Posts: 154
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Maim |
17.05.2006 - 09:51
I got their new album 'Memorial' a few weeks ago, and it's fucking awesome. It sounds like their older works fused with the material from their later releases, all to form one pretty monster album. Since Moonspell experiments a good bit with each album, all of their albums tend to have their own sound which makes them stand out from one another... which can be a hit or miss for a band. In my opinion though, Moonspell seems to hit more then they miss, which is something I hope they will keep up. Not to mention that they are also excellent live. So everyone, post your views/thoughts this band...
---- Friends will help you move... REAL friends will help you move bodies...
Lost One Account deleted |
17.05.2006 - 10:04 Lost One
Account deleted
I have only recently acquired this album and I am still having some difficulty getting into it. I mean, where are the semi-operatic vocals? I was a bit shocked to find out that there are none over the entire length of the album, but I can get used to that. Still, there is something that bothers me about the record and I can't quite pinpoint what it could be. Maybe it is the über-grim mood? I love the compositions though. Really heavy parts are mixed well with orchestral background music and the black / death approach to gothic metal works for me. There's some bloody decent solos and the occasional kickass blastbeat in here too, things that really get me going. The sound seems very direct, there's nothing that is overly done or left out where it should be present. It is all very balanced and just kicks ass from start to end.
darkwithin |
17.05.2006 - 16:28
At the beginning I didn't really liked the new album, 'cause it's really different from 'the antidote' wich I really love. This album is alot harder and darker than the previous album, but now i really like it and it's one of my favs. It's a must have album (especially for the fans of moonspell). My favourite songs are finistera and memento mori
---- The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his.
X-FrEaK |
22.05.2006 - 00:20 my second favorite album...not to say that is better than Wolfheart itself... Moonspell are a great band...some say thet they are very incosistent...i dont agree...sin/pecado is the only album i havent heard much but all the others own!!! butterfly fx is not as great though!
Nickwillnotbe |
22.05.2006 - 03:30
I enjoy listening to Moonspell from time to time. I have all their albums aside from Memorial, which I haven't seen around my area as of yet. Wolfheart was the first album of theirs that I heard and it is one of my favorites. The Antidote was also a lot better than I thought it would be. Strangely though, I seem to be the only one who wishes they had stuck with the sound they had on Sin/Pecado.
Dark Blood The Avenger |
23.05.2006 - 01:07
Can't say I'm a big Moonspell fan.. I like them, and i'm learning to like them more and more.. but i'm not a fan (even if they're from my country) I like Irreligious and The Antidote albums. Now I have the new album Memorial.. and wow, what a great album! I wasn't expecting to be so great. They changed their style a little, they're more agressive and I like it very much! ![]() They're great in live concerts! Keep Up!
---- It is humanity who must pay homage to the greatness of the Universe... not the Universe to the human narcissism.
Surtur |
23.05.2006 - 06:12
Well I really think that the best days of Moonspell have passed a long time ago, their first three albums are excepcional, masterpieces if you ask me, I miss the obscure emotions and dark thoughts that the album "Under the moonspell" make me feel, the greatness in "Wolfheart", or the good managed atmosphere of "Irreligious", the albums are still good but not like before, I think that the lyrics are even great till now...
---- " And every angel needs a tear to laugh "
KryptoN imperceptible |
23.05.2006 - 18:51
A very nice band, I saw them live last summer in Nummirock, it was my favourite performance there. I only own one CD for now (Irreligious) but I'm certainly gonna buy more. All of their albums are just great so it'll be a hard choice what to get next. To people who have not seen it: Check out the video for Finisterra, now! You can watch it on their homepage (better quality) or on youtube. I'll just copy-paste my comment on youtube: First impressions: This must be the best metal video I have ever seen. All of their videos are great but this is just too awesome. \,,/ The quality isn't very good but I think we'll be seeing better soon.
BloodTears ANA-thema Elite |
23.05.2006 - 19:40
i'm still listening to Memorial, so far my opinion has been positive, but i need more time to digest it. i'm discovering a bit more about Moonspell in each album they release, new concepts and filosophies, that keeps me interested.
VaronoZz Vampbaron |
23.05.2006 - 23:08
Album by album they getting better and better.... Great album, like almost all the previous....
---- give praise for the blood it bled, grant a rose for the dead...
Surtur |
28.05.2006 - 09:02 Written by VaronoZz on 23.05.2006 at 23:08 Please let me differ from your opinion, I think that their best albums were the first two, Memorial is much better tan the antidote and so far away from Butterfly effect but, it isn't true that they're like the good wines...
---- " And every angel needs a tear to laugh "
VaronoZz Vampbaron |
29.05.2006 - 17:30 Written by Surtur on 28.05.2006 at 09:02 I agree with the first albums (actually wolfheart album \ its my favourite) .. But i mean that memorial is a bit better than the Anditode, and anditode betten than the darkness and hope and butterfly effect... I mean for the last albums, anw it was my fault i wasnt accurate
---- give praise for the blood it bled, grant a rose for the dead...
Southern Wind Account deleted |
01.06.2006 - 02:01 Southern Wind
Account deleted
I seem to be the only one that likes Sin Pecado more than anything else... it has nothing to do with metal, it's fuckin' danceable thing but it's awesome at the same time...
Nickwillnotbe |
23.06.2006 - 03:31
@Southern Wind: I agree with you, Sin/Pecado is Moonspell's best album and I REALLY wish they had kept working with that sound. I finally managed to get Memorial as well. It is getting a "meh" from me as of right now. The songs are just too damn short to really get into. By the time you really want to start getting into them, they are finished. I do like the fact that they decided to use more keyboards then on their previous release. It gave it a real Sin/Pecado feel while keeping things heavy. The vocals were pretty good too. If I had to rate it out of ten (as of right now) I'd probably give it a 7+/- I guess I'm not as big of a Moonspell fan as I used to be.
