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How did you end up here?

Posts: 261   [ 1 ignored ]   Visited by: 257 users
13.01.2007 - 15:46
Valentin B
(read above)
i think i was searching for an online metal clothing site and accidentally googled the whole web, when i was trying to search only romanian sites.
what about you? i'm particularly interested in the old school members(ozman,wrathchild,tommy tee, pyroleprechaun etc.).
13.01.2007 - 17:17
Erotic Stains
I had just heard Norther for the first time ever and searched after them on google, found MetalStorm and much later I decided to become a proud member of website number 1!
13.01.2007 - 17:39
My friend , told me about this site . From that time i use the term internet addict
"For what point has this life if you can't realise your dreams?" -- The Divine Comedy
13.01.2007 - 17:42
I was searching for information about Shamaan. Firstly I was only visiting this site time to time, then I loged in.
13.01.2007 - 18:36
Mr FancyPants
i remember my early days on this website. i made mainly trollish posts like "YEAH ANTHRAX! MOOSIC OF MASS DESTRUCTION!!!".

good times.
"This rudderless world is not shaped my metaphysical forces. It is not God who kills the children. Not fate that butchers them or destiny that feeds them to the dogs. It's us. Only us"

Read Watchmen.
13.01.2007 - 19:21
Cookie Mistress
My sister found this site and I used to read some of the forum posts over her shoulder and found them sometimes pretty amusing. Then I decided to become a member too. So, basically if my dear little sister hadn't "introduced" this page to me, I wouldn't be here.
You'll never walk alone.
13.01.2007 - 19:59
Back in 2002..Metalstorm was still quite a small site. I still had a little experience with internet forums, so metalstorm was all quite new to me. I discovered it because some guy from my class asked me for an image of Cradle of Filth. I went to google, typed the name and did an image search. An image of Cradle of Filth popped up as third, which had as link "". It was directly from the band's page of Cradle of Filth. I gave the guy the image and started to browse the website. I have learned a lot thanks to discovering this site. Because then I discovered about the subgenres of metal(back then I was so amazed about all those subgenres. "black, death, doom" haha). And I discovered many new bands rapidly thanks to this site. Later I decided to join the forum. At the begin I was a little insecure about it because everything was in English. And well, back in 2002 I was only 14 years old. Anyway, everyone seems to understand me, and so I became active on the forums. Ah the good old times with LordDevil, Fadekiller, Loculles, Keli..I feel nostalgic now Anyway, that's how I end up on this website.

About old-school members. I don't really know when wrathchild joined(he just suddenly popped up out of nowhere ) but I think Ozman was already the "second generation". Tommy Tee and pyroleprechaun even came much later. Basically the "old-school", or the first group of metallers who gathered on this website were Ivan, Jeff, Dream_Taster, Fadekiller, Lorddevil, Loculles, Destroyah, Gotterdammerung, Keli, Deadsoulman, marco, Negaiss, myself and maybe a few others I forget. sorry if I forgot a person Anyway, those were the old-school members. Sadly, a lot of them aren't active anymore.
13.01.2007 - 20:51
by accident on google
I was searching for good metal sites
13.01.2007 - 20:55
el parcero
I was seching for metal bands info and came up with MS. I registered but was never active, I only used it for info on bands and that stuff. And in mid-year 2006 I started posting in forums, honestly 'cause I was bored and had nothing else to do but then I started to like it
love is like a jar of shit with a strawberry on top
13.01.2007 - 21:00
I Own You Bitch
Written by Ernotar on 13.01.2007 at 19:21

My sister found this site and I used to read some of the forum posts over her shoulder and found them sometimes pretty amusing. Then I decided to become a member too. So, basically if my dear little sister hadn't "introduced" this page to me, I wouldn't be here.

Oh I was introduced too!

Though I wish my sister would have decided to become a member after reading over my shoulder

Anyway, a guy I used to date told me to go to, register and make 100 posts, and then something really cool was going to happen, so I got VERY curious and started posting over and over again until I reached those 100 posts in one night (obviously spamming SO much), eventually he told me the 'really cool thing' was that I could upload a pic on the gallery u_u'

Seeing as I spammed so much, I was instantly banned and couldn't upload it anyway hah ^^ but I did like the forum, so I sticked around

