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Best out of these "atmospheric" Black Metal Bands

Posts: 117   Visited by: 399 users


Wich one do you like the most?

other (similar in style)
Wolves In the Throne Room
Blut Aus Nord

Total votes: 168
17.01.2007 - 22:06
Well, fo rmy choice, 2 weeks ago i would go for Xasthur oe for Weakling since "Dead As Dreams" was one of a kind. But then I discovered Wolves In the Throne Room and their first full-length "Diadem of 12 Stars" really took me by surprise and has been ever-present in my cd-player. A really haunting and ethereal album full of melodies and a special feelin.Seems like they totally put their lifestyle into their music.
Drudkh is a band I also love and especially "Autumn Aurora" and secondly "The Swan Road"
Leviathan and Blut Aus Nord are also good.

Maybe i should have more bands but i am not that informed on the genre so there is the other option.
And i didn't forget Burzum as some might say-it just didn't fit in this poll(except from dominating immediately). (sorry if there is a similar poll but i couldn't find)
I Really Wanna Visit Wonderland Some Time...

Plz, Help me Fly!
17.01.2007 - 22:48
Weakling, obviously. Weakling is the only band on this entire list that have this depressive atmosphere in their music without sounding like some standard BM act. They really discovered a new path with their music. Even when it is slightly Burzum-mimicking, they still left some space for own exploration. Too bad the band broke up, I believe they could have a great future within the black metal scene.

About the other bands. I never understood the whole hype around Xasthur. Who is, in my opinion, just very mediocre, or even close to bad. I think I never could stand one entire album of him. Drudkh are okay, but slightly overrated. They have this nature atmosphere, but it isn't that present as so many people are saying. For Leviathan the same thing applies as on Xasthur. Horribly overrated. Blut Aus Nord has something goods going on their "The Work Which Transforms God". It isn't really my thing, and I prefer the vocalists side-project. Besides all that, Blut Aus Nord aren't bad. Wolves in the Throne Room are unknown to me. Nortt failed to impress me. however, it has been years since I listened to him for the last time.
17.01.2007 - 22:51
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Hmm good poll
I wont write about other because read alll my post about BM you will understand
France, Italy, Germany, Poland, old Scandinavia are full whit bands who can criaate some good BM and I just lil coment bands what you mention, I woud wote Nortt or Blut Aus Nort hmm let go Blut Aus Nort, because I like it lil better

Xastur - I like it ist depresive, emotional, suacide BM and its good for this winter, I like it but not always like it

Drugkh - You mean Ukraian band I like album ''Autumn Aurora'' actualy only what I know
I had seen and lsiten original my mate he has original album, and I was coppy

Leviathan - Good underground BM band from Staes, so many realises its hard to get one of them, IMO bets what tahy criate are demo, but i hawnt hear any of them, only some best of albums and soem songs, but still ist good band

Weakling - only from myspace soem songs ist all, but thay was good
I know thay had werry long songs

Wolves In the Throne Room - al talk aout them, but hawnt hear

EDDIT - I psot first how Blackgir
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
18.01.2007 - 00:10
Account deleted
I cannot vote since I am yet to hear : Weakling and Wolves in The Throne Room. Both wich are at the peak of my buy it list. To bad I am yet to find a distro in sweden that sells thoose albums. If anyone can help me with that matter please contact me.

About the bands i know in this pool:

Xasthur : Great band , good atmosphere and I really love his vocals, basicly his vocals do it all for me, im a sucker for hellish vocals.

Leviathan: Speaking about hellish vocals Wrest's performance on "Tenth Sublevel..." is one of my favourite vocalperformances ever. Incredibly good band even more so better than Xasthur.

Drudkh : One of my most beloved bands, I love the atmosphere theese guys create and the riffs and drums are so monotone, yet never boring, and so beutiful. I love drudkh the best of the bands I know the most on this list.

Nortt - Well its a good band, but its not really cracking my balls with excitement, its just good.

Blut Aus Nord - Never impressed me to much, have to give them another try.
18.01.2007 - 00:26
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Xasthur, somehow a favourite band of mine although it can become boring at times., the problem especially is that the production makes it almost impossible to make out the nuances in the music,

Drudkh, good band but highly overrated in their so-called nature atmosphere (as Blackgir said), IMO it has almost nothing to do with nature, that's like saying that Burzum has a lot of nature influences...

