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Posted by Ragana, 05.12.2011 - 22:16
plus, if one's worrying about the language... well, um, practice makes perfect, right? reading books is one of the best ways how to improve your knowledge in any language.
AnGina-- Dark Phoenix |
01.09.2015 - 15:27 Written by BitterCOld on 16.07.2015 at 23:20 It wasn't annoying to me. ![]() Anyway, after binge-watching SOA, I finished it two weeks ago and it still hurts soooo much. So much. I mean, seriously, I'm liek dead inside. I want nothing but to watch SOA furthermore, I miss the guys so much. This is really insane that a TV show engulfed me so heavily, it has never happened to me before. Now I can't even watch anything, everything I start instantly sucks to me. #SOA4ever
---- You think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it. Molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was a man. But it was nothing to me but blinding.
BitterCOld The Ancient One Admin |
06.09.2015 - 01:38
Watching Narcos on Netflix. Enjoying it, love it was shot in Colombia. Still want to go there at some point if we can pull it off, but flights from here to there have to stop in Sao Paolo and Lima along the way...
---- get the fuck off my lawn. Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
Bad English Tage Westerlund |
17.09.2015 - 11:34
I am watching Outlaw Chronicles - Hells Angels Story told by George Christy former angel, who was Ventura chapter president for 30 years and was around in angels from 1th days Anybody can tell me, why he was kicked out of angels, what's whit him and Sonny Barger? how long was he in jail? why was his son killed? wikia nd google don't know answer like HAMC specially deleted him name from google ![]()
---- I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens. Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die" I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
slim pickings Account deleted |
17.09.2015 - 11:50 slim pickings
Account deleted
I finished watching first season of True Detective; it was ok, the show is saved by great acting, especially Mathew McConaughey which was a pleasant surprise for me. Slightly overrated I dare say, but a good entertaining show. I'm gonna watch season 2 soon.
Zap |
17.09.2015 - 12:54 Written by [user id=17278] on 17.09.2015 at 11:50 Yeah, I agree. It has great acting, some interesting philosophical themes and one incredible single take tracking shot (in episode 4 or 5 I think,) but overall it wasn't as good as people made it out to be and the ending was predictable bollocks if you ask me.
BitterCOld The Ancient One Admin |
22.09.2015 - 04:14
Fun watching the A-Team and Murder She Wrote on Netflix in the background while i work. funny to see the "star power" in some of those.
---- get the fuck off my lawn. Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
IronAngel |
24.09.2015 - 14:17
Anyone seen the six-part BBC miniseries Wolf Hall? It's based on Hilary Mantel's first two books about Thomas Cromwell (the final part should be out sometime next year). Historical fiction is usually a terrible genre, but her books got praise both in literary circles and among historians. The series is really good. The casting is excellent and visually it avoids the dreary middle age clichés of dark, smoke, dirt etc. I heartily recommend it, it is far above the Tudors turd or even Pillars of the Earth.
!J.O.O.E.! Account deleted |
25.09.2015 - 18:44 !J.O.O.E.!
Account deleted Written by [user id=142921] on 25.09.2015 at 18:41 ![]() That typo is extra funny because of this
Bad English Tage Westerlund |
28.09.2015 - 11:23
Re start to watch Ancient Aliens
---- I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens. Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die" I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
Vombatus Potorro |
28.09.2015 - 13:33
Finished yesterday season 3 of House of Cards, and quite liked it. Step up from s2 that was too over the top to my liking, though no s1, which remains ones of my absolute favorite series.
ylside Staff |
30.09.2015 - 19:00
Watched Mr Robot - then Narcos. Mr Robot began great, finished horribly IMO - reaaaaally bored me halfway through, but many people did like it fully. I am grateful I found Narcos to compensate. WIll follow by Band of Brothers, and Show me a Hero. Written by BitterCOld on 06.09.2015 at 01:38 It's excellent, I really liked it. I like sober shows like that... down to earth, sticking to it's subject, and not overdone. Aaand it got me to go read about Escobar on Wikipedia... Apparently Colombians liked the show but were very annoyed at the different spanish accents of the actors - they said (online) that Wagner Moura's accent was waaay off, for a main character, as he is Brazilian obviously. I am glad I can't catch the various spanish accent subteties then ![]()
Zap |
30.09.2015 - 19:36 Written by ylside on 30.09.2015 at 19:00 Glad someone agrees about Mr Robot. Great start, but went down the drain pretty quickly and the last episode had my eyes in a perpetual state of eye-rolling. *SPOILER* especially the twist which was predictable at that point and lifted straight from a very famous film/novel (you'll know which one if you've seen it) *END OF SPOILER* I should check out Narcos, but I'm pretty much done with live action tv series for the moment. I'd rather spend my time watching stuff like Rick And Morty. Might return to House Of Cards for the latest season but after that it's definitely back to books and the occasional movie.
ylside Staff |
30.09.2015 - 19:44 Written by Zap on 30.09.2015 at 19:36 I began rolling eyes at that plot twist aswell... "NOT THIS TRICK AGAIN..." - How many times will this "twist" appear in future movies / books ? It's one of those things that works amazingly but only once.. once you know it, it doesn't strike you as hard as the first time. Haha yes you're right not even saying the name, uttering it will break it directly for those who haven't seen Mr Robot. There's apparently a second season coming up, not sure I'll bother.
