature to have in the forum. Plus, they were especially useful for staff members, as they have an actual position here, and you could see that. Over the time I've been here, I basically know (or know of) the Staff/Mods, etc but not everyone does. So what does everyone think? Should we have them back?
---- "Scream for me Melbourne!!!!" - Bruce Dickinson "I don't see any god up here" - Yuri Gagarin (while in orbit, 1961)
Lupas Maximus |
08.06.2006 - 18:46
Yeah for sure . The titles like bestmaster , freak forum master where cool. Also i miss the skulls . Ivan just add them and MSv3 is a perfect site ![]()
---- "For what point has this life if you can't realise your dreams?" -- The Divine Comedy
wrathchild Staff |
08.06.2006 - 19:43
I'm with Ivan and find them completely useless... In fact, I hadn't noticed that the skulls were gone ![]() You know, I find it better without those distinctions, I mean, of course you were proud of being a "forum master" but somehow that made people "superior" to the others called"newbies". Now, everyone is on the same level, and we still have the Custom title available. If you really want to, ask for "Forum master" as your new Cusom title ![]() EDIT: But you're right, there should be something that tells people who the staff are, like the * ~ ^ symbols we had in the memberlist. I'm personnaly happy to use my Custom title as a way to notify others I'm a moderator.
---- La belleza no reside en lo que puedas crear, sino en lo que eres capaz de transmitir Beauty resides not in what you're able to create, but in what you're able to communicate Txus, Mägo De Oz
Lucas Mr. Noise Elite |
08.06.2006 - 21:38
I don't really miss them. The skulls were funny to see once, but after that, I didn't really payed attention to them. But, I do agree and think that Moderators, Staff etc. should have some kind of distinction.
---- SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what? "The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
Lupas Maximus |
08.06.2006 - 23:08
But on the other hand if a new member enter here and saw these titles , he will make his outmost to become a bestmaster or any important title. Also agree with you warthchild, staff, elite and moderators must be noticed from others. I think that the best idea is to make a red skull head near staff names. I never had any doubt about your position cause of the avatar you had ![]()
---- "For what point has this life if you can't realise your dreams?" -- The Divine Comedy
Ivan Retired Admin Elite |
09.06.2006 - 00:23 Written by Lupas on 08.06.2006 at 23:08 And that's exactly what we don't want: spamming. If anything, the ranks should be given for community points, not posts.
Raiden Down Under Staff Elite |
09.06.2006 - 02:43
All good arguements ![]() @wrath: Yeah, maybe it did make some people think they were better than others. I think though that most people with 2000+ posts would be mature enough to not run around thinking they owned the site. Plus I also think that they were good because people who were new to the site, maybe showed a little more respect to the higher posters, as more posts is generally a sign of longevity. Which brings me back to the community points thing. The only problem with that is that the ranks would be all over the place. They wouldn't exactly show how experienced a Metalstormer is. Although that probably doesn't matter. Oh, and I was thinking about having Forum Master as my custom title ![]() ![]()
---- "Scream for me Melbourne!!!!" - Bruce Dickinson "I don't see any god up here" - Yuri Gagarin (while in orbit, 1961)
wrathchild Staff |
09.06.2006 - 12:52 Written by Raiden on 09.06.2006 at 02:43 That's true, but since the number of posts is still displayed, no need for a forum ranking ![]() Written by Raiden on 09.06.2006 at 02:43 Granted ![]()
---- La belleza no reside en lo que puedas crear, sino en lo que eres capaz de transmitir Beauty resides not in what you're able to create, but in what you're able to communicate Txus, Mägo De Oz
Lupas Maximus |
09.06.2006 - 13:33 Written by Raiden on 09.06.2006 at 02:43 @Ivan: I wasn't thinking of spamming but as Necromancer_S said here it would be an example for a new member
---- "For what point has this life if you can't realise your dreams?" -- The Divine Comedy
Lucas Mr. Noise Elite |
09.06.2006 - 16:06
I agree with the thought of giving ranks for community points. But I disagree with giving com. points for reporting someone. I don't like that idea, of getting credit for getting somene else banned/warned. It is completely up to you, though. ![]()
---- SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what? "The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
W-Lash Metal Master |
09.07.2006 - 18:06
I would like to have skull (specially that admin skull - it looked so cool) like in good old days! but if you don't plan to add them - then ok.
Raiden Down Under Staff Elite |
13.07.2006 - 18:48
@Nervel: I think it's a pretty good idea. It's not really like getting credit for someone else's mistake, it's more like alerting the authorities to something that they may see eventually, but would find it useful for you to tell them about. Also, it's encouraged, and rewards are great encouragement.
---- "Scream for me Melbourne!!!!" - Bruce Dickinson "I don't see any god up here" - Yuri Gagarin (while in orbit, 1961)
Eight Shapeshifter |
30.07.2006 - 16:50
Maybe i missed something, but how many CP you need to have your custom title ?
---- Book: "I am a Shepherd. Folks like a man of God." Mal: "No, they don't. Men of God make everyone feel guilty and judged."
