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Gore Lyrics Thread: Bring The Blood And Guts

Posts: 72   Visited by: 124 users

Original post

Posted by Unknown user, 17.05.2006 - 03:09
Well, we had it before, and we have it again. Post your gore metal lyrics here. I will post some when inspiration strikes, so please be patient that I didnt post them now. Im waiting for some of Angel Deformity's shit too. Grind on, bitches!
03.08.2006 - 21:10
Account deleted
Well, everybody has it's own way of entertaining, i quess
15.09.2006 - 00:14
Oh god, I hope nobody here actually takes gore lyrics seriously. That would be pretty messed up.
Anyways, Here's something I thought of while I was on the toilet yesterday:

Savouring Bloody Revenge Against a Now Deceased Former Lover

Your blood
My urine
Boiling water from the sea
These are the perfect ingredients
To make myself some tea
I drink it slowly as I fantasize
Of all the pins that are now in your eyes

You cheating bitch
You dirty whore
For your painful destruction
I did implore

You dared to love another sing his praise
For this your carcass will rot four days
When you told me your head was hung
And now your mouth is filled with dung

At first only your throat was slit
Now I chew upon your mangled clit
I beat you till your bruises burst
And drank your blood to quench my thirst
You body is impaled over a roasting fire
The cinders a symbol for my great ire

Your head and feet are in my oven
When cooked I will return them to your coven
And as I once disected you
I'll kill a lot more, leave but a few
For they too have thought of another man
To refrain from killing them, I don't think I can.

You cheating bitch
You dirty whore
For your painful destruction
I did implore
19.09.2006 - 14:41
Angel Deformity
Im back from the crypt and i return with two new sets of lyrics...


Industrial tool
Created to maim
Nail gun suicide
Completely insane

Grasp the trigger
Fire away into my skull
Pierces the bone
My head feels numb

Screaming in confusion
Nails in my brain
Human pincushion

My brain has be injected
My life ejected
Bloody mess
Holes in my head


Mutilation of the foetus

General practice
Foetal laceration
Deviant malpractice
Miniature limbs flying free
Foetal mutilations at no fee

Abortion, muscular distortion
Suction, mucus luncheon
Deformed chunk of existence
Ecstatically murdered under my scalpel
06.10.2006 - 09:52
in a sad state
Account deleted
the blood is dryinyng on her twisted face
a sip of death incarnate
somethin awake inside of me
im turning into stone
twisted faces scream my praise
someting is devouring my brain
my entrails fill a silver cup
and sunshine and lollipops is cute

as you maybe imagined, its not as serious as it might sound
19.10.2006 - 09:56
Fucked Upstairs!
Account deleted
Triumph Of The Smurfinator

Deep in the winterforests, place of no fear
Suddenly the snow turns red

Between boughs & bushes,
he tramples the smurfs to a fuck
A twisted mess surrounded by guts

Gasping for air
Smurfs lie suffering on the oak ground
Throats getting chopped

Between the decaying
Trough the anus, he penetrats
Fistfucking the dead

The view of horror, upon his face
Behold the Smurfinator,
as he destroys your entire race

Not much gore here as you guys ussualy read it in my work.
Though I must admit I did not write much gore stuff in the past year.
But I hope I'll make a good comeback, who knows...Time Shall Tell.

@Angel Defo: Dude the suicide thing with the Nailgun is fucking brilliant lol!
19.10.2006 - 15:42
Mr. Noise
Fucked, you're just jealous because our Smurf banners kick the shit out of you.

PS: I wonder how many people clicked your signature.
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?

"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
19.10.2006 - 19:58
Account deleted
Ok I dont really have any intresst in gore lyrics. But today I met 3 brats that didnt know how to behave, this is what I would do with them if it was legal:

3 Pathetic boys in a cage
Time to make them suffer

First we let one of the fuckers out of the cage
We tie the sucker onto a chair
Lets play with needles shall we?
One in his left knee, deep inside ,TWITCH YOU WORM
One in his right knee, CRY YOU WEAKLING!
Five in his pathetic left hand, no ... lets go for 15
and lets not forget the eyes....
Oh the eyes....
I brought a drill for this joyful event
Drilling his eyes DRILLING HIS EYES
Die you pathetic fuck and rot forever in this chair,

Time for boy number two
This time I brought a nice axe
Chop chop your fucking fingers are now mine
Chop chop your ears are now on the floor
Drill the fucking hands DRILL THEM.
Huge holes in your palms ENJOY.
Lets not forget the salt, SALT IN THE WOUNDS.
Lets chop thoose hands of too
and lets use all the fucking salt I have
I will let you bleed to death with the salt as company fucker.....

