Original post
Posted by Bad English, 04.02.2007 - 03:57
2)Catholic alot of us comes from South America and South Europe
3)Ortodox - Well if you're Ortrodox in witch groop belonge Greek or Esater(Russian)
4)Muslim some of us are mislims to here

Please explain shiit or sunniit(dunno how spell corect in english)
Here are fiew ppl who shood belong here

6)Hinduism/Budism/Jainism/sinthoism explain something
7)Shaman/Folk if you belong here explain whit name and soemthing more
8)Atheist why?
9)Other Name whit out name dont post because its spam and Pklease dont vote if dont post

Sorry for short opening post nut I realy dunno what explain because IMO we dont need it here

Ok about me I dunno because I had a lot of blood mixes and I had all 3 cristian religions in family but well hmmm I ont wote not now I shood know more about my pats to vote

Ok I remove my previusly poll because I fogot judaism now I open t for new

Dont vote and mention satanism here othervise its be spam

In witch religious confesion/religion you belonge?
Total votes: 255
Cato9021 |
08.02.2007 - 03:48
I do not believe in any religion and never will! There is no one above me and I'm the only one controlling over myself. Religion is a joke. Fuck religion.
---- I månens sken vi dem tar, vi så renar vår skog tills ingen kristen finns kvar In the shimmering moonlight we hunt them, and flee into our forest until there are no Christians left.
Judas The Amputator |
08.02.2007 - 14:39
I'm proudly Hindu. I do pray every morning and evening, not because I'm forced to or anything, but because I do believe in higher powers which we cannot explain, so we give them human qualities and call them gods. If anyone wants to know about Hinduism, PM me, there's a lot to know, because it's actually impossible to define the religion, since it's more a way of life. It's very complicated and yet very simple, but difficult to explain.
---- "Once the game is over, the king and the pawn both go back into the same box."
Cato9021 |
08.02.2007 - 15:59
You should believe in yourself not a fucking god. Whats the point of praying? It wont do you any good. Just the boredness and the time waste. If you really think for yourself you'd understand god don't exist.
---- I månens sken vi dem tar, vi så renar vår skog tills ingen kristen finns kvar In the shimmering moonlight we hunt them, and flee into our forest until there are no Christians left.
Bad English Tage Westerlund |
08.02.2007 - 16:59 Written by Cato9021 on 08.02.2007 at 15:59 Well say it to Varg who belive in ancient viking gods ![]()
---- I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens. Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die" I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
Ernotar Cookie Mistress |
08.02.2007 - 17:17 Written by Cato9021 on 08.02.2007 at 15:59 Praying may not do any good, put sometimes it helps to deal with issues that bother your mind. If there's no one else who'd listen, some people believe, God is always listening. It creates a feeling of inner peace. For people who have lost a closest one or contracted a serious illness, God may at first be a target of hate who they blame on what has happened. God is also something that people have created in their minds to explain things they don't quite understand, like when a small child dies of cancer. It's a protection mechanism, when one thinks that the child is now in a better place and it was God's will to take that child away from this world. I understand your point, but it's a bit same as telling a little kid that there's no such a thing as Santa or Easterbunny...
---- You'll never walk alone.
Judas The Amputator |
09.02.2007 - 03:09 Written by Cato9021 on 08.02.2007 at 15:59 I do think for myself, and when I can't find an explanation for something, who better to attribute it to than the gods? I do believe in myself, and I believe that in each person there exists a portion of the divine. But until I can realise and recognise this divinity of the self in a physical way as well as a spiritual one, I will continue praying to gods, because humans are not perfect creatures. It's not boredom and time-wasting for me, or for anyone else who believes in higher powers, because believe me, I feel better after I've prayed, because it's not just a meaningless ritual, it's the way I give myself hope. I don't expect you to understand, but that's just the way I think.
---- "Once the game is over, the king and the pawn both go back into the same box."
