The Last Concert You Attended
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Deadsoulman Elite |
16.10.2007 - 09:33
Ok people, like the old one, this is the place to tell us your latest concert experiences! ![]() I'll start by pasting my last message in the old thread: I saw Behemoth, Kataklysm, Aborted and Lyfthrasyr on Sunday. As I may write a report about this one, I won't say much. Just that Kataklysm, and above all Behemoth, were amazing. Really. Absolutely amazing. I've been blown away, even if it was the third time this year I was seeing Behemoth live (after the No Mercy fest and the Hellfest). But, as headliners, they are even better. Ok, I'll just give you the setlists of the last two bands, for those who care Setlist Kataklysm: Like Angels (Weeping The Dark) Let Them Burn Ambassador Of Pain The Resurrected Crippled & Broken Serenity In Fire 1999:6661:2000 Where The Enemy Sleeps... Beyond Salvation As I Slither Face The Face Of War Manipulator Of Souls In Shadows And Dust Setlist Behemoth: Rome 64 C.E. Slaying The Prophets Of Isa Antichristian Phenomenon Demigod From The Pagan Vastlands Prometherion Conquer All Christgrinding Avenue Drum Solo Slaves Shall Serve As Above So Below Summoning Of the Ancient Gods Christians To The Lions Decade Of Therion Chant For Eschaton 2000 Encore: I Got Erection (Turbonegro cover) To reply to another post in the old thread, both bands played approximately 75 minutes. Next to come is Enslaved and Keep Of Kalessin tomorrow ![]()
Kap'N Korrupt Account deleted |
17.10.2007 - 00:04 Kap'N Korrupt
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Going to see Porcupine Tree tonight...just thought I'd be obnoxious and mention that again ![]() I'll edit this post to tell you all how it was Porcupine Tree turned out to me amazing! They were captivating from beginning to end...
Stephen Hunley Account deleted |
buki of steel Crystal Ann |
17.10.2007 - 14:12
Yesterday,Iced earth /annihilator in Austria Simply amazing,annihilator destroyed!!! JEFF WATERS IS A GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Torture Killer Account deleted |
18.10.2007 - 08:06 Torture Killer
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Megadeth great concert although they didn't play machanix or sweating bullets or train of concequences (but i'm not too beat up about that one) The Confession and In this Moment opened they both sucked, they should have gotten testament to open up for them. Actually testament is getting back together with some of the original members and paul bostaph on drums, i heared a new album was in the works.
Lord TJ |
18.10.2007 - 21:32
In This Moment is getting big and fast. Last concert I went to was Ozzfest in Indiana on August 14th. One of the best days of my life!
---- Visit the "Black Metal Page" on facebook, my page delivers everything black metal - Memes - Music - Humor - Interviews - Discussion.
18.10.2007 - 22:49
Went to Rock and Shock IV last weekend - Naglfar, Dark Funeral, Daath, Type O Negative, Lordi. Fucking great show.
Deadsoulman Elite |
19.10.2007 - 16:26
I saw Enslaved, Keep Of Kalessin and The Oath on Wednesday. Amazing show, though the sets of Enslaved and KoK were far too short (45 minutes for KoK and hardly one hour for Enslaved), which kind of pisses me off when I think I paid 21 euros for a bit over two hours of music, when I paid 22 euros for four hours of great metal last Sunday (Behemoth, Kataklysm, Aborted and stuff). A decent concert for me is supposed to be at least 75 minutes long. Anyway. The Oath was nothing more than generic, run-of-the-mill black metal, nothing special. Decent for a warm-up band. Keep Of Kalessin were as great live as on their albums, though the sound was pretty crap and didn't reproduce the ton of little arrangements you find on their albums. What struck me as quite odd is that they didn't play the best two songs of Armada, namely The Black Uncharted and Armada. It would sound rather logical to me that, when you tour to support an album, you should play the highlights of this album, in order to awake people's interest... Ok, their show was great nonetheless. Enslaved... well, it's Enslaved, it's brilliant, progressive, with great vocals and amazing melodies. They even played a song off the Frost album that they never played before. Nothing to add, great show. CAUTION! SETLIST SPOILER AHEAD! Setlist Keep Of Kalessin: Deluge The Wealth Of Darkness Crown Of The Kings As Mist Lay Silent Beneath Many Are We Reclaim Come Damnation Setlist Enslaved: Essence Bounded By Allegiance Path To Vanir Fusion Of Sense And Earth One song of Frost, dunno which one, not familiar with this album ![]() Ridicule Swarm Isa Return To Yggdrasil Ruun Encore: Slaget I Skogen Bortenfor
Iceland_Norway |
21.10.2007 - 18:16
do you like METAL from Annihilator?? In Italy Truemetal Fanzine gave it the minimum vote from 1 to 10 (5) For me Metal it's amazing and strongly precise in guitar Technique and all instruments are the same think. Written by buki of steel on 17.10.2007 at 14:12
