Ancient astronauts?
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Posted by destroyah, 09.07.2007 - 16:51
It's funny but the idea of men having imagined all the gods and myths and having constructed all these wonderful monuments to fictious characters is in no way more realistic than the theory that at some point in early history our paths may have crossed with those of the extraterrestrials. And by extraterrestrials I don't mean necessarily little green men with big eyes - for all i know (and deem rather likely) they may have looked just like us.
I guess one of the reasons skeptics diss this theory is because they consider interstellar space travel impossible. then again that is a very human approach on things - "we can't do that, so probably no one else can either". I mean, at any given time in history men have generally thought that they are living in the golden ages. How many believed Columbus when he came up with the idea of Earth being a sphere. The idea was considered ridiculous at that time, but he was right. Of course his theory was only 50% correct - he also suggested the Earth may be shaped like a pear.
My point - perhaps we ought to take a very serious look at this theory. There are tons of ideas and suggestions arpound about this, some more unbelieavable than others, but isn't it possible that we have hit the head of the nail with a few of these? Besides, if indeed our history was (is, will be?) influenced by a higher civilization then this may hold the key to why is the human race what it is today. Maybe we are not aggressive by nature, maybe we were pushed on that road. And if so, then why would that benefit our caretakers? Or maybe it doesn't, maybe they left a long time ago. Maybe they were just intergalactic aid workers or explorers? Then again, gods have always been associated with disasters and genocides, so maybe these explorers had a more sinister intent.
Why is this topic classified under religions? Well, religious beliefs and writings offer a lot of interesting material, descriptions of gods and their means of travelling, things that are today mostly considered fairy tales and mere products of the human imagination.
All in all it's a disturbing theory, especially taking into account the often cruel nature of gods, whoever they may have been.
IronAngel |
04.01.2008 - 22:11
Well, I agree with you on that it's very possible, and even likely, that there has been other lifeforms on other planets. Whether they were as advanced as humans is another matter; we don't really now how much of a gamble our evolution has been, and it may just be that we're an extremely unlikely outcome. Even if there have been other advanced life forms elsewhere, what's to say they've been interested in technology at all? We cannot begin to comprehend what kind of an intelligence they would have had, as he have nothing but ourselves to compare them to. Intelligence breeds curiosity in humans, but that may not be the case with another, completely alien, lifeform. So I'm not particularly dismissing the possibility of such beings. I am, however, dismissing the suggestion of researching history with the assumption that our evolution and civilization was affected by an alien factor which we cannot research in any way. It's just a very unscientific assumption. Myths about flying gods and advanced enough geometry to build pyramids is not sufficent scientific evidence to accept such a theory. You don't seem to believe that claim, either, but others in this thread have presented such ideas. Basically, what I'm saying in a nutshell: There may or may not have been other advanced life somewhere in the universe. Lacking evidence either way, we can speculate but it should not be considered scientific nor should one make decisions in science, education, life or whatever based on such a guess. True or not, it doesn't change a thing.
b0000mst1ck |
05.01.2008 - 00:11 Written by IronAngel on 04.01.2008 at 22:11 that's true. curiosity may only be something we possess which i've also thought about. and i do agree with you about our evolution. i've never seen a reason behind our existence being affected by an alternative lifeform. i'm sure if something like that had intervened in our evolution, no matter when, we'd be a lot more advanced than we are. what i take from it is we're either really lucky to get to where we currently are (without help) and an anomoly of the universe, or just an extremely young species in a spectrum of intelligent beings. and no, i don't believe that the pyramids, or even stonehenge or the like, were built by something other than humans. that seems silly, because if i had thousands of slaves and nothing better to do i'm sure i could build something that resembled a pyramid without the technology that would be required. all disagreements aside i'd like to ask you a question to get a better understanding of your opinion: all these UFO sightings that have been reported...what's your take on it? government experiments/cover-up, or what?