Cato9021 |
10.02.2007 - 03:55 Written by Bad English on 08.02.2007 at 16:59 Hehe ![]() Written by Ernotar on 08.02.2007 at 17:17 People need to face the facts of what happening. It is no use to pray. No use to talk to a god. And GOD is certainly not listening. It might help for some. But it's stupid. And that someone got a illness is a answer good enuff. That little child were not healthy enough and died. End of story. Praying to god and shit instead of putting it behind you I would say is worse. Written by Judas on 09.02.2007 at 03:09 That's the way you are forced to think. And what you push yourself to believe. The spiritual part is just another stupid thing.
---- I månens sken vi dem tar, vi så renar vår skog tills ingen kristen finns kvar In the shimmering moonlight we hunt them, and flee into our forest until there are no Christians left.
Ernotar Cookie Mistress |
10.02.2007 - 10:21
@ Cato9021 Stupid or not, but that's how human mind works. I don't know if you've ever bothered to open a psychology book, but you should and maybe then you'd understand more about the protection mechanism of the human mind. Sorrow has three phases. First you deny what's happened, then you slowly start to understand what's happened, but your mind protects you from the pain you're still not capable of handling by making you think the dead person is in a better place now and doesn't suffer from pain anymore. The final phase is the one when you realize that the person is never gonna come back and it's a devastating feeling. You'll never get over the sorrow unless you go through all the three phases. The second phase is the one when some people "find" God and start to pray. It doesn't mean they turn into some religion freaks, it may very well be just a temporary stage, but it's essential for their recovery.
---- You'll never walk alone.
Valentin B Iconoclast |
10.02.2007 - 15:39
yeah man, you have to face it, people just need an explanation sometimes. some ancient babylonians accidentally made a battery out of some weird chemicals from tree-resin. when they touched it, it would electrify them. they couldn't find an answer, so the answer was that it made you commune with the divine. also, god is used as a scapegoat. when you can't blame someone, or even yourself you can always blame god. if you didn't feed your baby properly, and it died, it can always be god's fault. you think "what did i do wrong?" you answer to yourself "nothing" and since no earthly being is to blame for the death, and you just have to blame someone or something, you can just blame god. it's very easy. divinities can also be used as something to turn to. if you are in a very bad situation, feel depressed and stuff, you can always say a prayer. it'll make you feel better, and probably will make you deal with the problem easier. it's a placebo effect. you pray, god listens, god resolves your problem, because he's almighty, and voila! problem solved. it could be all in your mind, it could be that you outdid yourself, or it could be god's doing.
EddieGunner Valkoinen kuolem |
10.02.2007 - 16:51
Atheist well i choose this one, best one, i don't care for any religion, too manny war come out from religions and stuff, even this one in ex-yugoslavia, but my parents r muslim i choose Atheism cause i belive thrs no GOD
---- On pirun vaikea selvitä hengissä hautaan saakka It is damn difficult to stay alive till the grave Erno Paasilinna :devil:
Cato9021 |
10.02.2007 - 18:42
@ Ernotar. Thats not how it works for me. I would never give me the blame for something I haven't done. I would never deny what happen and never think the person is in a better place. I would never start to pray to god or any non existing person. And that people "find" god is just plain stupidity. People have no other choice. People are forced to believe in god or nothing. Religion is a problem and need to be destroyed. Without the religion there would be 80% less wars. @ Cursed. What you describe already have the answer. Always blaming god is stupid and make the situation worse. And if you did not feed that baby and it died. It is truly your fault. Using god is a lame way to get away. There is no such thing as saying "What did I do wrong" unless you did something wrong. It's easy to blame others and using god would be wrong. And what makes people think prayers make you feel better in a bad situation? They are forced or have no other options to believe that and it's wrong.
---- I månens sken vi dem tar, vi så renar vår skog tills ingen kristen finns kvar In the shimmering moonlight we hunt them, and flee into our forest until there are no Christians left.
Ernotar Cookie Mistress |
10.02.2007 - 19:03
@ Cato9021 I think it depends on the religion. At least I don't feel like forced to believe in anything although I'm a Christian. I'm just curious, have you ever lost anyone you love? At least for me it was hard when my granny died and I can recognize all the three phases of sorrow in my recovery. It took years from me to get over it and I'm not sure if I'm done with my mourning even now. If I wanted, I could make the decision of separating from the church right now, but I don't have a need to do that. And still I never go to church. Just knowing that there's some community that'll always welcome you no matter what you've done gives confidence. It's about not having to be left all alone. Sure religions cause lots of conflicts, but only the extremists. 90% of all people who represent some religious group, live in peace and harmony. I just think your attitude towards religions is very aggressive.