Oh and the last boy
I brought a gun for this

Ok I know this is silly XD but im bored and I hate kids that dont know that they SHOULD NOT THROW CUCUMBERS AT PEOPLE.
24.10.2006 - 01:04
Take me into your world and show it to me
Make me feel your veins your thoughts your secrets
Just to see your tears again and feel them
Just to rip your blood and make love to it
Let me enter you and your weakness
Let me get sick inside your smell, your tangled fingers
Never show me your smile because im in love with your depression
Your tainted life, the mistery of your soul
I hate to see you leave this shitty place...
Never make me feel unconfortable for I'll get rid of you
I no longer can take your hapiness, your fortune
Just show me your torture, your unbearable life side
Believe my lies, grieve my darkness, don't ever remain still
Grab my faith and manipulate it, if your naked I'll cut you
By the river where I bleed insanely just watch me
Take a glimpse at my soul, feel disguish for me
Send me a ghost, a spectrum, make them come
In the dawn slit my neck before satisfying my deed
Obey my fever, throw shit at me
Leave me in the gutter, my dream is stabbed
Kiss me, kiss my cruelty, my body, my broken chasticy, my fear
Honour my unconscious, my inconstancy, my incommunicability
Disturb my insuperable insult, design my intentional wrath
Invest my passion, my irregularity, depart me
Wash my regreatable tear, my stained pond
Lament my affected sullen, the evil that burns
Use my manner til decay, when my tormented pale destiny seizes
Where my lifeless itch dwells, mortify my expired laughter
Till your motionless despair shines, weep your blooded destruction
Tucked up to the night I lie in my nocturnal aversion
As your comment of loathing disputes my suffocation.............
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29

Like you could kiss my ass.

My Instagram
12.04.2007 - 04:55
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
Your soul I hate,
Your body I love
See me grinning,
from 6 feet above
To the virgin creep
necro erotica
corpse rape, what I reap

....and I ran out of ideas there, its a work in progress.
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
13.04.2007 - 01:21
The Sasquatch
hm... are short stories allowed here? Well Im gonna post anyways :p but Ill delete it or move to another thread (its just because my fucking school's server block the search thing)

Untitled (yet)

I invited my guests with second intentions. Five minutes before they got at my lair, I spread gas on the floor, and cover it up with some perfume, so they won't smell it. As they arrive into my lair, I happily greet them. I served the dinner, and for the dessert I told them that I had made my specialty. Quickly, I ran to the kitchen to pick up a lighter. I brought the lighter to the dinning room, lighted it up, and dropped on the floor!

I went back to the house in the next morning, just to check my poor victims. One of them had brought a baby, and the best thing was: He is still alive! Most people know how I love to make little babies suffer! I took my boot knife, and with the swing of it, his head had been cut off. I have to confess, that was one of the greatest feelings I ever had. But I was not satisfied yet, I had to spread more suffer into that dammed kid. So I placed his head on my microwave, and turned it on! My joy was complete when his head blew up.

I gazed to the dead bodies, and one of them took my attention. It was a young woman, probably sixteen or seventeen year old; her face was so beautiful (even though it was burnt,) she had deep blue eyes, and as I cleaned her face with my piss, and I saw that her skin was white, almost pale, and I just could not resist. I went back to the kitchen, to grab some “utensils.” I took a BBQ fork, and a knife. First I made some scars on her face with the knife, than I pulled her pants down, and penetrated with the fork. When I saw the blood coming out of her vagina, it was almost like an orgasm, but suddenly I heard a very familiar sound, it was almost like something had broke, Oh poor girl she was a virgin.
18.04.2007 - 08:10
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
I have another one I wrote last night, entitled 'Brainstorm'