Sage Account deleted |
23.06.2006 - 15:26 Sage
Account deleted
I hope to get my hands on the new one. I lost somewhat interest after butterfly, but i guess i have to give a second chance.
Xtreme Jax Psycroptipath |
28.06.2006 - 16:38
I havent heard any material from the band, but ive heard alot of good things about 'Memorial' and have seen the standard and the bonus track album. Just wondering for a first time listener would it be a good one to get? *Note that I havent seen any other material from them around and doubt that it'll be in stock anytime soon.
---- Hellcunt Smurf
X-FrEaK |
28.06.2006 - 23:22 Written by Xtreme Jax on 28.06.2006 at 16:38 Memorial is different from the rest of the albuns, is far more agressive but is far better lol ^^ ...just joking is not THAT BETTER because all of Moonspell albuns are master pieces ![]()
Xtreme Jax Psycroptipath |
29.06.2006 - 02:11
Cool thanks. I'll grab it when i can then, and report back.
---- Hellcunt Smurf
Surtur |
29.06.2006 - 03:03
Well I don't think that all are maesterpieces "Sin/Pecado" has some great songs but not all the material is good and "Butterfly effect" well is not as good as some of us wanted...
---- " And every angel needs a tear to laugh "
Xtreme Jax Psycroptipath |
02.07.2006 - 16:35
Well i got 'Memorial' .... Im really really impressed with the album, definatly rates as one of my favourite 2006 releases so far. Im loving the track 'Luna' and noticed when reading the interview with Fernando Ribeiro that goes through song-by-song saw what he said about 'Luna' "a great comeback of female vocals into our music. Since Sin that we haven't used any". So is this song more like the works of what was used on 'Sin'? Just wondering because i loved the sound and feel of 'Luna' and would like more of Moonspell's music that sounds like this. Please help
---- Hellcunt Smurf
Southern Wind Account deleted |
02.07.2006 - 18:00 Southern Wind
Account deleted
The more I listen to Memorial, the less I understand why that album had impressed the fans so much... it's a very uninspired Gothic/Death work, that can sound original in theory but what they offer with this album is very empty music, boring and without the strength of previous works... my least favourite Moonspell album.
Surtur |
08.07.2006 - 01:58 Written by [user id=5080] on 02.07.2006 at 18:00 Yeah, I was surprised that nobody said that before, you're right, but the truth is that the disc capt the attention of the ones that haven't heard their previous works...
---- " And every angel needs a tear to laugh "
Southern Wind Account deleted |
08.07.2006 - 03:12 Southern Wind
Account deleted Written by Surtur on 08.07.2006 at 01:58 well, I don't know if that's totally true.. actually many respected reviewers had rated Memorial with overwhleming ultra-high rates.
Daru Jericho |
08.07.2006 - 05:08
I've only heard a minimal selection of this band but they enjoy variety which is always a good thing. I think they have amazing lyrics too. Good use of vocabulary!
---- Aborted Misanthropic Smurf Puppy On Acid.
Damned-In-Black |
08.07.2006 - 20:38 Written by [user id=5080] on 02.07.2006 at 18:00 If Memorial is Moonspell's worst album, then they're about to become my new favourite band ![]() Seriously though - This is the first album i've purchased from them (the only other songs i've heard of theirs are Nocturna and one from Wolfheart, which both helped inspire me to purchase this one), and I fucking love it. My favourite release of 2006 to date (and I doubt it will be surpassed), and swiftly becoming an all-time favourite. IMO it's one of those special albums that has no weak points.
Stigmatized .......... |
09.07.2006 - 01:05
I enjoy The Antidote the most, followed by Wolfheart. Enjoyable band, to say the least....their music sounds very, very weird to me sometimes though. I know it's gothic metal, but it's still strange.
RavenLord |
09.07.2006 - 15:27
I only have one of their albums, but I love every moment of Wolfheart. The whole gothic/folk thing just works wonders for me, and I love their dark imagery...very Bram Stoker, if you catch my drift. :p I've seen the video for Finisterra, and I love the instrumentation, but the vocals take a bit of getting used to. I prefer by far Fernando's semi-operatic clean vocals on Wolfheart-can anyone recommend another good album to purchase?
Surtur |
10.07.2006 - 05:52 Written by RavenLord on 09.07.2006 at 15:27 Well the first mini-cd "Under the moonspell" and their second album Irreligious, the first one have the pure essence of Moonspell, the second has great songs, very conceptual album and songs like Mephisto rules...
---- " And every angel needs a tear to laugh "
Dead Ohlin Mo.Panahi |
20.08.2006 - 00:01
check Four video clips of them here:
---- A man's dead body must always have been a source of interest to those whose companion he was while he lived ...
Anathemani@c |
20.08.2006 - 01:54 Written by [user id=5080] on 01.06.2006 at 02:01 I don't think that you know much about Moonspell. And I believe that Sin/pecado has nothing to do with true Moonspell. For me their most representative alboums are Memorial, Wolfheart and The antidote. The other alboums (darkness and hope, Sin/pecado and the butterfly effect) are the weakest alboums in inspiration. I suggest that you take a closer look to the previous alboums. ![]()
---- Trapped in time A miracle of hope and change A swirling mass, no mercy now If the truth hurts prepare for pain ......Do you think we 're forever???