---- You'll never walk alone.
APOHAKC The Bard |
10.02.2007 - 21:28
@Kariasakis7 Iaberis and I will make you convertion, all you have to do is to pay 20.000 euros on our account and you will be grand new Greek-Orthodox, you are my friend but that is how things works.
---- They say that we are gone but I can't let you down The heathen faith will rise again we won't fail now I know we cannot die forever is our time Give my people back to me free from Christianity!!!!
Skald Account deleted |
10.02.2007 - 22:14 Skald
Account deleted Written by Bad English on 08.02.2007 at 16:59 So now believing in ancient Norse gods is dumber than believing in Abrahamic ones or something? Written by Cato9021 on 08.02.2007 at 15:59 See, this is why agnosticism is a better path than atheism. It shields itself from ignorance of both believers and disbelievers. 1) What makes you think believing in god disallows you to believe in yourself? It's not like people go all "God, please let me pass the exam tomorrow. Sure I didn't study at all, but I totally thought you'd help me out with this one!" 2) What's the point of praying? How about to feel better? To let the weights off your heart. To reduce the ammount of stress, which (*gasp*) quite frankly isn't good for your health. 3) It won't do you any good, you say? You seem to know more about this stuff than people who actually did research this. According to them people who believe in god/gods tend to heal faster (which should be nothing but obvious considering it's a known fact the state of human's mind influences his health) and if that's not good, then what is? Also, look up the "Placebo Effect". It's amazing what belief alone can achieve.
Cato9021 |
11.02.2007 - 00:34
Skald: 1) No. 2) I wont feel better praying. That's up to the person doing it. And the person will think he feels better cause he has no other choice pray(ing) to a god or not doing it. 3) It wont do any good for me. And it's bad that humans mind influences on the believe in god. And yeah. It's amazing what believes can archive. It all depends on what believes. Ernotar: I have lost someone I know and had a pretty rough life. I also have some religious friends and Christian friends and I respect their religion and believes. I get sometimes bothered if we can't do something or go places cause of the religion or believe. People can believe in what ever they want for all I care, just don't bother me with it or try convince me to believe in that shit.
---- I månens sken vi dem tar, vi så renar vår skog tills ingen kristen finns kvar In the shimmering moonlight we hunt them, and flee into our forest until there are no Christians left.
Skald Account deleted |
11.02.2007 - 02:07 Skald
Account deleted
1) Afaik, "no" is never a logical answer to question starting with "what" (well okay, it can be answer to stuff like "What should I say?", but that's beside the point!). 2) Aha, so it won't do anyone any good, because you don't feel better doing it. Very smart, really. And you seem to not understand. They don't "think" they feel better. They do feel better. That's why they heal faster. No matter whether you like it or not, it's proven. 3) It's always about you, right? Sure, you can say it's bad and leave it at that, but statements like that are pretty much on the level of kindergartens and as such, aren't very likely to convince anyone that you're right. And if you don't care about what people believe in, why do you insult their religious beliefs on the forums? You seem to be one of those people who gather angst against all religions just because they didn't like the one that dominates their country. You're from Norway, so I'm guessing it's Christianity in your case. But for your information, not all religions are same as the one you despise so much. There are many other religions out there. Religions you have absolutely no idea about. Religions you haven't bothered to look into. But other people did. And they came to conclusion those are the right paths for them. And it would be absolutely awesome if you ceased this hatred against theism, because many of those who "don't think for themselves", actually did much more research on the spirituality than you did. And I'll sound like a prick here, but dude? You're a metalhead from Norway that rebels against religion. And yet you really feel like you're in position to accuse others of not thinking for themselves? Sokrates taught us how illusive our worldviews can be. Too bad even after over two thousand years we are just as blind as we used to be.