Leviathan, great band, most of the stuff sounds different to each other. But surely my favourite due to the greatness of Tenth Sublevel... and the sheer bloody unequalled brilliance of Tentacles of Whorror, that album is so hellish that I am sure that is what hell is, the perfect soundtrack to accompany hell.

Blut Aus Nord, ONE absolutely brilliant album (The Work Which Transforms God), one super album (The Mystical Beast of Rebellion), two mediocre albums (Ultima Thulee, and Memoria Vetusta I - Fathers Of The Icy Age , nothing going on on those albums) and one album I still don't understand AT ALL (Mort)

Weakling, really THE most overrated atmospheric bm band imo since it ALWAYS puts me to sleep that's how boring it is to me. Just another standard bm band to me.

Wolves In the Throne Room, can't understand the fuss about those guys, not that it's bad, but somehow it lacks spirit and dedication in their execution of the songs.

Nortt, shouldn't be in this poll imo since it is way more funeral doom than black metal.

So, I vote Leviathan.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

18.01.2007 - 23:21
+1 for Leviathan.

the first time I saw the poll,i was like, damn hard, but then it hit me, there's no real contest here.

Xasthur is brilliant, but the atmosphere created by Malefic's music can get really boring sometimes. there's no progression or change in the music, and this is fine until one extend. but it's clearly not the best on a long term..

Weakling is nothing special imo, just another usbm band.

a recent review about 'Wolves In the Throne Room' read, that the band is just another Weakling. that's bull shit: these guys are much better then Weakling, WITTR has really interesting music, and wonderful atmosphere. however, there are song parts wich are just fillers, thus the music can get old after a while.

Nortt's music is like a rope that slowly graps your neck. it can literary kill you xD but this feeling can get boring after a while, so as the atmosphere.

Leviathan is best from these bands because Wrest's music is just filled with silent, hidden sounds, so every listen is a new experienece. Like that piano passage on Sardoniscorn. when i first heard it, i was like, yeah shure, nice. after a couple of listens i payed atention, to found out how genious that part was.
so yes, my vote goes for Leviathan because that piano xD

listening to Drudkh is a wonderful experience, that's true. but after you switch to something else, you can't really remember the actual music of Drudkh, you can remember only to the atmosphere it had. Drudkh is just about the atmosphere. this is the reason why almost every song is filled with fillers.

Blut Aus Nord is really an amazing band, but it's not very atmospheric imo. the music is just too insane and diverse to creat a perfect atmosphere. just like Axis Of Perdition.
Blessed is he that murders Christ in himself and in his fellow men.

Written by TheBigRossowski on 10.02.2009 at 16:01

if my wife and I can't conceive, I want a medical shipment of your sperm so our baby will be just like you.

20.01.2007 - 15:29
The Aryaputra
This poll has missed out some great (wellknown and established) black metal (atmospheric) bands like Summoning and Abigor, so I am not satisfied with this poll. As mentioned in case of many threads before, this thread would have been better as a discussion thread rather than a poll.
that which shines without names and forms...
20.01.2007 - 17:25
Written by Paganblood on 20.01.2007 at 15:29

This poll has missed out some great (wellknown and established) black metal (atmospheric) bands like Summoning and Abigor, so I am not satisfied with this poll. As mentioned in case of many threads before, this thread would have been better as a discussion thread rather than a poll.

Well, i don't know about Abigor-i've never listened to them but concerning Summoning(of wich i am a big fan)- i think that their atmosphere is about creating epic soundscapes and brooding such an ambience whilst most of the bands in the poll appear to have a more depressive and maybe nihilistic character. At least that how i saw the subject, anyway...
I Really Wanna Visit Wonderland Some Time...

Plz, Help me Fly!
20.01.2007 - 18:29
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Ealdamir on 20.01.2007 at 17:25

Written by Paganblood on 20.01.2007 at 15:29

This poll has missed out some great (wellknown and established) black metal (atmospheric) bands like Summoning and Abigor, so I am not satisfied with this poll. As mentioned in case of many threads before, this thread would have been better as a discussion thread rather than a poll.