As the brick slips from my grasp
And crashes through your skull
Scrambled mess of a head
Knee deep in red
The coroners hands are full

As the funeral planned
Which I had a hand
Open casket by "mistake"

And thats where I got stuck......any suggestions?
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
18.04.2007 - 08:25
Lactation Cnslt
Written by [user id=5394] on 19.10.2006 at 19:58

Ok I dont really have any intresst in gore lyrics. But today I met 3 brats that didnt know how to behave, this is what I would do with them if it was legal:

3 Pathetic boys in a cage
Time to make them suffer

First we let one of the fuckers out of the cage
We tie the sucker onto a chair
Lets play with needles shall we?
One in his left knee, deep inside ,TWITCH YOU WORM
One in his right knee, CRY YOU WEAKLING!
Five in his pathetic left hand, no ... lets go for 15
and lets not forget the eyes....
Oh the eyes....
I brought a drill for this joyful event
Drilling his eyes DRILLING HIS EYES
Die you pathetic fuck and rot forever in this chair,

Time for boy number two
This time I brought a nice axe
Chop chop your fucking fingers are now mine
Chop chop your ears are now on the floor
Drill the fucking hands DRILL THEM.
Huge holes in your palms ENJOY.
Lets not forget the salt, SALT IN THE WOUNDS.
Lets chop thoose hands of too
and lets use all the fucking salt I have
I will let you bleed to death with the salt as company fucker.....

Oh and the last boy
I brought a gun for this

Ok I know this is silly XD but im bored and I hate kids that dont know that they SHOULD NOT THROW CUCUMBERS AT PEOPLE.

lmao dude, if I somehow ever meet you, please remind me to never throw cylindrical vegetables at you.
18.04.2007 - 10:15
Account deleted
Haha it was a rather comical way to release aggression Gore is always fun anyway.
05.07.2007 - 10:52
Torture Killer
Account deleted
Taste Of The Rotten

Tearing, open the ribcage
the rotted flesh pours
Devour, the stench of the dead
rapes me divine

Pussing, As I slit the throat
fuck the decaying wound
Consuming, the anal fluid
as I cum in the puss, just to be eaten again
05.08.2007 - 11:50
Account deleted
There is probably worse but i just love the Poetic brutal way this is said

Violate - Iced Earth

I'll beat you with your spinal cord
Split your skull in two
I'll feast on your intestines
There's nothing I can't do
I'll rip your heart out of your chest
Watch it beat as you cry
I revel in your agony
I violate and make you die

Enter now
Enter now
And violate
08.08.2007 - 04:01
I made this on the spot...bored.

Its called 'You cut in me line'

Enter the cafeteria of human waste,
I bear waiting for 15 minutes...
And you dare cut me off?

Do you know your own fate?
I want to see those limbs cut off!

Plastic forks...
And gauge your eyes,
tearing the snacks out of your sockets!
Now I can satisfy my hunger!

And your head,
Fits perfectly in my pocket..
now let me light your carcass on fire
and tie it to a fucking rocket!

A beverage?
Lets see you sniff this coke,
Now let me help you,
Because a Can in your nasal cavity
Is a neat joke!

You fat mother fucker,
I will turn you into saturated fat,
Just don't look at the oil,
As I dip your face in...

You have something in your teeth,
Toothpicks do the trick...
By the thousands tearing your flesh
And penetrating your bone marrow!

Behold, the man who cut me off in line...
I am the beholder, look into my eyes,
As I baptize your fleshless body in
Tabasco!! ( blast beat )
09.08.2007 - 10:25
I had written this piece of well, at most gay poetic gore haha some time ago. It's in romanian and it sounds really silly when translated, but that is the fun part

So it went like this:

Vomer vomat prin vomatoriu,
Virulent vitriolant vaccin,
Va veni ziua sa vie violand vlastarii,
Voracelui valpurgic vagin.