---- Føroyar mítt land Tú alfagra land mítt Føroyar mín Móðir
Stigmatized .......... |
21.10.2007 - 18:25
Radio Rebellion Tour Beneath the Massacre Eh, whatever. They weren't terrible or anything, but not great either. Every song sounded pretty much the same. The guitar player and bass player were good, singer sucked. Gojira Surprise of the night right here. I like Gojira on CD, but it doesn't compare to how good they are live. Nice, heavy sound with a good stage presence. The singer's voice was really cool and very unique compared to most that you will hear nowadays. Job for a Cowboy Goddamnit. They didn't sound bad or anything, but I want to kill every last one of their fans. I'm never one to get physical at shows, but these little fucks pissed me off. One of them actually pulled my hair to trying to get in front of me, so he got an elbow to the stomach. I had to kick a couple more of the them off of me because they kept trying to jerk me from my spot. Behemoth I've been wanting to see Behemoth for awhile now. They were better than I expected. Nergal is fun to watch live and they all had some cool stage gear. The played a really solid setlist, playing most of my favorites. They had 2 inverted crosses behind that lit up, which was kind of lame. Other than that, the show was good.
buki of steel Crystal Ann |
22.10.2007 - 00:39 Written by Iceland_Norway on 21.10.2007 at 18:16 yeah,i like it,tho not much that i like never neverland and set the world
Mandrake Scream |
22.10.2007 - 07:50
Just saw Celtic Frost about a week ago ¡¡ ![]() A great show... Although I thought they were gonna play some more Into the Pandemonium stuff. We were all also expecting some surprises... Like "Mexican Radio" you Know ? It would have been a nice detail.... I thought "Circle of the tyrants" was gonna be like THE last song... It was actually the third one lol, a good headbanging surprise. And on "Morbid Tales" everyone went just but crazy, a good night indeed. I even got the guitar pick ¡¡ ![]()
Sebek Account deleted |
22.10.2007 - 20:48 Sebek
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Just got back from the Behemoth, Job For a Cowboy, Gojira, and Beneath the Massacre....I gotta say, Gojira definitely blew me away. As for Behemoth, never a dull moment...they played I got an erection by Turbo Negro...bitchin'. Job For A Cowboy was really bland and all their songs kind of mushed together and seemed to last forever. As for Beneath the Massacre, they could've been good if they hadn't used the same song structure for every song. Or at least, it sounded like that to me...overall though, not a bad show.
Deadsoulman Elite |
01.11.2007 - 16:22
I saw the Terrorize The Sick Tour date in Lyon on Tuesday, with Benighted supported by Kronos, Recueil Morbide and In Arkadia. There's a report of this concert here. Read it for an account of the craziest show I've seen in a very long time ![]()
Marcel Hubregtse Grumpy Old Fuck Elite |
01.11.2007 - 16:37
Detonation 10 year anniversary concert. which was GREAT. they played for more than 1.5 hours with their songs in chronological order. The first four songs were the really old ones from their demo days and the band was dressed up. Otto looked like Kabouter Plop (DUthc and Belgian readers will know what to expect) Mike was dressed up as Elvis Presley Koen's wig made him look like Chris Barnes ![]() Thomas wore a nice long white wig. Not only did they play their own songs but also two covers: Ten Ton Hammer by Machine Head & Painkiller by Judas Priest with MadTinus (Thomas' brother) dressed up as Rob Halford and handling the vocals surprisingly well. ![]() Loads of guests joined Detonation on stage, guest vocals by people from Engorge/Kutschruft, PLeurisy/Orphanage/Kutschruft, Deviance. Guitar and bass guests from Cardamon, Kutschurft, Fuelblooded
---- Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.) 05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996
BurbotsRevenge Foetal Butchery |
03.11.2007 - 03:11
lasyt night was at Black Crusade Tour in Sydney - Arch Enemy, Machine Head and Trivium (yeh, i know), but Machine Head absolutely kicked ass!! ![]() ![]()
---- Dark death metal from Sydney:
Stigmatized .......... |
03.11.2007 - 08:56
Enslaved, Arsis and The Agonist The Agonist Their singer is a babe. Has to be said. Just gorgeous. The music wasn't my style at all, but if she's singing it, fine by me. Arsis James Malone is an incredible guitar player. He was unreal. Great show, if a bit short. Everything they played was dead on and they got a decent response from the very undersized crowd. Enslaved Not a big fan of them on CD, but they played a good live show. Especially considering the piss poor crowd they had. The singer was a really cool guy as was the guitarist. Got up close to the audience a lot.