IronAngel |
05.01.2008 - 00:21
I haven't really researched them enough to have a thorough answer for them. I believe they can be many things. One of the most important factors is probably imagination; these sightings, as far as I know, increased tremendously after some known cases. People see what they want to, and some are even willing to trick others systematically. Some may be due to actual flying human aircrafts. Who knows what kind of military projects are tested in secret? There's no convincing evidence of real alien aircrafts. Wouldn't you think reputable scientific groups or individuals who are independent of whatever government conspiracy would have made some proper observations and recorded them in a reliable manner? I'm not an expert myself, but I think it's also mostly the US where these sightings are made. I think the more likely explanation is in the American culture and mindset rather than that the aliens are more interested in the States than in other continents. I haven't heard of many UFO sightings in Kenia, Lithuania or Mongolia. I could be wrong, though. Then again, maybe they are spacecrafts. I just find it unlikely. If they were, I'm sure there'd be more evidence. Surely technology that was able to avoid detection by the top-notch technology humankind possesses would not fail when a farmer happens to gaze up at the sky? It sounds absurd.
b0000mst1ck |
05.01.2008 - 06:14
what i remember from seeing documentaries and such over the years has made me a skeptic toward most claims, but there are a few that are questionable to me. there was a sighting in mexico city back in the 90's that hundreds of people saw. there were even multiple videotapes and dozens of pictures that were taken throughout the city, from every possible angle. aside from it being a countries government playing a really rude trick on one of the larger cities in the world there isn't really any other worldly explanation. but nonetheless it remains debatable because of the nature of the sighting. if you ask me, i'd say there are both experiments by the more powerful governments, and also some that can't be explained. at this point i could let my imagination run wild and type three more paragraphs, but i'll digress... mostly every other sighting i've ever heard about doesn't seem believable. along with the mexico city sighting there are few others that have been analyzed as best as possible, but there's only so much a group can do without the sufficient funds to do anything beside viewing tapes or photos to try and debunk them. but sightings have apparently been recorded throughout history. i've seen paintings from the byzantine empire that have objects in the sky, like in a self portrait or something like that. it's been seen in hieroglyphics as well. either way, i have my opinions about things, yet am skeptical at the same time. it sucks to know that we probably won't know for sure in our lifetime.
Ph0eNiX Fire from Above |
07.05.2009 - 23:01
Why can't there be the existance of both and the "astronauts" just have caused the aspects of the "cruelty"?
Elio Red Nightmare |
24.05.2009 - 22:43
I always believed we are characters of an alien's Second Life-like game.
Throne Dweller |
01.06.2009 - 15:47 Written by Elio on 24.05.2009 at 22:43 My owner must be a real apathetic prick.
ToMegaTherion |
08.10.2009 - 01:42
This is beginning to sound a lot like Stargate. Gods and slaves and some alien races sick game. ![]()
15.10.2009 - 06:12
Well, I think UFO is real. I mean alien is real, hope someday Ill meet them. But God first, ![]()
Hexenmeister |
18.10.2009 - 07:30
I'd like to think if alien lifeforms had visited this planet in the ancient past, they would have shared with us secrets such as how to build a hyperdrive system or the cure for cancer. If all they taught us was how to build stone pyramids in the middle of the desert, then we got ripped off.
TheBigRossowski |
18.10.2009 - 16:35 Written by Hexenmeister on 18.10.2009 at 07:30 No. According to this theory, they visited the Earth and gave the beings here the means to build their own civilzations and have only observed in the meantime. Why would they have given mankind the cure to cancer if at that time, no one even knew what cancer was? We're still developing and if there are/were ancient astronauts, they would probably let us figure things out on our own as we've been doing. Erich von Däniken is in Friedberg tonight! My wife and I are going to check out his program. Hopefully I don't receive any alarms because then I'd have to take off and work.
---- That rug really tied the room together, did it not?
Valentin B Iconoclast |
18.10.2009 - 17:47 Written by Ph0eNiX on 07.05.2009 at 23:01 that is not true. look at chimps, they organize hunting parties and kill members of other groups, it's a known fact.