Well, i don't know about Abigor-i've never listened to them but concerning Summoning(of wich i am a big fan)- i think that their atmosphere is about creating epic soundscapes and brooding such an ambience whilst most of the bands in the poll appear to have a more depressive and maybe nihilistic character. At least that how i saw the subject, anyway...

I agree about all wtahy you say about Summoning, 100% agree and IM fan to, but Abigor, there play mambers of Summoning, and well thay criate big atmosfere how can criate pure BM band
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
21.01.2007 - 00:04
Orm KrigGud
Perhaps its because I haven't had time to get tired of this band but I voted for Wolves In The Throne Room. The album I got is called Diadem of 12 Stars and is not exactly what you would call typical Black Metal. It is in a way similar to Drudkh in structure but different in many ways as well. The cover in itself is a image of nature in its ever pure form. This album is Melodic Yet distorted and has that drifting nature which is common for many atmospheric bands. They have quite unusual vocals which are generally not harsh and growl like and fit in perfectly with the atmosphere. The screams the vocalist utters seem held back somehow, adding to the atmosphere of the album. However having said all this, its quite possible to grow tired of it quickly unless of course, you would always want to listen to this kind of album.

Xasthur has been a bit boring recently which was why I didn't vote for them. Somehow they hold very little interest to me these days..

The band that I would have voted for was Drudkh before this but I guess I've heard them too often and am tired of them..

Was actualy guessing on which Leviathan you were talking about but I figured it must be Wrest's stuff based on some of the responses and the fact that they were ambient Black Metal.. Anyway's I just feel that only the Tenth Sub-Level of Suicide is good. I actually dislike the other album which I got of theirs called Tentacles of Whorror. Haven't really heard the millions of demo'd they have so can't pass further judgement on them..

I've only heard Work Which Transforms God by Blut Aus Nord and none of their other albums so I won't pass judgement on them although I quite liked Work Which Transforms God..

Nortt is ok for a listen but it's not really my kind of band somehow. Weakling is far too similar to Burzum for me to praise them too much(not exactly a bad thing but still...).

I guess Summoning may just fit in here as well. Very good poll..
To be Draped by the Shadow of your Morbid Palace. Ohh, Hate Living...The only heat is warm blood

So Pure... So Cold
Transilvanian Hunger
21.01.2007 - 00:33
Account deleted
I dont understand why so many wants summoning to join this pool. In my opinion Summoning is awesome, but they dont play this "misanthropic and dark" kind of atmospheric BM. It has a much bigger focus on the epic part of BM. Wich make me think that this isnt the right pool for it.

On a sidenote: I really need to get myself Wolves in the throne room :S
21.01.2007 - 02:41
Empty Spaces
Unburied At Dusk
Xasthur for sure since it's my favorite band. Telepathic with The Deceased and to Violate the Oblivious are both great. Malefic's vocals are among the best i've heard. The split with Nortt is also good but requires a certain mood.

Leviathan is also one of my favorites. The Tenth Sublevel is great. I agree with Basso about vocals. Alot of people say it sounds like shit I like it!!
21.01.2007 - 06:41
The Aryaputra
Written by Bad English on 20.01.2007 at 18:29

Written by Ealdamir on 20.01.2007 at 17:25

Written by Paganblood on 20.01.2007 at 15:29

This poll has missed out some great (wellknown and established) black metal (atmospheric) bands like Summoning and Abigor, so I am not satisfied with this poll. As mentioned in case of many threads before, this thread would have been better as a discussion thread rather than a poll.

Well, i don't know about Abigor-i've never listened to them but concerning Summoning(of wich i am a big fan)- i think that their atmosphere is about creating epic soundscapes and brooding such an ambience whilst most of the bands in the poll appear to have a more depressive and maybe nihilistic character. At least that how i saw the subject, anyway...

I agree about all wtahy you say about Summoning, 100% agree and IM fan to, but Abigor, there play mambers of Summoning, and well thay criate big atmosfere how can criate pure BM band

Well, Summoning's Protector (isn't he Summoning's vocaist? Or is it Silenius?) did vocals for Abigor albums upto 1999. Abigor plays faster than Summoning, and sounds a little more raw than Summoning.
Kariasakis, I didn't understand what you said about Abigor.
that which shines without names and forms...
21.01.2007 - 06:48
The Aryaputra
Written by Ealdamir on 20.01.2007 at 17:25

Written by Paganblood on 20.01.2007 at 15:29

This poll has missed out some great (wellknown and established) black metal (atmospheric) bands like Summoning and Abigor, so I am not satisfied with this poll. As mentioned in case of many threads before, this thread would have been better as a discussion thread rather than a poll.

Well, i don't know about Abigor-i've never listened to them but concerning Summoning(of wich i am a big fan)- i think that their atmosphere is about creating epic soundscapes and brooding such an ambience whilst most of the bands in the poll appear to have a more depressive and maybe nihilistic character. At least that how i saw the subject, anyway...

If you haven't listened to Abigor yet, you're missing something! You can start Abigor from their album 'Orkblut-the retaliation'.
Anyway, Summoning is an atmospheric BM band which shouldn' t be missed out in discussions related to atmospheric BM.
that which shines without names and forms...
21.01.2007 - 12:49
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
@Paganblood I say this
''Moritz Neuner: drums (1999-2003) (Korovakill, Siegfried (Aut), ex-Dornenreich, Angizia, ex-Enid, Darkwell, ex-Evenfall (Ita), Korova, Atrocity (Ger), ex-Graveworm, Sternenstaub, Leaves' Eyes, Shadowcast, ex-Dark Embrace (Esp))''

Thatv one of Avigor mambers ha splay in several bands and Abigor its like Austrian BM cult band and there are a l,ot of Mamber comenction between Austrian bands specely Dargaard, Pazuzu and Ice Ages,
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
21.01.2007 - 13:29
Account deleted
Written by Paganblood on 21.01.2007 at 06:48

Summoning is an atmospheric BM band which shouldn' t be missed out in discussions related to atmospheric BM.

Have you heard all of the bands mentioned above? If so I think you will understand why Summoning is not mentioned. Summoning is great but they just dont fit this pool.
21.01.2007 - 13:39
Orm KrigGud
Written by [user id=5394] on 21.01.2007 at 00:33

I dont understand why so many wants summoning to join this pool. In my opinion Summoning is awesome, but they dont play this "misanthropic and dark" kind of atmospheric BM. It has a much bigger focus on the epic part of BM. Wich make me think that this isnt the right pool for it.

On a sidenote: I really need to get myself Wolves in the throne room :S

Yep its one of those that are very different and well worth the money. Something like an experiment which paid off..

Yeah but it is an atmospheric band however as are many others. Different from those in this thread but yet atmospheric in essence. I guess the other option can fill up with this one.
To be Draped by the Shadow of your Morbid Palace. Ohh, Hate Living...The only heat is warm blood

So Pure... So Cold
Transilvanian Hunger
21.01.2007 - 22:30
el parcero
I voted for Blut Aus Nord, 'cause at least from that list it's from which I've herad the most, and I think it's a really good band. I've also hear some stuff from Leviathan but I'm not that familiar with it, so I didn't for it
love is like a jar of shit with a strawberry on top
22.01.2007 - 05:23
The Aryaputra
Written by [user id=5394] on 21.01.2007 at 13:29

Written by Paganblood on 21.01.2007 at 06:48

Summoning is an atmospheric BM band which shouldn' t be missed out in discussions related to atmospheric BM.

Have you heard all of the bands mentioned above? If so I think you will understand why Summoning is not mentioned. Summoning is great but they just dont fit this pool.

Not all but some; I think I understand, because Summoning doesn't sound depressive like those others. Isn't it?
that which shines without names and forms...
22.01.2007 - 16:52
Account deleted
Yes exactly! Summoning is very epic and brings forth a good mood, wich is the total opposite of the atmosphere theese bands create.
22.01.2007 - 19:53
Written by Paganblood on 22.01.2007 at 05:23

Not all but some; I think I understand, because Summoning doesn't sound depressive like those others. Isn't it?

eh, no. that's not it. summoning isn't dark, misanthropic or cold, like the others.
Blessed is he that murders Christ in himself and in his fellow men.

Written by TheBigRossowski on 10.02.2009 at 16:01

if my wife and I can't conceive, I want a medical shipment of your sperm so our baby will be just like you.

22.01.2007 - 21:18
Southern Wind
Account deleted
I voted for other, as my vote would had gone for Wyrd... the Vargtimmen albums are brilliant atmospheric black metal.

From the poll, Drudkh and Weakling the same
23.01.2007 - 04:40
The Aryaputra
Written by Damnated on 22.01.2007 at 19:53

Written by Paganblood on 22.01.2007 at 05:23

Not all but some; I think I understand, because Summoning doesn't sound depressive like those others. Isn't it?

eh, no. that's not it. summoning isn't dark,, like the others.

Others are misanthropic or cold? I didn't know about all of them, thanks for this information.
that which shines without names and forms...
23.01.2007 - 14:20
Written by Paganblood on 23.01.2007 at 04:40

Others are misanthropic or cold? I didn't know about all of them, thanks for this information.

Drudkh is not cold, actually the music is very warm, but also misanthropic
Blessed is he that murders Christ in himself and in his fellow men.

Written by TheBigRossowski on 10.02.2009 at 16:01

if my wife and I can't conceive, I want a medical shipment of your sperm so our baby will be just like you.

23.01.2007 - 16:18
Orm KrigGud
Written by [user id=5080] on 22.01.2007 at 21:18

I voted for other, as my vote would had gone for Wyrd... the Vargtimmen albums are brilliant atmospheric black metal.

From the poll, Drudkh and Weakling the same

Yeah almost forgot about Wyrd there. Pity they didn't make it into the poll..
To be Draped by the Shadow of your Morbid Palace. Ohh, Hate Living...The only heat is warm blood

So Pure... So Cold
Transilvanian Hunger
23.01.2007 - 20:30
Orm KrigGud
Kreuzweg Ost (no vocals though)
Aboryn (not exactly my cup of tea, but you may like it)
Tronus Abyss
Woods Of Fallen
Oraculum (hehe get this one. I have a feeling you may like it. Very atmospheric and heavy Burzum influence)

These bands are quite atmospheric as well but a bit less well known..
To be Draped by the Shadow of your Morbid Palace. Ohh, Hate Living...The only heat is warm blood

So Pure... So Cold
Transilvanian Hunger
23.01.2007 - 21:10
Hard choice for me, 'cause I really like Xasthur, Leviathan and Drudkh a lot. I'll vote for Xasthur. They are one of the first black metal bands that I listened to and the vocals of Malefic are just fuckin awesome. This is besides the music, but the band's logo and artowrk are both superb.
23.01.2007 - 21:53
Written by Himann on 23.01.2007 at 20:30

Aboryn (not exactly my cup of tea, but you may like it)

you mean this band? or did you just mispel Aborym?
Blessed is he that murders Christ in himself and in his fellow men.

Written by TheBigRossowski on 10.02.2009 at 16:01

if my wife and I can't conceive, I want a medical shipment of your sperm so our baby will be just like you.

23.01.2007 - 22:56
Orm KrigGud
Written by Damnated on 23.01.2007 at 21:53

Written by Himann on 23.01.2007 at 20:30

Aboryn (not exactly my cup of tea, but you may like it)

you mean this band? or did you just mispel Aborym?

Nope more like these guys lol I got the spelling wrong yea but these guys are from Brazil. There's also the Attila Csihar's band Aborym but im not talking about that one.. These guys are Dark Ambient/Black Metal..
To be Draped by the Shadow of your Morbid Palace. Ohh, Hate Living...The only heat is warm blood

So Pure... So Cold
Transilvanian Hunger
24.01.2007 - 00:52
Written by Himann on 23.01.2007 at 22:56

Nope more like these guys lol I got the spelling wrong yea but these guys are from Brazil. There's also the Attila Csihar's band Aborym but im not talking about that one.. These guys are Dark Ambient/Black Metal..

oh. that makes sence have you heard anything from these guys, because i could never find anything.
Blessed is he that murders Christ in himself and in his fellow men.

Written by TheBigRossowski on 10.02.2009 at 16:01

if my wife and I can't conceive, I want a medical shipment of your sperm so our baby will be just like you.