And now, let us attempt a translation bhahahahahah

Vomer puked through the vomatory,
The virulent vitriolant vaccine,
The day will come to rape the offspring,
Of the devouring walpurgis vagin. (I know it's vagina, consider it a poetic license to have a nice rhyme )
When the sun rises I take my flock on the balks
When the moon rises I tell the woods good night
09.08.2007 - 13:18
Account deleted
Gore lyrics always sound weak/amateur, no matter which way you write them, however, I'll give it a try

Speared in the skull, sever the arteries, split the spine, here it goes
Inseminate the haemo-gastric fluid, divulge the optic nerves, until they rupture
Insidiously torture the cadaver with conductive, corrosive apparatus, compel the anodes

So meticulous is the design, so intricate are the patterns, a unique design of human disgust and copulation
Exposed at birth, betrayed in death, penetrate the flesh to reveal what is hidden
A trail of convulsions and innards, lie on the bloodied table, freshly doused with former patients' remains
To endeavour beyond the bile and the bladder, to venture whence man was forbidden

Infested is the bladder, esophagus and heart
Resuscitate to reanimate the rejected mass of decay
Putrefied is the bone, a hollow collection of grinding levers diverging apart
Loose is the neck, a dangling pile of entrails to mound in a disseminated, bodily latté

Let's cut, rip and saw, till the human no longer feels any morsel of life
Twisted and distorted in the display, a contribution to the cycle
Viewed from beyond the grave, treated to the pain, man deserves to suffer and die
Excruciating eruptions, dispersion of festering parasites released from an artificial, engineered archetype

Evolved is the mind, no longer controlled, disposed like a germ-ridden tissue
Remove the lacerated sheath, dissected and dismembered
Maimed and mutilated, the pungent organs are insignificant and abused
Into the furnace, the corpse is abandoned, now to begin the process anew

By Opium, ©
09.08.2007 - 15:37
Account deleted
Great ones, Opium *claps*. Waiting for the next "try" .
11.08.2007 - 10:48
Valentin B
Written by NECURATU on 09.08.2007 at 10:25

Vomer vomat prin vomatoriu,
Virulent vitriolant vaccin,
Va veni ziua sa vie violand vlastarii,
Voracelui valpurgic vagin.

28.12.2007 - 03:52
Zombie, M.D.
I've recently discovered how much fun writting DM lyrics is.

Ill grab your dog and run my knife across its neck
sodomized your son and pull his entrails out his back
masticate your daughter now, grind her bones with my teeth
masturbate to her dead body as its rotting in the heat

hungry for little girls crying on their knees
screaming oh god please dont murder me
petite throats are all slit wide open vertically
bloody bloody gurgle gurgle gurgle-gurgling

crying so hard tears are coming out her nose
grinding teeth and masturbating, I sniff her pantyhose
nothing gets me off like a young female screaming no
my rotting teeth are smiling, from my mouth bile flows

Mouth Breather
Two weeks now Ive been pissing and shitting blood
passed out face down choking in the fucking mud
I like to kill people just because I think its fun
getting high on fumes of human flesh rotting in the sun
"I really screwed up this time." - Jeffery Dahmer
06.01.2008 - 13:32
Yes, mighty sick people...
You should add something like 'she-cut-my-testicles-off-and-I-grew-boobs-because-of-lack-of-male-hormones'
Having a signature is an absolute must.
13.10.2008 - 01:53
Account deleted
Written by [user id=5630] on 19.05.2006 at 00:27

Alright! New gore lyrics thread is open. For 2 months now, I have been the victim of procrastination. I kept putting off writing gore lyrics for later, realizing that I would never write anything at this rate. But now, I have broken that chain, with my latest piece, "There Shall Be Rape Tonight". Yes, the title is unoriginal, but I assure you, this is going to be good.

"There Shall Be Rape Tonight"

I invited a female into my home,
She has no idea that my intentions are to rape
Unsuspecting of my actions, I shove a choker into her mouth
Prevent her from screaming so she won't wake up the neighbors
I pull down her pants
She has such a nice ass
I'm gonna fuck that ass good
I place my hands between her buttocks,
Pry open her anus,
No time to wait,
Time to penetrate!

My cock penetrates her sphincter,
It's so tight it feels good,
This must be her first time
I keep fucking her in the ass
Until the semen ejects
I pull out my dick to see it covered in sperm and shit
Stupid skank ho, your ass was dirty
And for this you shall die.