Cato9021 |
11.02.2007 - 03:40
Basically, I'm a strong believer in science. I believe that trying to find our answers through scientific studies is much better than simply saying "god created the universe in 7 days". Darwinism and evolution makes much more sense to me than that God created Adam and Eve from pieces of wood. I don't consider abortion murder. In my opinion, a living creature only becomes valuable in the light of other people. Iife itself is simply the result of an astronomical number of various variables which simply happened to be combined on planet earth in a way which enabled life to form. When we die, I believe that we are simply rotting up, getting eated by worms and other shit. Our soul is the result of millions of electrical connections in our brain. When we dies it dies with us. And I've also thought about what life in heaven actually would be like. Is a place which resembles Ned Flanders really the place we want to be for all eternity. Hell doesn't sound any good either. But it is really that much worse to be exposed to eternal torture than a place with eternal happiness? Isn't the balance between good and bad what makes our world such a special place to live? Sure, religion helps a lot of people getting through their sorrow and sure religion helps lots of people getting their lives on a right path, but do people believe because there really is a god out there or do they believe because our society is pumping people with religious ways of speaking, religions traditions are a part of every family etc. Religion was created for thousands of years ago and was, from their point of wiev, really an ingenious invention. Lots of wise men sat down and thought "We have a problem with controlling our people, also our people is demanding answers to the great questions of life. What should we do? "Then some guy comes up with the solution of creating an upper force which all people should rule over all the people on earth. The furthermore decided that this god should have the abillity to punish if a certain set of rules is not followed. And from this, the bible emerges. A book which includes stories to explain all the big questions of life, explains how people should live by each other and explains how the earth was created and so on. Much of the bible is great, even I think so. It has only to major flaws 1) the clause about: "If you don't do what this book tells you to do you will go to hell" and 2) if people don't understand that the stories presented in the bible are NOT to be taken literarily but are rather meant as guidelines for life the world ends up in some really bad situations. Therefore, I don't believe that religion as any place in a modern society. The structures in a modern society is so different from those which existed at the time when the bible was written. E.g. it's no longer a problem for women to be single provider with a child. Woman can get jobs and are being given increasingly equal rights compared to men. Therefore sex before marriage is no problem (additionally we have birth-control today) and we have no need for a book which says that we go to hell if we do have sex before we get married. Well, it wasn't in my intention to offend any religion. I just don't like it. And finally, according to south park: I know that Satan is cool and holds lots of parties while heaven is totally lame and nobody but mormones can get there.
---- I månens sken vi dem tar, vi så renar vår skog tills ingen kristen finns kvar In the shimmering moonlight we hunt them, and flee into our forest until there are no Christians left.
Judas The Amputator |
11.02.2007 - 08:26
You are using Christianity as the only example of a religion in all your arguments. Despite what you may think, other religions actually do exist, so perhaps next time you would care to open a book before spouting forth such vehement denials of religion. Also, who says that science and religion cannot coexist? Over many thousands of years, religion has actually been the inspiration for many scientists to pursue the truth. And whether or not the creation of the universe and everything in it is the result of a mathematical improbability becoming manifest, this does not necessarily mean that the divine does not exist! I am studying Medicine (yes, Medicine is SCIENCE!), and I see nothing that stops me from having a reason to believe. Religion does not end with Earth and death and good and evil and people's control over other people. In my belief, the point of religion is to give rough moral guidelines (NOT to tell you how to live your life!), and to give hope without asking anything in return (people don't give money in temples and churches and mosques because they'll go to 'hell' if they refuse, whatever you may think). I go to the temple maybe thrice each year, only on religiously significant occasions, and that's because I WANT TO. I could become totally atheist if I wanted to, my family wouldn't care much at all. But I want to believe, because belief gives me more strength. I'm not saying that non-believers are weaker than me or anything, just because they don't believe, I'm saying that believing makes me feel good about myself. And if being atheist makes you feel good about yourself, then good for you. Just stop attacking the rest of the world just because their beliefs clash with yours. Ever heard of 'live and let live'? Judging by what you wrote earlier, there is absolutely zero difference between a missionary and you. At the moment, religion isn't causing any problems. You are causing problems.
---- "Once the game is over, the king and the pawn both go back into the same box."