Lucas Mr. Noise Elite |
30.07.2006 - 17:21
You can't get your Custom Title through Community Points. You need posts for a custom title, and to be exact, 1000. ![]()
---- SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what? "The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
Eight Shapeshifter |
30.07.2006 - 17:51
Well thats good, i thought rule has changed, thanks mate ![]()
---- Book: "I am a Shepherd. Folks like a man of God." Mal: "No, they don't. Men of God make everyone feel guilty and judged."
hanna of steel Poison Girl |
31.07.2006 - 10:08
A small observation : why is it only males that seem to be worried about their 'ranking' ?
---- Hell is other people - Jean-Paul Sartre
Lucas Mr. Noise Elite |
31.07.2006 - 13:28
Because all males are assholes. (Except me ofcourse) Nah, the reason could also be that there are almost a lot more men than women. ![]()
---- SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what? "The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
Eight Shapeshifter |
31.07.2006 - 19:16 Written by hanna of steel on 31.07.2006 at 10:08 A good question. And i have just the anwser for it. Don't know. ![]() Well i'll stick whit what is sayd above ![]()
---- Book: "I am a Shepherd. Folks like a man of God." Mal: "No, they don't. Men of God make everyone feel guilty and judged."
Damnated Churchburner |
01.08.2006 - 22:15 Written by Eight on 31.07.2006 at 19:16 No, I think this is just another dick measuring thing ![]()
---- Blessed is he that murders Christ in himself and in his fellow men. Written by TheBigRossowski on 10.02.2009 at 16:01
Eight Shapeshifter |
01.08.2006 - 23:07 Written by Damnated on 01.08.2006 at 22:15 Well as for me, i hang on MS everyday, if it's posible, and i do about 10 post for week or even for mounth. I only want this 'rank' for, you all know why, for individuality (or how it's spelled), and fun i guess (and yes i know that name does that thing too, still..) And yeah, if the posts are short as 'lol' 'rofl' 'omgwtfftw' then yes, i guess it is the 'dick measuring thing', i agree whit that. PS Thats my 717 post, it's 283 posts to go ! omg wtf ftw lol rofl dot
---- Book: "I am a Shepherd. Folks like a man of God." Mal: "No, they don't. Men of God make everyone feel guilty and judged."
Damnated Churchburner |
02.08.2006 - 00:47 Written by Eight on 01.08.2006 at 23:07 ![]() ![]()
---- Blessed is he that murders Christ in himself and in his fellow men. Written by TheBigRossowski on 10.02.2009 at 16:01
Eight Shapeshifter |
03.08.2006 - 22:51 Written by Damnated on 02.08.2006 at 00:47 The one with most posts when you die, wins! ![]()
---- Book: "I am a Shepherd. Folks like a man of God." Mal: "No, they don't. Men of God make everyone feel guilty and judged."
Raiden Down Under Staff Elite |
04.08.2006 - 02:47 Written by Eight on 03.08.2006 at 22:51 Ontopic guys : ![]()
---- "Scream for me Melbourne!!!!" - Bruce Dickinson "I don't see any god up here" - Yuri Gagarin (while in orbit, 1961)
wrathchild Staff |
12.08.2006 - 12:18
Off-topic: Could you please try to avoid multi-quoting messages? Reasons are obvious*, I think ![]() *edited, thanks Elijah ![]()
---- La belleza no reside en lo que puedas crear, sino en lo que eres capaz de transmitir Beauty resides not in what you're able to create, but in what you're able to communicate Txus, Mägo De Oz
Elijah Dance, bitch! |
13.08.2006 - 13:53
"bovious". I gotta start using that somehow, dude. Anyway, I think someone already said that the user titles after 1000 posts are enough. I agree with that. That way you choose what you want to express, rather then be limited to whatever Ivan sets it to.
Dane Train Beers & Kilts Elite |
14.08.2006 - 01:45
As for the custom titles, I honestly think it would be great if the Mod and Staff picked them for us. It will add more a community aspect to the forums. For me, I want a new custom title. My current one just doesn't fit me anymore since I have retired from the guiding business. I would really like a title, being a nick-name, to be chosen by the other members of the site. What would you all call me, sort of thing. Just my 2-cents here.
---- (space for rent)
Raiden Down Under Staff Elite |
14.08.2006 - 07:00
What if you don't like the title that is given to you though? Or don't want one. You could ask everyone what they think your title should be, sure.
---- "Scream for me Melbourne!!!!" - Bruce Dickinson "I don't see any god up here" - Yuri Gagarin (while in orbit, 1961)
Lucas Mr. Noise Elite |
14.08.2006 - 12:29 Written by Dane Train on 14.08.2006 at 01:45 But that would become a big problem, me thinks. I mean, what if you had a fight previously with a moddie? And one of the mods is a big friend of you? Then on what nickname would they decide? The Nice Dick, perhaps? ![]() And, I don't really chat with a lot of moddie's, and I (hope) haven't caused much trouble, so I think they don't really know me. What should they name me? You could ask that better to one of your internet-friends, or perhaps a 'real-life' friend of you.
---- SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what? "The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
Richard Elite |
14.08.2006 - 20:32 Written by Dane Train on 14.08.2006 at 01:45 Do you really want to know..? ![]() Seriously though, Nervel's right in that we (mods and staff) don't know everyone well enough to be able to give each member a custom title which would be appropriate for their character. I think the current system is fairer.
Paganblood The Aryaputra |
21.01.2007 - 08:17
What exactly does 'forum ranking' mean? (although I wasn't registered back then)
---- that which shines without names and forms...
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