Dangerboner Lactation Cnslt |
04.11.2007 - 00:42
I think it's called the Unmerciful Reign Tour, or something... Embalmed I guess their drummer and vocalist quit not too long before the show, so one of the guitarist only did vocals, so they only had one guitar. It didn't matter though because the guitarist-turned-vocalist is way better, and his guttural vocals are low as fuck. I didn't even care that he looks like the biggest metrosexual in the world. The new drummer is better than the old one they had, and that's saying a lot because the previous guy was really talented. Since two of the members are brand new, they only played three original songs and covered two songs by Death, one of them being Symbolic. Drawn and Quartered These guys were good, but they didn't get enough time to play. I was watching the guitarists the whole time, and the riffs were much more simple than I thought. They even messed up on a guitar solo, but it's all good because it was a hard one. I talked to the vocalist before their show and he's a really cool guy. I've seen his other band, Beltfed Weapon, twice, but this was the first time seeing his main band. Overall they played quite well and I'm looking forward to seeing them headline the Northwest Death Fest in a couple of weeks. Since it took them so fucking long to set up, they had to cut their set short. Here's the songs they played. I might have missed one though: Embrace of Darkness Merciless Hammer of Lucifer Sickness Redeemer Hail Infernal Darkness (fuck yes) Skinless I don't like this band on CD, but I was anxiously awaiting them because of their reputation of being an insane live band. They only exceeded my expectations. They opened with some audio clip with the lights turned off, and then some lights came on showing the lead singer wearing the gas mask on the newest album cover. After a few minutes of that, they quickly blasted away and turned out to be one of the most energetic live bands I've ever seen. In the middle of their set, the lead singer pointed in my general direction and said to hold our arms up. At this point, I'm like "oh fuck". I knew he wanted to stage dive, and he's much bigger than I am. I looked to my right to see a tiny chick, and to my front to see a skinny 13 year old kid. Now, I'm even more worried, but then I noticed a big ass Mexican dude to my left, and thank god he caught most of the singer, because I probably wouldn't have done too well, even though I always end up catching and lifting those dumbasses. After that, the lead singer told everyone that the next song will have an all female mosh pit, and told all the "crazy bitches", as he called them, to mosh. It was funny because there were only like 6 girls moshing, and they were all fat and lesbian-ish. For the next song, whatever it's called, there was a wall of death. It was small though, and pretty disappointing. Anyways, they ruled. Immolation Jesus Christ, I knew that Immolation would dominate, but they played better than I could have imagined. Their stage presence was very energetic and they moved around constantly. The highlight though was the guitar solos, all done by the same person (the bald guy). That guy fucking tore it up during the entire 45 minutes or so that they played. Partial Set List (I don't know why I can't remember more of the songs): Passion Kill Burial Ground World Agony Shadows in the Light Father You're Not a Father Hate's Plague plus many more Suffocation I saw this band last year, and they ruled, but this time....shit....they were just perfect. Before they played, one of the venue employees told everyone that crowd surfing will no longer be allowed, and if anyone was caught doing it they would be kicked out. That warning didn't matter because even more people crowd surfed lol. The pit was brutal, as expected, and everyone was diving off the stage. Frank talked a little too much in between every song, but other than that, they were perfect. Partial Set List: Abomination Reborn Breeding the Spawn Catatonia Bind Torture Kill Brood of Hatred Translucent Patterns Of Delirium (I think they played this) Thrones of Blood either Misconceived or Deceit, I can't remember....probably Misconceived Entrails of You Subconsciously Enslaved Seeds of the Suffering (<--OH MY GOD!) Infecting the Crypts Pierced from Within plus others I can't remember The show was dedicated to Vitek, and the last three bands payed homage to him by sharing their thoughts. Suffocation even had a moment of silence. Overall, this was one of the most brutal shows I've been too. I'll see any of these bands any time they come again.