Hexenmeister |
18.10.2009 - 17:49 Written by TheBigRossowski on 18.10.2009 at 16:35 Well, as far as I'm concerned, then that just makes the theory even more ridiculous. A basic study of human history shows that civilizations developed naturally as a result of the advent of farming. I don't see any evidence of some highly advanced civilization coming along and just dropping this knowledge into our laps. It was a result of human evolution. It's not like we just suddenly starting building ziggurats one day. I've read a little about the theories that the Sumerian gods were actually aliens or whatever. Frankly there's good reason why these ideas don't get any respect in the historical community. Don't get me wrong they're fun to talk about, but have no basis in reality.
TheBigRossowski |
19.10.2009 - 17:42 Written by Hexenmeister on 18.10.2009 at 17:49 Correct-a-mundo! Civilizations did develop on their own, but with a little push. I'm not saying I believe all this stuff, but I wouldn't deny the possibility. Some of the things we saw last night at Erich von Däniken's show were quite interesting. Mathematical equations of the locations of cities, the structure of Stonehenge as seem from above (built directly to match our solar system). Of course, these things we saw could be coincidences, but it's still a possibility. And the idea that the Earth is NOT flat was also quite the laughing before a few hundred years.
---- That rug really tied the room together, did it not?
SilentScream Blasphemer |
03.04.2010 - 18:17
It is always tempting to plug the ''Deus ex machina'' excuse when one does not have the answers to some questions... I think one should not be fooled by such temptations and easy answers to extremely complex subjetcs.
Lucas Mr. Noise Elite |
03.04.2010 - 19:14
I'm more inclined to believe that sudden brain/mind expansion is caused by the (unknowingly) consumption of magic mushrooms rather than aliens, seeing as, well, magic mushrooms can be found on the Earth itself and aliens cannot (on your average wednesday, that is). I'm more inclined to believe that, but it's not something I think is definitely and utterly true. But I find it an interesting theory. Although I don't think they're Gods gift to humans or the path to worldwide peace, I do think that if psychedelics are good at something, it's offering a new perspective on things. Philosophically, that is. But I shouldn't really talk too much about psychedelics.
---- SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what? "The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
SilentScream Blasphemer |
05.04.2010 - 22:28
And how does someone ''unknowingly'' consume magic mushrooms?
Lucas Mr. Noise Elite |
05.04.2010 - 22:42 Written by SilentScream on 05.04.2010 at 22:28 What do you mean? It's simple: you're a neanderthal, or during whatever homo xxx phase the great 'brain expansion' took place, you're hungry, see some mushrooms and decide to eat them. You'll probably notice something 'different' after an hour or so, but that's exactly my point.
---- SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what? "The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
SilentScream Blasphemer |
06.04.2010 - 01:05 Written by Lucas on 05.04.2010 at 22:42 So why didn't any other animals get ''brain expansions'' as well?
Lucas Mr. Noise Elite |
06.04.2010 - 12:15 Written by SilentScream on 06.04.2010 at 01:05 Hmm, that's a good question. (Although the same could be asked about the ancient astronauts/aliens, why didn't they boost the intelligence of animals?). Well, maybe for brain expansion too occur because of magic mushrooms, there's a required certain predisposition in the brain, or something... like, memory. When we eat magic mushrooms, we realize reality has changed because we remember a time trees weren't 'talking' to us and physical objects didn't just change forms at random. For an animal, who lacks real grasp of 'reality', such a comparison would be impossible. But really, I don't know what I'm talking about. Not sure if I made any sense in this post, or my earlier posts. Just thought it was a fun idea. ![]()
---- SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what? "The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
SilentScream Blasphemer |
06.04.2010 - 16:32
The thing is, animals DO have memories : if your cat ever walked onto a hot stove, trust me, he will not do that again! So I do not believe that is a good explination. The idea of having a predisposition is more plausible. Oh I know its just a fun idea. I just wanted to see how far you would go with it. That is how one can really ''test'' a theory though. And each theory should go through the test of basic questions before being published, ideally.
