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Pandemus Metallus Epidemus

-WHAT DID YOU DO DURING Pandemic Grandmum?

-I discovered great albums, sipped on my wine and wore my mask, I shaved my balls.

- Epicus Legendicus Metallicus!

Created by: angel. | 24.12.2020

1. Eyeless In Gaza - Act I: The Protagonist (Atmospheric/Funeral Doom Metal)
2. Turia - Degen Van Licht (Atmospheric Black Metal)
3. Clouds - Durere (Atmospheric Doom/Death Metal)
4. Panzerfaust - The Suns Of Perdition - Chapter II: Render Unto Eden (Black Metal)
5. Of Feather And Bone - Sulfuric Disintegration (Hardcore Punk (early); Death Metal (later))
6. - Entity (Depressive Black/Doom)
7. ColdWorld - We Are Doomed (Ambient/Depressive Black Metal)
8. Ov Shadows - I Djävulens Avbild (Black Metal)
9. Nyrst - Orsök (Black Metal)
10. Acârash - Descend To Purity (Black/Doom Metal)
11. Verval - Beeldenstorm (Atmospheric Black Metal)
12. Shattered Hope - Vespers (Doom)
13. Mamaleek - Come & See (Experimental Black Metal (early); Experimental Rock (later))
14. Decoherence - Unitarity (Black Metal)
15. Naxen - Towards The Tomb Of Times (Black Metal)
16. Vous Autres - Sel De Pierre
17. Selbst - Relatos De Angustia (Black Metal)
18. Silver Knife - Unyielding / Unseeing (Post-Black Metal)
19. Konvent - Puritan Masochism (Death/Doom Metal)
20. Wayfarer - A Romance With Violence (Atmospheric Black/Folk Metal)
21. Akhlys - Melinoë (Dark Ambient (early); Black Metal (later))
22. OSI AND THE JUPITER - Songs of Origin and Spirit (neo folk)
23. Fuck The Facts - Pleine Noirceur (Grindcore)
24. Mrs. Piss - Self​-​Surgery (between Chelsea Wolfe and Jess Gowrie)
25. Déhà - A Fleur De Peau - I
26. Ashtar - Kaikuja (Black/Doom Metal)
27. Imha Tarikat - Sternenberster (Black Metal)
28. La Mer - Kingdom of Hell (Atmospheric Black Metal)
29. Hail Spirit Noir - Eden In Reverse (psychedelic rock)
30. Opera IX - Necromantical Sacraments / Samhain (Gothic/Doom/Death Metal (early); Symphonic Black Metal (later))

Disclaimer: All top lists are unofficial and do not represent the point of view of the MS Staff.
[ More lists by angel. ]


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Comments: 4   [ 8 ignored ]   Visited by: 60 users
24.12.2020 - 13:03
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Just 25, i have maybe 400
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
24.12.2020 - 13:09
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by angel. on 24.12.2020 at 13:04

Written by Bad English on 24.12.2020 at 13:03

Just 25, i have maybe 400

I selected the memorable ones

Mine are same
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
24.12.2020 - 13:26
Troy Killjoy
Always nice to see Panzerfaust getting some love. I haven't listened to a lot of these and the ones I have didn't really stand out but this is a good reminder that Coldworld has new music out.

Also you missed the "e" in Decoherence.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
24.12.2020 - 19:51
Nice to see Clouds, Panzerfaust, , Vous Autres, Selbst, Wayfarer, and Akhlys. There are also some on your list I haven't checked out yet, so I'll do that.

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