Mad Laughter Account deleted |
Stigmatized .......... |
04.11.2007 - 01:59
I'm really hoping to catch this on the 13th. (The Immolation/Suffocation show I mean)
Mad Laughter Account deleted |
04.11.2007 - 02:49 Mad Laughter
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God I wish they'd come to I am probly gonna see Kataklysm in December, but that's not nearly as cool as seeing FUCKING SUFFOCATION...
Stratowarrior |
05.11.2007 - 16:19
is saw Therion here in my city (manizales) and it was awesome and also a very good response from the audience, it was the first METAL concert i attended to and it was a hell of a concert, they played all their bests songs and it was really good, they liked our city a lot....i hope to go to Iron Maiden's concert in Bogota....cheers from MANIZALES
---- power metal 'til death!!!!!!!!!
Clintagräm Shrinebuilder |
06.11.2007 - 05:21
I did the Radio Rebellion thing. Beneath the Massacre was okay at best, not very entertaining. Gojira was much better than the last time I saw them. Very mosh friendly. Job For A Cowboy was also just mediocre. Their EP songs were fun to see live. Behemoth was of course grand. Fun crowd, fun show. They played the usual set list but I really enjoyed hearing "Slaying the Prophets of Isa" live and also "Summoning of the Ancient Ones." Good stuff overall.
---- The force will be with you, always.
Anon Account deleted |
06.11.2007 - 05:45 Anon
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The last concert I saw was Dream Theater, in the summer. They played all the songs that I'm just "ehhh..." about other than Dark Eternal Night, Blind Faith, and a few others, but other than that it was awesome. They played flawlessly as always and the crowd was awesome. Great time.
Deathamphetamine Account deleted |
06.11.2007 - 06:35 Deathamphetamine
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I've seen a bunch of local shows in the past little while but the last big show I saw was the Slayer/Manson show. Slayer kicked enormous amounts of ass, and Manson sucked enormous amounts of ass.
DrunkenFuck Thrasher! |
06.11.2007 - 12:03
The last concert I attended was Aalborg Metal Festival, where both Kreator and Dream Evil played (some og my favourite bands), and they were totally awesome! Mille Petrozza is a madman! ![]()
---- THRASH!!!
Deadsoulman Elite |
06.11.2007 - 18:03 Written by Dangerboner on 04.11.2007 at 00:42 Man, Immolation AND Suffocation? I would kill to see something like that! I saw Immolation last May but due to a stupid curfew in the venue that the band weren't aware of, they only played 35 minutes (they were headlining). I'm quite pissed off, as they were absolutely devastating. Oh, and you're right, that bald guitar player is awesome. I remember he blew me away on "Passion Kills".
Marcel Hubregtse Grumpy Old Fuck Elite |
06.11.2007 - 18:44
went to see Esoteric with Forgotten Tomb last Friday and then raced over to another venue to see the reunited Massacre and on Saturday went to Dutch Doom Day for the following Forsaken Officium Triste Mirror Of Deception Mael Mórdha Imindain The River Autumnal Heavy Lord
---- Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.) 05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996
slayer_pwns Account deleted |
06.11.2007 - 21:18 slayer_pwns
Account deleted
heaven and hell w/ alice cooper opening. shit was fuckin insane
Iceland_Norway |
06.11.2007 - 22:51
oh my god Alice Cooper+Heaven and Hell?? Great!! Why they don't do a live in Italy so they do in USA??? I'm waiting for Poison+Cinderella in Rome and Italy too. And also I'm waiting for Ratt in Italy!!!!
---- Føroyar mítt land Tú alfagra land mítt Føroyar mín Móðir