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19.05.2006 - 06:21
La Luna
I'm not sure if someone did this Thread before , and if they did well I'm sorry but I just think is a good topic to discuss cloning is the general term for the research activity that creates a copy of some biological entity meaning making a copy by genes of a human being , animal , or organ ...

I think that cloning a human is anti-human ...I don't even like the idea of thinking that someone can make a human being that looks juts liek you like ...Of course is not gonna think the same or anything but I think we are individuals and there's no one in the world like you ...Scientist hide many things and I wouldn't be surprised if they alredy have humans cloned ... but imagine to clone and animal took so much ..imagine a human being ...

About organ cloning , well is not such a bad idea , but then again there's side effects ..I have met many that try that and well unfortunatly some die and other are not happy because the way the body rejects ..

So are you guys with or against cloning and why ?

Metalheads for Black Lives and Land Back
19.05.2006 - 06:44
Account deleted
I find it fascinating that the possibility exists for us to create other humans, biologically exact, but without procreation. The advancements within science are profound and should be seen as such, whether or not it is in a positive or negative light.

As for the moral issues concerned -I'm not 100% on my answering- but I'm mostly against it. Meaning, if such a thing as cloning were used for positive means -means to which I am not aware of; medical, maybe- I'd be all for it. But I can't bring myself to escape the inevitability of human folly, in that, the ability to clone would be abused or manipulated in some way.

Perhaps as the events unfold over the coming years my opinions will become hardened; focused somewhat, on a yes or no answer.
19.05.2006 - 07:18
Account deleted
Nowadays we have the scientific and technologic progress almost at speed of light. But while we have all this progress, we must have a reformulation or an update in the behavior sciences.

We must have one thing very clear in our minds: not everything that is technically possible is ethically acceptable. The protection of the life and human dignity must be preserved all the way.

Human cloning is a very polemic issue. At one side, we have a lot of possibilities of cure or new treatments for uncountable diseases. On another hend, lays a question: is the human body a biologic manipulating tool?

Personally I don't see any problem in cloning organs. This would help a lot of people that needs a new organ, but doesn't find one 100% compatible. Cloning this organ, there wouldn't be possibilities of rejection, once it belongs to the same person that needs it. But I disagree on cloning an entire person. Just because I can't see an use to this procedure.

The ethics concernings about it are too vast that I could spend all the night just in this topic. But we must remember one thing: all new technology is frightening at the beginning. When was created, artificial insemination was discussed a lot, just as cloning is nowadays. The same thing occured with transplants. A lot of people said that men were playing of God, and that was not right, that we were against nature laws. Well, all those procedures are quite common nowadays. Let's time shows us if cloning is a sin or a virtue.
19.05.2006 - 09:22
I'm agree with the organs clonation but not with the human...
::...Am I awake? Am I asleep? I am only sure of one thing. I am a monster ...::
19.05.2006 - 14:57
Written by Coté on 19.05.2006 at 09:22

I'm agree with the organs clonation but not with the human...

Same here, but I go further then that, with saying then I agree with every cloning, wich not envolvs cloning full humans and full animals.
Blessed is he that murders Christ in himself and in his fellow men.

Written by TheBigRossowski on 10.02.2009 at 16:01

if my wife and I can't conceive, I want a medical shipment of your sperm so our baby will be just like you.

19.05.2006 - 18:38
La Luna
@Daibh: Yes I see what you are saying , and well as for organ cloning I say there could be a posibility ..that is not as strong on human cloning ..and I agree with you .this is why I don't agree because imagine if this falls in the hands of someone who wants to do wrong to society , and not only this but just by one hair or anything we are in danger of someone cloning ...even without your permission ....Thanks ..

@Laevos: Good point of view and well some things I agree with you but other I'm not so sure , it is true that we fear what we don't know but this seems just wrong not only in the moral way , but also in the scientific way , imagine they try to clone and they do something wrong ... chances are the clone will have desfiguration or things like that , what if even the manipulation of genes and all of that brings diseases instead bringing a cure .and well I think that this world is alredy to populated and this is causing problems to earth imagine with more creatures ....