Btw, I still remember it was Ozman who banned me
Stick this up your fucking pee-aitch-dee.
13.01.2007 - 21:22
Account deleted
I found this site searching on google. I don't remember what the subject was. This was in late 2003, but I didn´t become a member untll early 2004. Thanks to this site I have found a lot of good and interesting bands.
13.01.2007 - 22:38
I probably went 2 or 3 times on Metal Storm early in 2003. I was quite new to the Internet by the time, I had it at home for just a few months.
I remember the first time I visited, there was an ad saying they were recruiting reviewers. I was interested but I also quickly forgot about it.
Then, in May 2003, a girl I auditioned for a singer position in what was supposed to be my band handed me a tape of the only metal band she knew: The Sins Of Thy Beloved. I didn't know the band so I googled the name and it led me there again. I browsed the site the whole summer and eventually registered in September (a few days before Ozman!) so that I could participate in the forum, where I found some Blind Guardian and Evergrey fans to talk to.
As Blackgir said, I was (with Ozman) part of a new wave, a new demographic boom among Metalstormers. I think there was around 1000 registered by the time, and it doubled every month after that!
I made a lot of good friends during the first months. I still talk to some of them, even though all are not visiting the site anymore. The number of usernames (I mean, people) that were a part of the MS history and that most of the current users don't know is impressive. I miss many of them... But there are a lot of new people, new friends, to make right now

I was promoted moderator in January 2004 I think.
La belleza no reside en lo que puedas crear, sino en lo que eres capaz de transmitir
Beauty resides not in what you're able to create, but in what you're able to communicate

Txus, Mägo De Oz
13.01.2007 - 22:54
Valentin B
this thread just has to get stickied
nice people, keep the nostalgia comin'!
13.01.2007 - 23:35
I registered a couple of days after I got out of army at the end of May of 2003. I had found this site a couple of months earlier, don't exactly remember how but there was this video of the month, with Nightwish being featured. That drew my attention back then. I became member just to out of interest. I hadn't been part of any forum before, nor have I really been part of any other forum, with exception of a community with friends. There were about 400 Metal Storm members back then. In September there was, as some called it, a demographic boom. If during the Summer I could more or less follow every post then after that it simply became impossible. So, I've been reading topics of interest only since then. And to be honest not following even those closely. Now very few have stuck around who were posting back then. Pity that. Some time later I started writing some rare reviews and do the staff stuff.

14.01.2007 - 00:19
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
It was before 2-3 years when I was in and searching links and so i found this site because i was czcehink and all bands and so here was some more info about those bands and so i just was here like guest some week and then go(my net was poor) and after half year or more I just searching Type o Negative lyrics, actualy my father found this site for new and so in after year when I was totaly bored and I reg here, i was in Sweden visit my mother then wa sto cold do be outside and booze was ower

Of corse early days was spam/spam and violante the rules, atacking to ppl and bla bla stuff, and well after 2 weeks I thought about leave, but soon some pm come and so Im chaged by those years and chaged like person and inside and I doubt I like here, ''Wellcome home brothesr and sisters'' yeah Bruce Dickinson.
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
14.01.2007 - 00:22
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by AntaeusM on 13.01.2007 at 19:59

. Later I decided to join the forum. At the begin I was a little insecure about it because everything was in English. And well, back in 2002 I was only 14 years old. Anyway, everyone seems to understand me, and so I became active on the forums. Ah the good old times with LordDevil, Fadekiller, Loculles, Keli..I feel nostalgic now Anyway, that's how I end up on this website.

. Basically the "old-school", or the first group of metallers who gathered on this website were Ivan, Jeff, Dream_Taster, Fadekiller, Lorddevil, Loculles, Destroyah, Gotterdammerung, Keli, Deadsoulman, marco, Negaiss, myself and maybe a few others I forget. sorry if I forgot a person Anyway, those were the old-school members. Sadly, a lot of them aren't active anymore.

Hahaha man I had same problem even now, wrighting talking and I remeber some good old post in those forums, realy was good to read specely Negaiss poetry
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
14.01.2007 - 02:11
Freaky Admin
Back in the beginning of 2002 Metal Storm was like dead an really inactive... Ivan even put a message on the main page and wanted someone to replace him as a Webmaster (he was just too busy with other things and anyway, it's impossible to manage a site alone).

We wanted to build a Metal Zine with my mate (in real life) Dream Taster, and DT found MS and asked to Ivan if he wanted his help.

Ivan was ok, and we both came to the site like that...