I shove a chainsaw down her crotch
The vibrations give her outrageous pleasures
Chunks of guts splat on the wall
as she starts to tear in half
I now reach the uterus
I take out my hammer
The baby factory is in my hands
I smash it to bits
Machete now in hand,
I chop open the skull
Munch upon her cerebrum
I skull-fuck her empty cranium
Dispose the cadaver in the garbage
Burn it with napalm
They'll never know what happened
At the rape that night.

And there you have it, folks. I should be able to write more gore lyrics soon, considering that my summer break is almost here. Then I'll bring forth a plethora of gore!

gore lyrics, boy i tell ya it's either love or hate vibe.
14.10.2008 - 06:26
Written by [user id=160] on 13.10.2008 at 01:53

Written by [user id=5630] on 19.05.2006 at 00:27

Alright! New gore lyrics thread is open. For 2 months now, I have been the victim of procrastination. I kept putting off writing gore lyrics for later, realizing that I would never write anything at this rate. But now, I have broken that chain, with my latest piece, "There Shall Be Rape Tonight". Yes, the title is unoriginal, but I assure you, this is going to be good.

"There Shall Be Rape Tonight"

I invited a female into my home,
She has no idea that my intentions are to rape
Unsuspecting of my actions, I shove a choker into her mouth
Prevent her from screaming so she won't wake up the neighbors
I pull down her pants
She has such a nice ass
I'm gonna fuck that ass good
I place my hands between her buttocks,
Pry open her anus,
No time to wait,
Time to penetrate!

My cock penetrates her sphincter,
It's so tight it feels good,
This must be her first time
I keep fucking her in the ass
Until the semen ejects
I pull out my dick to see it covered in sperm and shit
Stupid skank ho, your ass was dirty
And for this you shall die.

I shove a chainsaw down her crotch
The vibrations give her outrageous pleasures
Chunks of guts splat on the wall
as she starts to tear in half
I now reach the uterus
I take out my hammer
The baby factory is in my hands
I smash it to bits
Machete now in hand,
I chop open the skull
Munch upon her cerebrum
I skull-fuck her empty cranium
Dispose the cadaver in the garbage
Burn it with napalm
They'll never know what happened
At the rape that night.

And there you have it, folks. I should be able to write more gore lyrics soon, considering that my summer break is almost here. Then I'll bring forth a plethora of gore!

gore lyrics, boy i tell ya it's either love or hate vibe.

its the kind of lyrics that inspired me to listen to metal
14.10.2008 - 20:56
We've been writing an album about this guy who thinks "God" is instructing him to build a temple that has an altar and troth that is connected. He hears "God" in his head and instructs him to take people out into the woods, where his temple is, then murder, rape, massacre etc them there. Once the troth is full with blood, he believes he will be excepted into heaven.

It's basically a play on religion and schizophrenia. Lots of good rape, blasphemous, and murder lyrics. I'll post some of the lyrics once they are more polished.
In Grind We Crust
12.03.2009 - 22:28
Account deleted
Written by [user id=4317] on 02.08.2006 at 14:24

Written by [user id=5630] on 19.05.2006 at 00:27

Alright! New gore Lyrics thread is open. For 2 months now, I have been the victim of procrastination. I kept putting off writing gore lyrics for later, realizing that I would never write anything at this rate. But now, I have broken that chain, with my latest piece, "There Shall Be Rape Tonight". Yes, the title is unoriginal, but I assure you, this is going to be good.

"There Shall Be Rape Tonight"

I invited a female into my home,
She has no idea that my intentions are to rape
Unsuspecting of my actions, I shove a choker into her mouth
Prevent her from screaming so she won't wake up the neighbors
I pull down her pants
She has such a nice ass
I'm gonna fuck that ass good
I place my hands between her buttocks,
Pry open her anus,
No time to wait,
Time to penetrate!

My cock penetrates her sphincter,
It's so tight it feels good,
This must be her first time
I keep fucking her in the ass
Until the semen ejects
I pull out my dick to see it covered in sperm and shit
Stupid skank ho, your ass was dirty
And for this you shall die.

I shove a chainsaw down her crotch
The vibrations give her outrageous pleasures
Chunks of guts splat on the wall
as she starts to tear in half
I now reach the uterus
I take out my hammer
The baby factory is in my hands
I smash it to bits
Machete now in hand,
I chop open the skull
Munch upon her cerebrum
I skull-fuck her empty cranium
Dispose the cadaver in the garbage
Burn it with napalm
They'll never know what happened
At the rape that night.

