Having A Good Time Without Alcohol
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Posted by Baz Anderson, 25.01.2010 - 00:10
We get older, the effects of alcohol don't seem so strong so we drink more and more to try and get the same effect as before.
Before you know it, you only seem to have a good time when you are extremely drunk after drinking the best part of a bottle of vodka or something.
Sound familiar?
Well I'm not quite that bad yet, but last night I went out without being stupidly drunk and had a miserable time (although some other factors may have contributed to this...).
If anyone has been in this situation and found a way of having a good time without being really drunk, let me know.
Elio Red Nightmare |
29.01.2010 - 11:49
I have never got drunk in my life (it's true that I can drink quite much without having any effects until I force my drinking - but then again, why should I?) and I've never assumed drugs, yet I have fun anyway, it's really about the people you are with. Also, I don't see what's the fun of getting drunk.
Stalker Lone wanderer |
29.01.2010 - 23:09
I think I know what you are talking about. Being the designated driver for "going out" so many time, Ive experienced the same feeling, and I think that the answer lies in the thing that if you are with lets say, few good friends and they have drunk a bit and you didn't smell it at all, the very notion of "fun" wont be exactly the same for you and them. At least that is what Ive noticed. When you are sober and surrounded with drunk (or like Valentin said, moderately drunk) people, you will usually get bored sooner or later. But if the rest of the gang is sober, and you are all on the same "level", than there is no obstacle for fun to begin. Thats what I think about it - you DON'T have to be drunk, but it depends on the company, and sometimes even 1 beer will make you feel lot better ![]()
01.02.2010 - 18:00
Being under the legal age i have to have fun without alchohol heh...
Ragana Rawrcat |
01.02.2010 - 18:15
I'm not promoting anything but in my opinion nowadays part of people (or shall I say "kids"?) are close to being sick of alcohol BEFORE they can drink legally. ![]()
Bad English Tage Westerlund |
02.02.2010 - 14:07 Written by Ragana on 01.02.2010 at 18:15 Its true same smoking and sex (even if there is legal age for ot) they just trys it and before gets 18 are wasted , I always have been aloved drink at house, no need to hide, dunno for me somehow there no inside need drink when I dont want and get drunk, i preferee taste it how get wasted , but what can I say if many parents say I better see my child smoke hwo drink .... ![]()
---- I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens. Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die" I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
MetallicA |
04.02.2010 - 20:05 Written by Bad English on 02.02.2010 at 14:07 I don't know about getting sick of sex. I don't think I could ever get sick of it ![]() anyways, right now I have a bunch of beer sitting in my fridge...just waiting to be consumed. It's been in there for awhile and the only time I drink any of it is if I have people over and we want to have a few social drinks (but not get drunk).
---- God's disciples want you to die! In the blazing inferno Slewed on Satan's pitchfork Burning for eternity Death I see it coming your way by my hand... or by your fate with no remorse.
Bad English Tage Westerlund |
04.02.2010 - 20:15 Written by MetallicA on 04.02.2010 at 20:05 you can , I can if I m drunk or be in room where people smoke , I mean like cage no fersh air I could ''die'', and in such times I reject sex because hearbeats is under 40 and beats like a drum and ehhhh but subber yes it never be boring ![]()
---- I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens. Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die" I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
Bitter Dawn Ave Sathanas! |
04.02.2010 - 20:23
They key to drinking is moderation, not too much too often..not that I'm one to speak as, I'll drink any thing and keep on taking shots when I'm out drinking with others. Use to get shitfaced almost every night for the better part of two years but, in the last six months I've gotten drunk maybe twice and only one time was with an excessive amount of alcohol, think it was about 19 shots or so. I definitely enjoy drinking, especially with company but, it's actually kind of been nice not to drink very often because, I no longer do really stupid, asshole like shit and, I now have money to buy the things I want and not struggle so much any more. So, in that way I'm having a better time without booze but, if I was attending a show I think I'd need to drink lol.
MetallicA |
04.02.2010 - 22:57
@bitterdawn- damn dude 19 shots is alot...I think that amount would kill me! Sounds like you're doing alot better though. That's great for your liver, your wallet, and your friends if you were doing stupid shit lol ![]() all in all, that's awesome, keep it up! ![]()
---- God's disciples want you to die! In the blazing inferno Slewed on Satan's pitchfork Burning for eternity Death I see it coming your way by my hand... or by your fate with no remorse.
Introspekrieg Totemic Lust Elite |
05.02.2010 - 00:16
I try to have a good time without alcohol, but if it's available I can almost guarantee I will drink. I am much more extroverted when I get a couple shots of Jameson in me, otherwise I will just be anxious and paranoid around people. However, if people are smoking or doing some other activity besides standing around talking (board games, video games, movies, etc.) I am usually able to avoid alcohol.