@TragicPrincess:Yes somehow I too agree but at the same time is too hard for the person, there's the chances the person might live and everything but it brings psychological problems as well , always being examine or knowing that one day your body might rejected is difficult , sometimes death is inevitable ..

@Damnated : It is indeed a complicated topic and well with organ cloning yes but human or animal I'm not sure , I mean I don't doubt that maybe they have humans clones somewhere but they hide it , and well for animals it takes a lot with the sheep they cloned it took them hundreds on intents and I don't know too much manipulation ...I'm not sure if we can take that , after all we still humans and we are not wise a 100% ..

Thanks guys

Metalheads for Black Lives and Land Back
20.05.2006 - 04:50
Profane Seraph
I support it. Cloning humans scares me,yes... but It has a LOT of potential benefits and I really think they outweigh the bad... well.. those are just my thoughts, quite simple.
20.05.2006 - 06:59
La Luna
Written by Avenant on 20.05.2006 at 04:50

I support it. Cloning humans scares me,yes... but It has a LOT of potential benefits and I really think they outweigh the bad... well.. those are just my thoughts, quite simple.

yES that's fine , but I would like to know why like I want to know more reasons ?

Metalheads for Black Lives and Land Back
20.05.2006 - 10:04
We spoke about this at some Biology class.... Cloning each one of us and putting the clone in some sort of nearly dead state.... Then if I would need a new heart they could just take it from my clone.... The clone would never be alive, and maybe it could be made to look like something else than a human....

This is of course totally agains all ethics.... But we are not born with ethics.... The surrounding makes us who we are.... If no one would teach us ethics cloning humans would have been done long ago....

The problem is that ethics and moral is what has helped us get so far.... So we need them....

I guess there is a movie about cloning humans as life-insurance.... "The Island".... But I havn't seen it so I can't be sure....

Cloning organs seems to be the smartest option.... It's not that unethic.... But how to keep the organs alive?? A heart survives for a couple of hours.... Cloning organs would demand a great cloning speed.... And i think it takes quite a while to clone a heart....

So am I for or against cloning?? I don't know.... It could be really good for science.... But on the other hand cloning whole humans only to kill them would be kinda rude.... especially if these clones actually could think if awoken.....
20.05.2006 - 12:36
Profane Seraph
Written by Icewings on 20.05.2006 at 06:59

Written by Avenant on 20.05.2006 at 04:50

I support it. Cloning humans scares me,yes... but It has a LOT of potential benefits and I really think they outweigh the bad... well.. those are just my thoughts, quite simple.

yES that's fine , but I would like to know why like I want to know more reasons ?

Well, in the medical field. I'm no biologist but from what I've heard, people's organs can be replicated and that way it elimitates the problem of finding organ donors and such. Would probably help with blood transfusions to certain blood types (Type O negative?) and I think this kind of research is our best bet at finding cures for numerous diseases... perhaps it's playing God, but to me,the religious element is irrelevant. I am, however, worried about people being coned... but thoughts and personalities cloned? I think it's impossible.
20.05.2006 - 13:47
Account deleted
With technology progressing, there are now even theories about transferring human conscience into computer and, would the situation require it (death of the human), transfer it into cloned body then.
Nice thought, but I happen to believe there's already too many people on our planet and we don't need any more overpopulation
Plus, I don't really like all the technology stuff, including the computer I'm typing on :\
20.05.2006 - 16:01
I only support cloning organs, not entirely human, if people think that they can clone themeselves, and that way make you eternal life, thats an error.
Tho it can be really helpfull, like for someone protection, but it can also cause trouble. Clone Wars FTW !
Book: "I am a Shepherd. Folks like a man of God."

Mal: "No, they don't. Men of God make everyone feel guilty and judged."
20.05.2006 - 18:29
Profane Seraph
Written by Eight on 20.05.2006 at 16:01

I only support cloning organs, not entirely human, if people think that they can clone themeselves, and that way make you eternal life, thats an error.
Tho it can be really helpfull, like for someone protection, but it can also cause trouble. Clone Wars FTW !

hah, clone wars. well,depending on how you think about it... eternal life IS a cure for death.. but then again, we have enough people as it is
21.05.2006 - 06:54
Proud Autumn
Account deleted
Yeah, I agree with what's being said. I really see no benefit whatsoever to the human race if we start copying people. However, organs and so forth could be quite useful and helpful. I would support research into that aspect.
21.05.2006 - 07:12
La Luna
@ delusionist: Lol yeah I remember that in the same class we had to do a debate and that was uhmmm warm warm a lot of people got mad and stuff , but well I choose to be against it , and after that and reaserchig more about it I foudn that Yes I'm completely against it .