Baz Anderson Staff |
06.04.2010 - 17:03
Well the stove is just conditioning, it is hardly a "memory" as humans think of it. Why didn't other animals get "brain expansions"? (haha, what a funny term you're using) - Their conditions did not promote it, simple as that. If an animal doesn't have to worry so much about getting food, etc. - then they can spend more time socialising. Socialising = so called "brain expansion" over time. One possible contributing factor... I just came in here randomly... I don't know anything about astronauts.
Zombie Thrash'tillDeath |
13.04.2010 - 22:05
Don't wanna sound like an asshole but i couldn't hold myself from correcting this piece of information: COLUMBUS DID NOT DISCOVER THAT THE EARTH WAS ROUND !!! The first person to PROVE that the earth is round was Ferdinand Magellan after his "round-the-world" expedition, however, people KNEW before that probably AGES ago that the earth was round, and that is why Columbus pursued a different route to India by going west instead of east... but he discovered the Americas instead, and this did NOT prove that the world is round. Egyptians, Babylonians, and other ancient civilizations knew the earth was round and always represented the world as spherical or in the shape of a dome ... it's those damn Christians in the European "dark ages" who spread the idea that the earth was flat and that the sun orbits the earth (later disproved by Galileo) and anything one who dared opposing them would be accused of heresy and put to death.. see, religion was ALWAYS pro-science ![]() anyways, back to the topic ... i think we can never prove or disprove the existence of extra-terrestrial life just like we can never prove of disprove the existence of god.. it's a matter of belief... coz as there are lots of evidences or signs of their existence, none of'em is convincing enough or providing undeniable proof.
---- None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
Zombie Thrash'tillDeath |
14.04.2010 - 01:50
Check these out: 10,000 BC, Italy: ![]() 1350: ![]() 5,500 BC, Utah: ![]() 603-683 A.D, Mayan Empire: ![]()
---- None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
Clintagräm Shrinebuilder |
14.04.2010 - 03:51 Written by Zombie on 13.04.2010 at 22:05 Extraterrestrial life and god(s) are not the same thing. It only becomes similar when it's "reasoned" without physical proof.
---- The force will be with you, always.
Zombie Thrash'tillDeath |
14.04.2010 - 21:48 Written by Clintagräm on 14.04.2010 at 03:51 technically speaking, god IS an extra-terrestrial as he doesn't live on earth (lives in heaven/sky) .. [the exact translation of extra-terrestrial is "not of this earth"]
---- None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
Winterthrone |
29.04.2010 - 02:12
Yes, there is plenty of historical evidences that we might have been visited by a form of extra-terrestrial life in the past. One of the best examples is the figures that are only visible from the sky in Nazca. Even if they were built by men, why would have they built such figures at a time when there was no way for them to see the final result? Another one would be the images posted here by eez_zombie, which are authentic. Stonehenge is also a disturbing fact for the people who contradict these theories: how the people who built it got the knowledge to build a perfect calendar and representation of the solar system? However, I think that these theories are raising more questions than they are actually answering to the great philosophical questions: who are we? why are we? who/what has created us? where do we come from? where are we going? If there has been contact with another life-form in the past, who were they? Where were they coming from? Did they give us a push in the back for civilization or not? And the most important question IMO: why, if there has been such a contact, can't we, without any shadow of doubt, prove it? I'm still busy thinking about this....
Clintagräm Shrinebuilder |
29.04.2010 - 02:20 Written by Winterthrone on 29.04.2010 at 02:12 So that is considered "historical evidences?" That's news to me.
---- The force will be with you, always.
Winterthrone |
29.04.2010 - 02:36 Written by Clintagräm on 29.04.2010 at 02:20 Yes but notice the word " Might" just after that! I mean there is some evidences that might lead to this conclusion, but there is not enough evidences to prove those theories. Do not read fragments, but whole posts please.
Clintagräm Shrinebuilder |
29.04.2010 - 02:44 Written by Winterthrone on 29.04.2010 at 02:36 Oh I read your whole post alright. You could have evidence that might lead to many conclusions; but that doesn't mean we should follow them.
---- The force will be with you, always.