Thyrane (is no more)
Posts: 14
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Immortalist Knarrenheinz |
19.05.2006 - 00:54
About two weeks ago we had this piece of news spreading around of Thyrane disbanding, as soon as they would have played their two farewell gigs with Satyricon. Just today they announced that they won't be going to do those gigs after all, so now they have officially gone. Personally I hate this, just after the good album they released they are splitting up, I have never seen them live and now when I had the chance they cancelled ![]() R.I.P
Southern Wind Account deleted |
20.05.2006 - 07:51 Southern Wind
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Anyway, for me Thyrane lost interest after Spirit Of Rebellion... their early Symphonic stuff is majestic, "Symphonies Of Infernality" is one of the masterpieces of the genre, but they dissapointed me with their industrial aproach so this new is not very hard for me.
Abortion Account deleted |
22.06.2006 - 15:51 Abortion
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It's sad that now they're gone, Thyrane was a great, great band.. I was going to see them in Nosturi, Hellsinki with Satyricon & Enochian Crescent, and I might say that I was quite pissed off, when I heard that they're not going to play there. But after all, we still have their great music, while the band doesn't excist anymore..
Hylia |
22.06.2006 - 18:12
It is unfortuante that we lost a good band like this,I guess it would be disappointing for the people the paid for the tickets and didn't see them.I guess they had a good reason for splitting though.They had some good albums,but if we ever feel like listening to them,theres always still the music,that will still be there.
Jason W. Razorbliss Staff |
27.06.2006 - 21:31
Yeah the lack of publicity for Thyrane does not seem to have helped. Their 2005 disc seemed mostly ignored by the press, and I've met a few people who enjoy Thyrane's discs here in the US that were not even aware they had come out with something new. Not having it licensed here in the U.S. for decent distribution did not help whatsoever. As I expected as soon as I saw that you had posted Southern Wind, I am having different feelings that the band has disbanded, because "Hypnotic" and "Travesty" are my favorite discs by the band. The older works are great, but aren't as interesting sounding to me, and I like the heavy-keyboard rhythms that permeated all of "Hypnotic". It's those keyboard melodies that I have found nowhere else in metal ![]()
---- "After silence that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." - Aldous Huxley
Daru Jericho |
28.06.2006 - 02:36
They were one of my favourite symphonic black bands. They were heavily underrated and unknown to many self proclaimed black metallers, which is a disaster. I loved Symphonies Of Infertality.
---- Aborted Misanthropic Smurf Puppy On Acid.
Ba'al Peor Account deleted |
15.08.2006 - 04:44 Ba'al Peor
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Im not too sure it was a bad thing they split up. They have released several great albums and have matured a lot in sound, but i think if they continued as they were they would become like Dimmu Borgir or Dissection and just decay over the years.
Daru Jericho |
15.08.2006 - 04:57
I'm not sure about that. People say that those two bands you listed changed for reasons that Thyrane don't have. For example, Dissection went on a savage hiatus and Dimmu Borgir's fanbase accumulated (apparently for the worse) resulting in the band producing 'more accessible music'.
---- Aborted Misanthropic Smurf Puppy On Acid.
Ba'al Peor Account deleted |
16.08.2006 - 14:42 Ba'al Peor
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I know what you mean, but do you think its is possible to continue such a sound in such a competent genre without becoming overly "unoriginal" or boring?
Bad English Tage Westerlund |
17.10.2006 - 14:01
I had hera album ''Symphonies Of Infernality'' and it wa sgreat, great album and I enjoy lyrics, I try listen leitehr albums, but seems thay changed style, or maybe I was listening wrong band ![]()
---- I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens. Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die" I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
Jason W. Razorbliss Staff |
18.10.2006 - 02:01 Written by Bad English on 17.10.2006 at 14:01 Well, I'm not sure what band you were listening to, but Thyrane definitely changed their style on the "Hypnotic" CD. Honestly, the only consistently "black" metal element to it is the vocal style. It has a huge synth aspect to each song, and the guitarwork is rarely black metal sounding IMO. This pretty much pushed away most of the older fans from what it seems, even though the band did return to a melodic black metal approach on their final CD, "Travesty Of Heavenly Essence." Personally, I think "Hypnotic" was a unique step in hybridizing black metal with synth-driven instrumentation. The song structures are often repetitive to a fault, but I've still heard nothing like "Hypnotic" before, at least in metal. Definitely one of my favorite CDs for 2003 when I got it, and I still listen to it today. "Human Weed" and "Glamorama Demystified" are excellent tracks, and I recommend it to any of my friends who are looking for something different, and that is difficult to classify. "Travesty Of Heavenly Essence" brought back the band to the black metal world for the most part, but it seems like a lot of the fans had forsaken them by the time this came out last year... and I still wonder if this, combined with a totally poor distribution (at least in the North American areas) had a role in killing the band, but who knows. I think this last CD of theirs is well done, but just not as memorable as "Hypnotic" or as extreme as their older work once was. The best way I can describe my feelings for this disc is that it doesn't find its way into my CD player much, but I truly enjoy it when I listen to it. "Nox Diaboli" and "Deteriorated" are killer tracks. "Nox..." mixes some of the Hypnotic sound with sounds from "The Spirit of Rebellion"... sort of ![]() Anyway, another band I'll miss... I am a huge fan of bands that remain accessible yet are difficult to classify ![]()
---- "After silence that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." - Aldous Huxley
Bad English Tage Westerlund |
18.10.2006 - 10:01
@dismaleuphony - ![]() ![]() WOW I will answer short ![]() If it was same band what I listen then I like older stuff or maybe it was some time ago and I hawe no CD whit tham anymore, dounloyd - delite and maybe now I like it i dunno if I miss them or not I miss mor eold school (letter jackets, jeans, boots, t-shirts, booze, only women in nowdays locks beter IMO ![]()
---- I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens. Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die" I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
Jason W. Razorbliss Staff |
19.10.2006 - 05:47 Written by Bad English on 18.10.2006 at 10:01 Ha! Well about 2 years ago here on MS, I was known for extremely lengthy posts all the time...! It's just been awhile since I've put one up! My mind has been in different places in 2006 so far... hopefully it will be a bit more focused in the future so you can read some more longer posts ![]() If you are interested in checking out some Thyrane from their 2005 CD, this is the link on Thyrane for "Travesty Of Heavenly Essence" samples. If this doesn't work, just go to and check out Thyrane of course ![]()
---- "After silence that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." - Aldous Huxley
Bad English Tage Westerlund |
19.10.2006 - 13:46
@dismaleuphony - I like long post, poster then can say something, only fiew mambers hass great post ![]() About 2 years haha I want here, and seems I miss all fun Thank's link works and those samples now I like them and now im into them, seems I gonna try get album, im ceriuss again ![]() Well old school - in those days each band was great, nowdays only old school, but its diferent story
---- I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens. Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die" I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing