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The Ruins Of Beverast - To Release New EP

After a few years of silence, German one man doom/black metal act The Ruins Of Beverast will release a new EP soon. Entitled Takitum Tootem!, this new release will be out on the 19th of December on Ván Records. As of now, you can see the cover artwork below. Feel free to express your opinion about it.

The EP will only be available on 12'' vinyl.

Band profile: The Ruins Of Beverast
Posted: 09.12.2016 by Paz


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Comments: 5   Visited by: 50 users
09.12.2016 - 09:35
Artwork looks kinda shabby. But it's always the music that counts with this guy...Looking forward to it. WOOF WOOF ?
09.12.2016 - 09:45
delicious dish
Are we sure this is not some elaborate joke? Because the artwork looks like it's for a joke album.
You are the hammer, I am the nail
building a house in the fire on the hill
09.12.2016 - 18:16
China was a neat
On the other hand, a ROB album that doesn't take itself too seriously might actually end up having great music as even in the last full length it seemed like he was trying too hard to sound serious and ended up a bit ineffective.
09.12.2016 - 19:24
proofread free
Artwork is shit but that takes away nothing from my excitement.
He who is not bold enough
to be stared at from across the abyss
is not bold enough
to stare into it himself.
10.12.2016 - 11:45
I've always found his covers to be questionable, but the music top notch though. Could have found a picture of a wolf that's not yawning at least.

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