Organ cloning could be a choice , but I was sad to see how my teacher's husbad died and died worst like I don't know he had the orgn about for 5 years and then it totally failed , and the person suffer a lot ...sometimes I think that maybe if you are suppose to die you are suppose to die not matter if you try ...

Abotu the ethics well sometimes it just nature , is right about what you say but sometimes something inside tells you what's wrong or not ... and well I'm not only concerned with the ethic part but we the scientific too ..

and yes with your last statement I agree ..Thanks

@Avenant: yeah like I said it could be a possibility , but the patients suffer a lot .. and well like I said I don't want to sound mean or anything no , but sometimes if you have to die you have to because is your time and well I don't want the person to suffer ...Thanks for your comments ..and ohh yes that's impossible ...

@Draklar: heheh I agree , and yes the world is too overpopulated so ..why more ?and earth could not take it any more ... Nice post

@Jester Eddie: Yes I see your point , but I still think is an error even if is helpful ...I mean is not right .. and Yes clone war ....

Thank you guys

Metalheads for Black Lives and Land Back
21.05.2006 - 10:11
Account deleted
It's a stupid thing to think we can be immortalized by cloning. Just because we do have clones among us, but we just don't realize that. But natural clones. Univiteline twins are kinda 'natural clones', because they have exactly the same genetic load. In fact, they're originated by a bipartition of the embryo in its early days, which causes two identical people. And definitely twins are NOT mentally the same person. That's why our imortality dream is baseless, at least by cloning.
22.05.2006 - 01:29
La Luna
@Laevos : Yeah good thinking , and I though of that of twins they are kind of clones , but the thing is that they are natural as you said not man made .. and well yes a person can be cloned but only in the outside in the inside No way ..thanks

Metalheads for Black Lives and Land Back
24.05.2006 - 22:46
In order to achieve a "perfect copy" the clone will have to live his/her life exactly like the predecessor with the same DNA starting from the fertilization of the egg cell, which seems quite impossible. People change all the time, every second, while interacting with everything this world consists of (the butterfly effect) and thus there simply cannot be two perfectly identical humans.

I have mixed opinions about cloning. Since we know what humanity is like, we can be quite sure that it will fuck it up in one way or another. There is major potential in developing cloning technology and the fruits of it seem to be well worth the risks. But as I said, humanity is what it is and the flaws of it will make it nearly impossible to go through it without some grand problems and fuck-ups.

In one way I'm positive towards cloning, since there is so much potential and benefits that can come out of it. While I'm against it in a sense that this world is so perverted and sick and as the scum we are, we'll surely find ways to abuse the technology.

I have more to say but currently my head booms of emptiness and I can't find the right words, so maybe later.
28.05.2006 - 02:49
La Luna
Written by KryptoN on 24.05.2006 at 22:46

In order to achieve a "perfect copy" the clone will have to live his/her life exactly like the predecessor with the same DNA starting from the fertilization of the egg cell, which seems quite impossible. People change all the time, every second, while interacting with everything this world consists of (the butterfly effect) and thus there simply cannot be two perfectly identical humans.

I have mixed opinions about cloning. Since we know what humanity is like, we can be quite sure that it will fuck it up in one way or another. There is major potential in developing cloning technology and the fruits of it seem to be well worth the risks. But as I said, humanity is what it is and the flaws of it will make it nearly impossible to go through it without some grand problems and fuck-ups.

In one way I'm positive towards cloning, since there is so much potential and benefits that can come out of it. While I'm against it in a sense that this world is so perverted and sick and as the scum we are, we'll surely find ways to abuse the technology.

I have more to say but currently my head booms of emptiness and I can't find the right words, so maybe later.

hey thanks for your post and well I can see where you are going , and well some things I do agree with you ..Yeah cloning could be something benefecial but as you said we are humans and we are full of mistakes therefore it is impossible to create something ''perfect ''and yes we constantly change but not only in situations or things like that but physically as well . .. so like I said before it is impossible to create something perfect just God cans but if you don't belive in God look all the mistakes they made just to clone a sheep imagien a human ...anyways thanks and I would love to hear from you ...