And there you have it, folks. I should be able to write more gore lyrics soon, considering that my summer break is almost here. Then I'll bring forth a plethora of gore!

Man, you just made my day
I have a question for all you gore poets. What is the reason why you're writing this? It must be a joke, cause you can't really be so fucked up to fantasize this.

ha ha those are really amusing lyrics...would love to listen to the song now!
09.02.2010 - 05:52
Buried under the earth
Within a cold wooden box
Covered with infected splinter wounds
Caked in dry blood
Unbearable fumes

Not alone.

Insects fall through
The air hole I was given
Maggots, millipedes and beetles
I cannot see, yet I feel...
I feel them feed
Something on my ear


No strength to struggle
I have been left here to die
No light, no tunnel
Darkness and blood
It is eating my brain
I have no strength to resist

they burrow into my skull

This happened to me last week, and let me say I do not recommend trying it.
14.02.2010 - 06:57
Written by [user id=5394] on 19.10.2006 at 19:58

Ok I dont really have any intresst in gore lyrics. But today I met 3 brats that didnt know how to behave, this is what I would do with them if it was legal:

3 Pathetic boys in a cage
Time to make them suffer

First we let one of the fuckers out of the cage
We tie the sucker onto a chair
Lets play with needles shall we?
One in his left knee, deep inside ,TWITCH YOU WORM
One in his right knee, CRY YOU WEAKLING!
Five in his pathetic left hand, no ... lets go for 15
and lets not forget the eyes....
Oh the eyes....
I brought a drill for this joyful event
Drilling his eyes DRILLING HIS EYES
Die you pathetic fuck and rot forever in this chair,

Time for boy number two
This time I brought a nice axe
Chop chop your fucking fingers are now mine
Chop chop your ears are now on the floor
Drill the fucking hands DRILL THEM.
Huge holes in your palms ENJOY.
Lets not forget the salt, SALT IN THE WOUNDS.
Lets chop thoose hands of too
and lets use all the fucking salt I have
I will let you bleed to death with the salt as company fucker.....

Oh and the last boy
I brought a gun for this

Ok I know this is silly XD but im bored and I hate kids that dont know that they SHOULD NOT THROW CUCUMBERS AT PEOPLE.

Haha, I love this best
11.03.2010 - 03:18
Got Mayhem?
Wrote this for English class once. Went over pretty well if I remember correctly. "You're fucked up bro" is a positive comment right?

The Devouring Fear of Life

Neural deconstruction, mental termination
Consciousness slowly ripping
Behold my masterpiece; Hallucinogenic evisceration

To be awake is to be Alive
To be aware is to wish to die
Embrace your physical ulcerations
The universe is your Hearse

Scrambling to piece together cranial disarray
This heaving mass of anatomical pattern
Strives to abandon it's useless self

Madness envelopes this disemboweled mind
Frantically mangled and putrefied
Carving catacombs of nothingness
You become a memorial of slaughtered desires

Surgical precision matches barbaric battering
Reverting back to primal paths
Has not escaped the reality of death
A message to others:
We all follow the same decaying path
Violence is our most primal trait
Once we fall we do not rise again

Searching for meaning within pathetically human limits
You've abandoned the bovine human herd
As you fester your realize what you need to become
The carbonized caricature of what you could not achieve

The brutal truth batters an already diffused consciousness
Inter Mortis begins as you struggle to scream
Cyanosis paints a mural on your flesh
A garbled effigy surfaces as you become a pathological puzzle
A cold mannequin...

Comments would be appreciated. I actually like this piece alot.
11.03.2010 - 22:25
Don Martin
le fu-
Brain Drain

Hose to the head
Soon to be dead
Full sucking power
You react slower

(slow part) You can see...
Your own brain
Running through the hose...

Vomit in disgust
Still the hoses suck
I don't care
'cause I'm a sick fuck!

Well, at least it rhymes.

Oh, PS: I wrote this aged 12 or 13. (14 ain't much better, but still...)
What a tackastrophe!