Zap |
30.09.2015 - 19:48 Written by ylside on 30.09.2015 at 19:44 At the end of the second season he will wake up in a mental institution and realize it was all a dream or something. I'm definitely staying away from that.
BitterCOld The Ancient One Admin |
30.09.2015 - 21:23 Written by ylside on 30.09.2015 at 19:00 Yeah, the accent thing is funny to some degree. A friend of mine is Mexican-American, went to ASU in Phoenix, speaks Spanish. Can communicate down here pretty well, even though Paraguayan Spanish is often crossbred with Guarani. Was staying at a hostel in Chile, sitting with some Argentinians and a couple Chilenos. The Chilenos started yapping excitedly about something while he and the Argentinians just looked at each other and shrugged as if to indicate "what the fuck these guys sayin?" Amusingly while my Spanish is bad, i try to keep it extremely simple (in much the way a certain poster here doesn't) and thus have been able to navigate my way around PY, BA, Mendoza, Santiago and even Rio with it. Can see why the Brazilian speaking some Bra-Portuguese inflected Spanish would annoy people. Show was renewed for another season. There was much rejoicing. _____ Stupid fun bit. Murder She Wrote on in the background again today. Episode "Menace, Anyone?" (Tennis tournament was the location... ba-dum-ching) featured a pre-Dentist/Meth Slanging Bryan Cranston blown up by a car bomb, and Linda Hamilton horribly distraught. It was a disappointing episode, though. Was hoping she'd be murdered so it could put an end to (or another absurd new timeline in) the Terminator universe. we didn't even get Ahnuld showing up at the Tennis Club, saying something stupid like "I'll be backhand" and gunning everyone down.
---- get the fuck off my lawn. Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
ylside Staff |
01.10.2015 - 00:43
If everything goes as I think, second season should be the last too. Unless you know... excessive monetary offers happens
Vombatus Potorro |
04.10.2015 - 16:48
Was late to the party, but recently watched Fargo. So. Good. The sort of dark atmosphere that gravitates over the characters coupled with some outstanding acting made it somewhat reminiscent of the first True Detective, yet retains a clear identity. Loved the duality between Lester and Malvo.
ylside Staff |
14.11.2015 - 14:26
The excellent Show me a Hero - excellent only if you appreciate David Simonesque story-telling and the exploration of real issues that you can read about elsewhere and check the real sources. Excellent. the real stuff
no one Account deleted |
18.11.2015 - 01:08 no one
Account deleted
I.t crowd Pretty funny but tries a bit too hard at times
Marcel Hubregtse Grumpy Old Fuck Elite |
18.11.2015 - 03:27 Written by [user id=136611] on 18.11.2015 at 01:08 I enjoy the series although it is totally not believable at all. Even The Big Bang Theory is more believable than this.
---- Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.) 05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996
no one Account deleted |
18.11.2015 - 08:59 no one
Account deleted Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 18.11.2015 at 03:27 sooo unbelievable I'm going to watch the Mighty Boosh next, i heard thats pretty funny with a similar humor.
psykometal A staff guy... Elite |
19.11.2015 - 20:11
Been staying on top of Arrow, The Flash, and One Punch Man. Recently finished The Blacklist season 2 on Netlfix; love James Spader, the man can do no wrong.
---- ~Zep, Database and Forum Moderation~
ylside Staff |
27.11.2015 - 19:28
Right now I am rewatching The Sopranos.
no one Account deleted |
03.01.2016 - 21:25 no one
Account deleted
Unwillingly just watched all episodes of Orange Is The New Black Pretty damn lame really, if anyone want's to watch a decent TV series based in a womans prison, watch Wentworth.
Zap |
05.01.2016 - 21:31
Watched the first two seasons of Misfits recently. I never got further than that when it first aired and this time I started season three, but had to stop watching after half an hour. I guess it says a lot about a show if one member of the cast leaving means the show isn't worth watching anymore.
Metren Dreadrealm |
09.01.2016 - 12:16
Watched "Come Fly With Me" recently. I found it pretty funny and I am so glad they only made six episodes. Had they made several seasons, it would probably have gone downhill, with the running gags becoming too predictable and boring. There's only so many times the same angry customer can say: "We've had the holiday from hell" before it becomes lame, but it never happened in this show. The show became better with each new episode and ended on a high note. Definitely recommended for fans of British humor.
---- My one-man project's Bandcamp with free downloads:
Paz ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Elite |
12.01.2016 - 21:19
Ash vs Evil Dead The continuation of the well-known trilogy. Bloody and funny half-hour feast, spiced up with a great soundtrack. Love it to pieces!
12.01.2016 - 21:30
Only fools and horses .I really love that show,grew up on it classic stuff!
---- "Cross is only an iron,hope is just an illusion,freedom is nothing but a name..." "Build your walls of the dead stone...Build your roofs of a dead wood..Build your dreams of a dead thoughts"
no one Account deleted |
12.01.2016 - 23:09 no one
Account deleted Written by Paz on 12.01.2016 at 21:19 just got told to watch this from friend
AnGina-- Dark Phoenix |
26.01.2016 - 22:45
New season of Shameless! ![]()
---- You think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it. Molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was a man. But it was nothing to me but blinding.