@Danzing:well how come ?read over and then see what do you decide ...

Metalheads for Black Lives and Land Back
01.06.2006 - 09:58
im against cloning.. the world is already over populated, and having clones will probably make things much worse than it already is... cloning oragans is the only type of cloning im for... but human cloning... no
02.06.2006 - 07:20
La Luna
Written by decapitator on 01.06.2006 at 09:58

im against cloning.. the world is already over populated, and having clones will probably make things much worse than it already is... cloning oragans is the only type of cloning im for... but human cloning... no

Hey ...Yeah I do agree with you , like I said before is not to be mean or anything but imagine with a lot of clones , planet earth would explode ....anyways yeah organ cloning could be a posibility ...

Metalheads for Black Lives and Land Back
02.06.2006 - 15:28
Hollow Thoughts
I am quite indifferent to cloning.

Making an exact copy of a human being can be quite creepy, yes. Of course, it's not going to be the same human being. It will have it's own thoughts and emotions, morals, ect. Having a person who looks exactly like you, but isn't you, well... it's ... weird, I guess.

Organ cloning, I haven't heard much about. It seems like it could be beneficial.
I'm hackin' awesome.
02.06.2006 - 17:25
Written by decapitator on 01.06.2006 at 09:58

im against cloning.. the world is already over populated, and having clones will probably make things much worse than it already is...

And what exactly makes you think that population will suddenly grow by copying DNA?
03.06.2006 - 11:40
Well the world is already over populated and u cant deny that....
why copy DNA when theres enough already... i really dont see the point in that..
i just think that cloning isnt a smart thing to do... unless u want to clone an organ to help someone whos in dire need.
and i didnt say that the population will suddenly grow...its already grown
03.06.2006 - 12:31
Yeah I think I misread that, sorry. And yes the world is over-populated but that doesn't necessarily mean that copying some DNA will do damage to the genepool. In fact it's the opposite if you think about it. The more people exists, the smaller is the risk of doing some damage to it with cloning. (But that's obviously not the main concern.)

"why copy DNA when theres enough already..."
To progress in science and technology which for example leads to new inventions in medicine and leads to understanding of all kinds of stuff that is related to the functions of DNA and so on. I could go on forever babbling about the benefits but I'll just leave it at that. There are very good reasons to proceed in developing cloning technology, it's just that the downsides will inevitably raise some serious questions on how to continue and what paths to take in the development. As far as logic goes, this is the prime point of cloning. Advancement.
06.06.2006 - 09:45
yeah i do agree with you... but i mean cloning humans? what for? i dont think you would like to have a copy of urself somewhere out there... at least i wouldnt... i think the only benefiting type of cloning is the organ one. someone dying of a failed liver has a second chance at life if theres a liver fit for use.
but i do understand your point of view... im sorry u misread my previous post.
07.06.2006 - 23:30
Cloning could be a good solution for animal exticntion and so on... so I am with it

12.06.2006 - 05:12
Account deleted
Im with it as long as its done with permission of the person being cloned.
12.06.2006 - 22:06
Account deleted
People who only believe in science do not believe in a soul, and hence have no problem with cloning. As for the people who believe in both Science and Religion ( such as me)... Well Many would argue against my opinion that is if not mostly all, but i believe that God gave humans "The Mind" to distinguish them from the rest of the species. I believe that we have the right to do anything, and that includes the creation of another human being. Christianity preaches about the freedom that God gave to each individual to decide his or her own fate. So, let each entity have his or her own freedom, and let each and every person has his jugement from God. But I personally am against certain domains in cloning (which include the cloning of organs, since it is done by planting a fertilized egg in the womb of the woman, and then the fetus is aborted in order to obtain a certain organ). Therefore, only certain domains in cloning should be banned in order to obstruct the path of mental deterrence, and not the scientific experimentation as whole.
15.06.2006 - 19:16
Account deleted
If cloning of humans could be easly done, there will maybe some regimes which clone a whole army.