You all know what happened later
Come with us to Hellfest 2011!
14.01.2007 - 02:11
Eternal Flames
I think it was a friend who found the site and later told me about it. This was in 2003 I think. I hadn't registered then, I only just came to read reviews and information. I came to the site every now and then for about a whole year. After that I decided that I would register, and in late 2004 I did so. But yes, like every new member on the forums, of course my first posts were filled with spamming. Over the few years though there have been many new members arrive and many old members leave. Though, with all that, it's been great to see the site evolve.
14.01.2007 - 02:50
Arian Totalis
The Philosopher
Well, I remember one day I was just typing in Random things on the google search one day out of boredom, and Suddenly I just thought of the Two words I was fond of And combined them. Metal and Storm. (call it fate I guess) I clicked on the first result and came here. For a while I just came here to read on news, but in early 2006 I joined the forums just for the hell of it. Before I discovered this place I wasn't much of an internet person, now I put some time into it each day. I have made some friends here, and I do have a lot of fun coming here as well. Some of these friends are:

Daru Jericho
Dream Of Hate

Thanks for being here guys
"For the Coward there is no Life
For the hero there is No Death"
-Kakita Toshimoko

"The Philosopher, you know so much about nothing at all." _Chuck Schuldiner.
14.01.2007 - 05:33
Lactation Cnslt
I always googled bands' discographies when I was really bored at work, and I eventually noticed that I always was sent to the same site. I then registered, but didn't really post at all until a month or two passed.
14.01.2007 - 05:59
Zombie, M.D.
I found the site while I was looking for information on Burzum. Prugor, Rand Al Thor (they used to be pretty active members here) and I joined within around 5 days of each other.
"I really screwed up this time." - Jeffery Dahmer
14.01.2007 - 13:22
Freaky Admin
Off Topic

Oki the thread is clean now.

I had to remove a lot of posts but it should be ok.

@ some users: if you have a problem in a thread, report it or contact a mod... if you post here directly you doesn't help us. Thx
Come with us to Hellfest 2011!
14.01.2007 - 15:25
Written by Jeff on 14.01.2007 at 02:11

Back in the beginning of 2002

That's a lie, you were here since the birth of mankind
About me:

"The best out of all the people ever" - Washington Post

"We abandoned Christ for Destroyah's love!" - The Watchtower

"Simply amazing!" - Rolling Stone
14.01.2007 - 15:38
Deus Ex Machina
I remember i was on some metal forum,and someone posted something that was in Metalstorm's funny stuff section,so then some other person quoted that one and asked if it was from Metalstorm and if that person is a member.
So i was like...metalstorm?Never a wrong time to check out a metal site.So i did...that was in 2004 and it's 2007 now so you figure out if this is a good site or not.
14.01.2007 - 20:40
Electric Witch
Let's turn back time... Back in 2003 I was looking for information about Mägo de Oz and found MetalStorm. It was nice to see that people here considered this band metal and not poppish folk as I had read in many forums before MS. So I decided to visit the website on a regular basis, because I could find so much information and news and so on in there. Eventually I joined the forum in 2004 and I'm still there
I wish I had a mental survival kit...
14.01.2007 - 23:18
I was searching for a Catamenia album, and MS was the first result on google. I used to read the comments on the band pages. registered about a year after my first visit
Blessed is he that murders Christ in himself and in his fellow men.

Written by TheBigRossowski on 10.02.2009 at 16:01

if my wife and I can't conceive, I want a medical shipment of your sperm so our baby will be just like you.

15.01.2007 - 01:14
Account deleted
I've been on this site for so long that it seems like a faint memory, although I do remember some details. I was researching information on Morbid Angel. I went to Metal Archives to check out the band's discography, when I started to check out the related links at the bottom. One of those links was Metal Storm. I was in awe of this place, and I liked it so much that I became a member.
15.01.2007 - 02:01
Forever Dead
I ended up here at spring 2005 because there was Metal Storm Radio I listened that every day but then you had to be a registered user to listen , I registered and listening continued after a few weeks I started to posting
Heaven queen , carry me away from all pain

No reason to live for
One reason to die for

... To live for my death ...
15.01.2007 - 07:36
The Amputator
One of my good friends from school told me about MetalStorm, when we were searching for information on Elvenking. This was back in early 2004, when we had just gotten the 'Seniors Privilege' to use the upstairs library computer room during study sessions at school (if Hyvaarin reads this, he'll know exactly what I mean ), so during those boring periods, we used to sit and play MetalQuiz, and occasionally use MS to 'check' our answers . After a while, I decided to register (August 26th, 2004), and I've been here ever since. I still remember how pleased I was when I got my first rating point plus thing in the old system...
"Once the game is over, the king and the pawn both go back into the same box."
15.01.2007 - 07:50
Lunchtime MetalQuiz/MS =

I first came here to check out the Rules of Black Metal (Forged Soul mentioned them on a guitar forum I use). I think I registered to use MSRadio, and decided to start contributing to community a little while after.
"Summoned By Words Never Spoken Before..."