Introspekrieg Totemic Lust Elite |
05.02.2010 - 00:26 Written by Bitter Dawn on 04.02.2010 at 20:23 You are correct, the key to avoid being an alcoholic is to exert control over number of drinks consumed: <4 per day, <14 per week for men, <3 per day, <12 per week for women. Shots count as 2 by the way... The warning signs: 1. Drinking alone 2. Making excuses, finding excuses to drink 3. Daily or frequent drinking needed to function 4. Inability to reduce or stop alcohol intake 5. Violent episodes associated with drinking 6. Drinking secretly 7. Becoming angry when confronted about drinking 8. Poor eating habits 9. Failure to care for physical appearance 10. Trembling in the morning I make excuses, drink secretly, become angry when confronted, and eat poorly... oh boy. Usually I'll drink two or three times a week around 5 each time, so I guess I'm an alcoholic by those AA standards ![]() but I go to school and have a full-time job so I can't be that bad can I?
Kasper |
07.02.2010 - 21:06
Like a lot of people have said - you can have a great time without alcohol. All you need is people you enjoy being together with ![]() About drinking alot. Last friday a guy died in a club because of too much drinking. A bartender challenged him to drink more tequila shots than him - and he accepted. So they began drinking, and both kept pouring tequila in their mouth. When they reached about shot 75 (!!!!!!) the guy stopped - he lost the challenge. He went into the toilet, and somehow people forgot about him (dont ask me how) - eventually, they found him dead in the toilet. It was all meant as a joke, as he was known for drinking alot - but to take piss on him, the bartender poured water for himself, and tequila for the poor guy. Now hes dead. What a world.
---- "An open mind is like a fortress with it's gates unbarred and unguarded"
Valentin B Iconoclast |
07.02.2010 - 21:17 Written by Kasper on 07.02.2010 at 21:06 shit.. now that's fucked up.
Kasper |
07.02.2010 - 22:02 Written by Valentin B on 07.02.2010 at 21:17 Yeah. Everything stopped in the club, and the bartender got fired the next day. It's one of my friends best friend, and hes totally down, like for real.
---- "An open mind is like a fortress with it's gates unbarred and unguarded"
Baz Anderson Staff |
07.02.2010 - 22:13
Well he must have been pretty stupid to drink that many shots though.
Syk myspace/bonerama |
07.02.2010 - 22:33
See, that shit is how it ends up all too often. Written by [user id=0] on 05.02.2010 at 00:26Written by [user id=0] on 04.02.2010 at 20:23 AA warning signs 2-5 and 7-9. How many people here are guilty of those? How many should be guilty? Lucas, you started arguing against that blog-of-a-friend someone posted but I completely agree with the guy's sentiment. The strength of the drinking culture varies from place to place, and it's fucking weak (responsibly weak, prevalence/addictedness strong, responsibly weak) here in NZ. It makes me fucking furious. To think, there's so many things to drink, that are better for your health, better for your wallet, better for your tastebuds. Better if you skull it, better if you glug. Better no matter how you do it. Would someone tell me, if you're in a first-world country, Whatever is so wrong with tap-water and naturally-/non-coloured fruit juice? Are you too loose to deduce the solution... ...you get my point. Final.
---- death ? thrash ? death/doom/prog ? Hail Zoldon! he's not the kind you have to [url=../bands/album.php?album_id=28982]wind up[/url] on Sundays
Ellrohir Heaven Knight |
08.02.2010 - 00:21
I am having good time without any alcohol for 21 years, 6 months and 17 days...
---- My rest seems now calm and deep Finally I got my dead man sleep
Bad English Tage Westerlund |
08.02.2010 - 00:25 Written by Ellrohir on 08.02.2010 at 00:21 i hope you agree whit me, those who start drink ''to much'' even it doesn look they lost soemthing like fuhn to play board games, table hockey, swimmin, football, etc? All my friends male and female, somehow lost this sort of fun
---- I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens. Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die" I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
Roro |
08.02.2010 - 00:34
I am working as a cabin crew and i saw the worse scenes ever :s .. people were falling all over the floor bcoz of drinking. i really dont know why they drink in the 1st place while flying? its not healthy or safety :S .. and they just keep drinking all the time . i think it should be a tough policy about that.