Valentin B Iconoclast |
11.02.2007 - 15:04
the guy with the biggest post always wins on metalstorm. so skald would better return here and make a decent sized post ![]()
Skald Account deleted |
11.02.2007 - 16:13 Skald
Account deleted Written by Valentin B on 11.02.2007 at 15:04 Yeah, but then again, what's the point of winning? ![]() Besides, Judas already said most of the stuff I'd have to say.
Cato9021 |
11.02.2007 - 17:09 ![]()
---- I månens sken vi dem tar, vi så renar vår skog tills ingen kristen finns kvar In the shimmering moonlight we hunt them, and flee into our forest until there are no Christians left.
Lucas Mr. Noise Elite |
11.02.2007 - 17:18
That picture.. is one of the best I've ever seen. ![]() ![]()
---- SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what? "The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
Stigmatized .......... |
11.02.2007 - 22:10 Written by [user id=1868] on 11.02.2007 at 16:13 Wow. That is greatest thing I've ever seen.
Valentin B Iconoclast |
12.02.2007 - 13:45 Written by [user id=1868] on 11.02.2007 at 16:13 yeah ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() LAST SPAM POST, I PROMISE ![]()
Metal_Messias Account deleted |
12.02.2007 - 21:02 Metal_Messias
Account deleted
I'm atheist.. I don't believe in super powerful imaginary things.. I believe in myself, I have the power to do whatever I want, I have confidence in me. I don't want to be submiss to a think that I don't even know if exists, to be affraid of have pleasure in my life.. I think that religion makes men weak, fearful and submiss. So, I'm atheist with pride! ![]()
Lowelas OF FIRE Account deleted |
17.02.2007 - 05:07 Lowelas OF FIRE
Account deleted
I am a cross between Agnostic and Wiccan....... I pray to Mother Earth and the Elements.....But i view Earth not as a superior, but rather as a FRIEND with power to guide you and give you courage. I think we are all born with an "Inner Warrior" (The Fire Element) which fights off negative energy helping you to live abundantly. Firstly you must allow this Inner Warrior to fight freely though. Death......I believe that if you die as a person who lived life pessimistically and negatively, you reincarnate into negative energy which causes homicide, disease, suicide, depression and so on. But if you die as a Positive person, you reincarnate into Positive Energy and are one with The Elements of Mother Earth. I believe not in an Armaggeddon or in a Ragnarok. Creation........i have no clue as to how we got here. But hell, Christians don't know how God got here so that doesn't mean anything ![]() .........these beliefs are unique as I am a philosopher at heart. It's what works for me and I am happy with it ![]()
Dasyatidae Account deleted |
19.02.2007 - 16:44 Dasyatidae
Account deleted Quote: Amen to that ![]() Since you're not allowed to mention Satanism here ^^ (woopz, I just did ![]() Anyhow, my way-of-life catagories include... "atheist", "epicurean", "existentialist", "hedonist" and "animal". I am the highest power. I make the rules. I do whatever brings me pleasure, and "to hell" with what "the rest" thinks of it. Good is what I like, evil is what I don't like. Beside that... well, whatever ![]() ![]()
Bad English Tage Westerlund |
19.02.2007 - 16:52 Quote:Written by [user id=21236] on 19.02.2007 at 16:44 Well satanism its because some pl woud wite satanism and post fcuk all thats is a reason why I didnt let mention it and its not religion just like one mention darvinism its philosophy
---- I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens. Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die" I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
Dasyatidae Account deleted |
19.02.2007 - 16:57 Dasyatidae
Account deleted
I can totally understand that ^^ Those wonderful "Look-at-me-I'm-SSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOO-EEEEEVVVVVVIIILLLLLLLL"-types ![]() I'll settle for "atheist" then, though it's not really a religion either ![]()
Vrana |
23.02.2007 - 10:45
I'm catholic. I go to church every week, I pray every day. I believe in God and I never want to loose my faith. I respect all religions and all opinions about God. I actually believe, that when we die, we go through a door... christian through the doors with a cross, judes through the door with a star... but at the end, we all are in the same room infron the same God. But oh well, that's only my opinion and view on religions. Nobody can actually say what's righ and what's wrong...we'll find the answer when we die.