Arian Totalis The Philosopher |
09.02.2010 - 03:48 Written by Ellrohir on 08.02.2010 at 00:21 Well, that would mean that you never having drank before, you don't know how good it feels to be intoxicated ![]() I personally don't drink that often, but I certainly like being drunk. I do however know what it's like to be intoxicated (not on alchahol) at the end of almost every day when you're just cutting back with your friends and relaxing. You get used to it, and it becomes part of a routine. Alot of people are that way. Whether they go hit the bars or just sit in at home having drinks with friends after work. It's how alot of people end their day. But there comes a point when you just have to ask yourself 'woah, why does this have to supplument everything that I do recreationally?' It's at that point when you realize that moderation is an important thing. And when you take a break from doing it your tollerance goes down anyway, so the next time you do it, it won't take as much and you'll still be able to have fun. It's just a matter of doing things that you already like. Playing an instrument, reading a book, working out, playing a video game, whatever you might already have a hobby doing and enjoy doing. Alcahol (or other intoxicants) aren't needed to have fun on a daily basis.
---- "For the Coward there is no Life For the hero there is No Death" -Kakita Toshimoko "The Philosopher, you know so much about nothing at all." _Chuck Schuldiner.
Dangerboner Lactation Cnslt |
09.02.2010 - 05:50
That list looks iffy to me. Obviously, #10 and probably #5 are bad news, but the key is this one - "4. Inability to reduce or stop alcohol intake". As long as you can safely live your life and control your drinking in a way that doesn't harm yourself or others, you're fine.
Ellrohir Heaven Knight |
09.02.2010 - 11:22 Written by Arian Totalis on 09.02.2010 at 03:48 but I have already seen many fallen beings how they feel AFTER...
---- My rest seems now calm and deep Finally I got my dead man sleep
Baz Anderson Staff |
09.02.2010 - 13:15 Written by Ellrohir on 09.02.2010 at 11:22 Here's something to think about. Usually when people just start drinking for the first times... they never get hangovers. I didn't get bad hangovers for like a year after I started drinking.
Bad English Tage Westerlund |
09.02.2010 - 13:21 Written by Baz Anderson on 09.02.2010 at 13:15 Same here, even I had those fiew times, depends what alcohol you drink, what mixes of it and so on , if its one type, or mix of all posible mixes and alos alcohol prise and quality, If you by schotch who cost 20 pounds or who cost 300 pounds are are aged soem 60 years its be diference...but if you go highter and drink better drinks its be hard coem beck again and drink weeker quality .... its what hepen wht me now
---- I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens. Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die" I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
Jonnz of Steel |
09.02.2010 - 22:55 Written by Roro on 08.02.2010 at 00:34 Oh, I always drink when i'm flying, mostly because there's precious little else to do. You can't look out the window because it's just clouds, you can't get to sleep because there's always a screaming child somewhere near by (usually sitting next to or behind me kicking the seat), you can't use your mobile phone because i'll break the plane, you can't watch the in-flight movie because either a) there isn't one, or b) you can't see the screen. So a drink is the only thing that makes flying bearable, and while I'm at it I'll make it a double. Although this probably says more about my attitude towards flying than my attitude to drinking ![]() I do love a good drink though, but I try to avoid getting totally wasted. Sometimes it's okay to go a bit overboard though. Hangovers, like the drinks themselves, are much better experienced in groups rather than alone. ![]()
Roro |
09.02.2010 - 23:08 Written by Jonnz of Steel on 09.02.2010 at 22:55 ok pretty much true ![]()
Arian Totalis The Philosopher |
10.02.2010 - 00:51 Written by Baz Anderson on 09.02.2010 at 13:15 Yeah I can count on maybe on hand howmany times I've been hung over, and like I said I drink Ocasionally, so it makes sense.
---- "For the Coward there is no Life For the hero there is No Death" -Kakita Toshimoko "The Philosopher, you know so much about nothing at all." _Chuck Schuldiner.
MetallicA |
10.02.2010 - 03:25 Written by Baz Anderson on 09.02.2010 at 13:15 haha not me! I mean, I got bad hangovers almost immediately. ![]() I haven't had a real bad hangover for about 2 years now...I've had some minor ones but not horrific ones. I had one last month but it wasn't bad...I was just kinda tired but I still went to work and it was fine. Yeah that hangover 2 years ago was so bad I didn't go to work the day after the hangover! Yeah it lasted for 2 days ![]() Written by Kasper on 07.02.2010 at 21:06 so basically the guy took 75 shots of tequila and the bartender took 75 shots of water? that is fucked up! ![]() ![]() and for some fun with no alcohol...I think I'll do my taxes now ![]()
---- God's disciples want you to die! In the blazing inferno Slewed on Satan's pitchfork Burning for eternity Death I see it coming your way by my hand... or by your fate with no remorse.
Baz Anderson Staff |
10.02.2010 - 06:32
Poor you. I'm drunk now, so I'll probably be hung over in the morning. No surprise. I'll get over it though.
Dangerboner Lactation Cnslt |
10.02.2010 - 10:34
Anytime I drink, I make sure I have a full glass of water. I haven't been hungover in a long time, except yesterday when I got shitfaced at work and was hungover by the time I got home :/